The Breakup Part 2

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A couple months have passed since the whole breakup between me and Mason. I can tell my friends were still  worried about me as I haven't gone out with them and I know Lauren was worried as I don't text or call that much anymore.

Lauren, Dec's girlfriend, invited me to a West Ham game and me being the people pleaser I am, I said yes.

I wake up early to get ready. I change into a white crop top, blue ripped jeans and a blue denim jacket (or whatever you like). I make myself a cup of tea, because it's my favourite drink and for breakfast I make myself some eggs and bacon.

As time goes on on, I grab my stuff and go into the taxi that I ordered. I text Lauren to tell her that I'm on my way.

As I near closer to the stadium, I notice Chelsea fans arriving. I know this was Lauren's idea. I get out the taxi and immediately feel like I was going to cry from heartbreak. All I see is "Mount" on the back of fans shirt. I quickly walk into the stadium, and meet Lauren in the audience, close to the front. I'm not allowed in the V.I.P as I'm not a family member anymore.

"Before you yell or scream at me, I didn't realise they were playing Chelsea" Lauren tells me, even though I knew she knew. 

"First of all, that's a lie and I know the reason you invited me" I tell her, she doesn't make eye contact telling me that I was right.

"I had to get you out of your flat, you were worrying me" Lauren says making me feel bad.

"I've been blowing up all over social media let me tell you that" I admit, Lauren turns to me confused.

"What do you mean?" She questions, not knowing what happened. 

"Fans of Mason are all apologising to me" I tell her, to which I see her jaw open.

"Your kidding" Lauren says shocked, not believing me.

"No I'm not, there all sorry that I broke my heart and Mason’s" I say, not believing myself, even though I'm telling the truth.

"Have you watched any Chelsea games since you know" Lauren asks me intrigued.

"No, I've tried but it hurts too much" I admit, not going into too much detail.

"Mase is just not himself, he hasn't scored, or anything ever since you broke up with me" she tells me, making me feel guilty. I wish we didn't break up. 

"I followed him again" I blurt out by accident, causing a few people to turn to us.

"Go on girl, this is what we like to see" she cheers happily, making me smile a little. 

"I really hope he doesn't see me because it's just gonna break me" I tell her, stressed out of my mind.

My heart's beating so fast, I feel like it would bounce out of my chest. Fans scream loudly as the players leave the tunnel to warm-up before the game. I could see Mason straight away, I just knew my eyes would go straight to him. He didn't see me luckily. I see Dec go over to Mason. Dec knows I'm here.

Mason's pov

I try my best to distract my mind, I haven't been well recently and everyone knows why.

For some reason, I see Dec walk up to me, he was smiling. What is he so happy about?

"I need to tell you that Y/n's here" Dec says, my eyes go wide.

"What..." I say shocked, my heart is still broken and she's at a game. Is she with anyone?

"She's with Lauren" He tells me, easing my mind that she isn't with another man.

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