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I was home alone, with myself and my little girl, Mia. My boyfriend is at training, for his match on Sunday.

Mia was too busy playing with her toys, to notice that I left to go the bathroom. For some reason, I decided to take a pregnancy test, I was feeling weird and I wanted to test, to ease my mind.

I did my best to hurry up, as I know Mia would start crying if I was gone for too long. I did my business and peed on the stick before putting it on the counter. I wash my hands before opening the door, as soon as I open the door Mia walks in.

"What you doing mumma" my two year old said, looking at me with confusion.

"I'm doing a test" I say as I pick her up and balancing her on my hip.

I looked at myself in the mirror, for a good few seconds, before checking my watch. I decided to turn the test over. I looked at Mia, before looking at it. My heart dropped. I'm pregnant. Two lines.

My eyes fell with tears, Mia immediately hugged me, something she would always do when I was upset.

"What's wrong mumma?" she questions, wanting to know what's wrong.

"Mia, your going to be a big sister" I say, smiling through tears.

"Yay" she gives me a smile and starts cheering, causing me to smile.

I take a breath, before thinking about Mason. Does he want another child? Is he ready to be a dad again? Thoughts rush through my head both negative and positive.

I decide to take a couple of more tests, just to make sure that I am pregnant. After taking around 6 tests, all the tests come back positive. Okay. I'm definitely pregnant.

"Okay, how should we tell daddy" I ask Mia, who's jumping up and down excitedly.

"Can I tell him?" I hear her say, warming my heart. She really is an angel.

"Of course you can, sweetie" I reply, causing her to wrap her arms around my neck.


Around 5 hours later, it's time to tell Mason that I'm pregnant. Again. Nerves fill my body, like they did when I was about to tell Mason, I was pregnant with Mia. God knows, how I did it without having a freaking panic attack.

Mia and I were standing in the kitchen, I was cooking while Mia was sitting on the counter, holding 2 positive pregnancy tests.

My heart drops to my stomach, as the door opens. He's here.

"Hey, I'm home" I hear Mason, shout through the house.

"We're the kitchen" I stutter, something I do when I'm nervous.

I watch Mason, walk into the kitchen, he comes over to me, giving me a kiss on the lips before leaning on the kitchen counter.

"How's my little angel" he says, speaking to Mia. Mia starts laughing, excitedly.

"Dadda, something exciting has happened" she says, causing Mason to smile at the both of us.

"What's happened?" He says, talking to Mia.

I watch Mia, take the pregnancy tests and putting them onto her lap. Mason furrows his eyebrows, before realising what the result it is. He turns to me, with tears in his eyes.

"No way" he answers, picking up the tests. All I do is nod at him, as tears start to fall down my face.

"You're going to be a dad again" I manage to say, through tears.

Mason pulls me into a tight hug, we let Mia join the hug.

"I love you" Mason whispers to me, causing me to let out a big smile.

"I love you too" I reply, I could feel Mason smiling from my shoulder.

Now all we have to do is, tell our family and friends. And also the fans.


Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't updated this book in a long time, I ran out of ideas but I'll probably start updating again.

If you have any requests, let me know.

I don't know if I'll keep writing in this book but as of right now I will.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day.

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