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Lately, my mental health has gotten a lot worse than t it was, I've been really anxious and just having more panic and anxiety attacks.

Social media is becoming a real nightmare for me, a lot of Mason's fans have been spreading lies or rumours about me and it's gotten to the point where their sending me death threats.

I know, every person gets hate but when my mental health is declining, it makes me feel worse.

I haven't told Mason yet, because I don't want him to worry. But I can't hide it any longer. I can't keep it quiet.

Few hours later...

I hear the front door open, to myself and my boyfriends house. I immediately know who it is as I know how he shuts the door. It's Mason.

I'm laying on the sofa in the living room, just staring at the ceiling in thought, I'm not normally like this but today, I'm not myself.

"Hey babe, I'm home" I hear him shouting throughout the house.

"Hi" I yell back but not as loud and it was a weak.

I finally sit up as he enters the living room, probably seeing the sad look on my face. I give Mase a weak smile before going to the kitchen.

"Is everything okay?" he questions, confused and concerned as to why I'm upset

"Yeah, just tired" I lie, not wanting to tell him. 

"Are you sure" he asks again, wanting to know what's wrong.

"I'm sure" I lie again, turning my back towards him.

I hear Mason walking up behind me, his strong arms, wrap around my waist and his chin rests on my shoulder. I smile to myself, feeling lucky that I have him.

"Are you sure your okay" Mason asks one finally time.

"It's nothing. I'm being silly" I say but this time, he knows I'm keeping something from him. 

He takes my hand and leads me to the sofa. I sit next to him, looking at the floor upset.

Mason's pov

As I look into Y/n's eyes, I see tears starting to form, one slowly drops down her cheek. I put my hand on her thigh. She looks at me, like she's ready to break.

"What's going on?" I ask concerned, she's never like this.

"Everyone hates me" she finally breaks, her eyes water and her hands go up to her face.

"What are you...who hates you" I question, looking at her. I grab her hands and wipe the tears away with with my thumbs.

"Your fans Mase. All of them hate me, what's wrong with me? Y/n says, making my heart break.

"There is nothing wrong with you, their just jealous of you. I promise you. "I say, not breaking eye contact from her.

I move closer to her, one of my hands resting on her thigh and the other one, still wiping away tears. I hug her tightly as she continues to breakdown in tears. I feel so guilty, I didn't even know this was happening. 

"I'm sorry for not telling you about this, I thought I could deal with it on my own" Y/n says through breaths, trying to calm herself down.

"It's not your fault at all, I would've done the same thing. Just promise me, if it gets worse, you'll tell me" I ask seriously, I hate seeing her cry. I just wish I could take all the hate instead, she doesn't deserve it.

"I promise, can we watch a movie please and cuddle" she asks quietly but also with a weak smile

"Of course, anything for you" I answer to her, letting her lay on me.

She lays on top with me, with her head on my chest. I can hear her small snores as he head is just underneath my chin, which I find adorable. I turn on her favourite movie, to fall asleep too. I kiss the top of her head, before I look down at her. I notice her eyes looking into mine.

"I want to grow old with you" I whisper to her with a smile.

"I wanna grow old with you too" she whispers back, smiling from ear to ear.


Author's note:

Edited: 11/12/22

Published: 6/03/22

Let me know if you have any ideas, if I've made any grammar mistakes or anything, please let me know.

Thank you for reading!

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