Prank 2

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While Mason is at training, I decide to film another prank because I have a perfect idea.

I get out of bed, shower and change into some gym clothes as I want to go to the gym before doing the prank. I take the camera with me so I could record some bits before the prank.

"What's up Mount fans, today I'm off too the gym before I prank Mason because we all like to see Mason scared or worried" I talk to the camera joking.

I laugh to myself as I leave our house and walk down to the gym, with my backpack and holding the camera.

"I'm now off to the gym. I'm not going to spend a lot of time because Mason's going to be back around 3 and it's nearly 12 now so I better get a move on" I continue speaking to the camera. 

I arrive at the gym around 12:30. I set the camera up watching me on the treadmill. I put my airpods in, listening to my playlist. The gym was mostly quiet which I like as I was recording and I feel very awkward recording by myself.

Once I was done, I grab the camera and leave the gym. I walk back to our house, and start to get ready for the prank.

"So, I judt got back from the gym and now it's time for the prank. I'm going to keep my gym wear on as I'm going to say I got attacked walking home or something like that" I mention, explaining the prank.

I grab my makeup bag and a mirror so I could see what I was doing. I face the camera towards me.

"I feel so bad for my editor right now but you've do what you've gotta do. Anyway, I'm gonna do my makeup so I'll see you guys once I've done" I explain before turning the camera off.

I turn the camera off. I use my makeup to make myself look like I have a black eye. Once I make it look realistic, I start to get ready for the prank as it's almost 3. I hide the camera so Mason won't see it.

"Okay, so...I was in a rush doing my makeup because Mason texted me saying he was getting ready to leave but I think it looks realistic, it looks real to me but I don't know. I've hidden the camera so time for the prank" I quickly say, mentally panicking as I don't want Mason to walk in.

I make sure the camera is hidden before sitting on the kitchen counter carefully covering my 'black' eye with with hand. I hear the door open and I start to quietly fake cry. I hear Mason walk through the house singing to himself.

Mason's pov

I can hear the t.v playing so I know Y/n was home from the gym. I walk through the house singing to myself. I stop in the kitchen, when I see Y/n sitting on the counter covering her eye and crying.

"Baby, what's wrong" I ask concerned but she turns her face away from me.

"N...Nothing, its fine" I hear her say, stuttering.

I walk over to her. I notice her hand covering her eye. Something is definitely wrong.

"Are you okay, did something happen?" I question getting concerned.

Y/n removes her hand as she looks at me. I look at her left eye and see a bruise forming around her eye. I look at her with concern.

"What happened? Who did this?" I question, worried about her.

"I was walking home from the gym and then this guy came over to me and tried to mug me. He punched me in the eye and then left" she tells me, quietly but loud enough that I can hear.

I am absolutely fuming. Why would this guy hit Y/n? And also try to mug her, what?

"He punched you and tried to mug you" I repeat, not believing what I'm hearing.

"Yeah" she nods.

Y/n places her hand back over her eye. I grab some ice from the fridge so she can put it over her eye. I look at her with concern.

"Do you know who did it?" I question, hoping it wasn't someone I know.

"No, it was just a random guy" She answers.

"I'm gonna call the police" I tell her, ready to grab my phone. 

I can sense Y/n panicking. I grab her hand to calm her down.

"We don't need to call the police" she tells me, kinda stressed.

"You got assaulted, we need to call the police" I remind her.

I grab my phone but Y/n stops me. I see her smiling. I sigh out in relief, when I notice the camera a few seconds later. I curse under my breath before hugging Y/n. She kisses me on the lips, making sure I was okay. I kiss her back, before helping her off the counter.

"Its a prank" she laughs out, finding my sigh of relief of funny.

I shake my head with a smile, as she grabs the camera.

We both finish the video, before chilling out after a long day.

I'm gonna have to get her back. I think to myself.


Edited: 24/11/22

Published: 24/07/22

I'm sorry if this is rushed, please let me know if theres anything I can do to change it.

If you have any requests please let me know.

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