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Mason hasn't had the best season; especially with how many matches Chelsea have lost.

In my spare time, I've done everything I can to cheer him up and just spend it all with him. But this has taken so much into the time I have at work.

My work load has increased and the more I get done, the more I have to get through. I try to keep this private from Mason, because I know he'll begin to worry about me.

"Hey Y/n, could you plan the assembley for tomorrow?" one of my co-workers says to me as I leave my classroom. My thoughts leave my brain as she continues to talk. "It's just for this week as I've got a date night" she adds before smiling at me.

I place a smile on my face, before nodding my head. "Of course yeah, you go have fun" I reply before my co-worker gives me a hug and walks out of the school.

My smile falls from my face as I place my things in my car, heading back to my shared house with my boyfriend, who should be back from training.


An hour later, I'm sitting in the living room still in my work clothes staring into nothing. My mind races with thoughts, thinking back to what my co-worker said. I don't even remember the last time me and Mason went on a date.

Tears prick my eyes as I wonder if Mason actually loves me. I do the best I can to be the most perfect girlfriend to him.

The door opens, to what I assume is my boyfriend who just got home from training. "Hey babe" Mason shouts through the house, I hear him place his keys into the cupboard.

"Hi" I say tiredly, not having the energy to shout back.

It takes him a second until he's in the living room. My eyes have bags underneath them from the lack of sleep and with the tears that I've been holding in. "Are you okay?" Mason asks as he takes a seat next to me.

I nod at him silently. My eyes go to the ground, not wanting to look at him in the eyes. I know he could read my face, if I stared at him for too long. He could always just know what was wrong. "I'm fine" I say, before standing up and going to our bedroom. 

As I go upstairs to our bedroom, I could hear his footsteps from behind me, following me like a lost puppy. I went into the bathroom to change into a black hoodie and some white joggers. I didn't feel the need to get dressed up, I didn't have a reason too. 

"Y/n something's bothering you. What is it?" Mason asks, knocking on the door as he speaks concerned as I haven't been like this in a long time. "Please, talk to me" he adds quietly but loud enough for me to hear. 

I open the bathroom door, and my face drops as soon as I notice his brown chocolate eyes dropping with sadness. "I,I don't know if my job is for me Mase" I finally say. My tears choke me up, as I finally said it outload. 

"You love teaching, you always have. Has someone said something?" he replies, pulling me into a hug as I let my tears finally fall. "I wish I noticed you felt this way" he mutters silently, but I manage to just hear it.

"I didn't want to tell you, you've been struggling with football at the moment and I just wanted to be a perfect girlfriend to you" I admit to him, and his eyes go soft as he looks at me. "I'm not the girl who should be dating you, I don't know what you see in me" I add, my voice breaking.

Mason kisses me on the lips, he looks at me in the eyes. "You are so fucking perfect and it pains me that you can't see it" he tells me passionately. His eyes roam my body, like he's picking every detail that he finds attractive. "Your so goregous y/n" he adds.

We both lay on the bed together in each other's arms. Our legs tangled together, as I rest my head on his chest, relaxing in his touch.

"You mean so much to me, and these past weeks I'm so so sorry if I've made you overwork yourself. I'm so sorry" he says to me, pressing a kiss on my forehead.

I shake my head at him, "It's not your fault, you mean so much more to me than you realise, I don't know what I would to without you" I reply before kissing his lips.

Sometimes you just need to talk and sort things out, that's why I love Mason. He knows when somethings wrong straight away and he somehow knows how to fix it.

He's the reason I try so hard, he's the reason I never give up when my job gets difficult. Mason is my home.


authors note
I don't know if I like this one, but what do you guys think?

Let me know if you have any suggestions on what I should write next.

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