Period cramps

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My stomach's been hurting ever since I woke up this morning and it's been getting worse. I had a feeling that it was my period as I'm due on any day now.

I walk into the kitchen, holding me and Mason's dog in my arms. Mason's currently cooking us both something to eat.

"I'm just about to dish out" Mason says, lifting up his head to look at me.

"I'm...I'm not really hungry" I admit due to my stomach hurting from cramps.

Mason gives me a look and I put Winnie (our dog) back onto the floor. I lean against the kitchen counter.

"Why aren't you hungry?" he questions as I was the one who said I wanted something to eat.

"My stomach hurts" I say in a childish voice, something I do when I'm in pain.

Mason walks over to me and carefully places his hands around my stomach. I wince in pain, as the cramps begin to hurt again.

"Am I hurting you" Mason asks feeling guilty as he sees me wince in pain.

"No its my stomach, its not you" I respond, resting my head on Mason's chest.

I take a breath as the pain leaves again, Mase kisses my head before carefully picking me up and placing me on the sofa, our dog Winnie starts barking at Mase making me laugh.

"Our dogs jealous of you Mase" I tell him, to which he chuckles.

"Stupid dog, I'm trying to take care of you" Mase jokingly says while putting a blanket over me.

"I'm sorry babe" I tell him, feeling guilty that I told him I wasn't hungry.

"Don’t be silly, you can't help it and we can have the food later" Mason ressures me but I feel guilty.

Mason sits on the sofa next to where I'm laying, he turns his body to face me. I put my arms out in front of me in the air, making it clear I want cuddles.

"Cuddles please" I say folding my bottom lip to make it look like I'm sad.

"Anything for you" he replies, slowly lifting me up and laying next to me.

I cuddle into him as I feel another cramp coming on, I groan quietly in his chest, I feel his head move to look at me.

"Is it another cramp?" Mase asks as he must have heard me groan.

"Yeah, I don't understand why they hurt so badly" I question in pain, wincing when Mason puts his hand on my stomach.

"Take a quick nap and then try eat something" Mase suggests trying to make me feel better.

I nod slowly while starting to fall asleep, Mason kisses my head, while I fall asleep. He holds me tightly, not letting me go.


It's England vs USA today? What do you think the score will be?

Also if you have any ideas please let me know, you don't have too.

Thank you for reading!

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