PART 2 - Yuma's Worry

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It's the next night, I begin to wake up slowly. Usually, I don't like to get up, But I really don't want Enzukai Yelling at me again, She can be really harsh at times.

"Ugh..I guess it's time to get up.." I say as i quickly stretch and crawl out of my room.
The only person i see is Yuma, She seems to be waiting for the others to wake up.

"Hey Yuma, You waiting for the others..?" I say as I crawl next to her.

"Yes i am. They're usually awake before me, So I have a feeling their oversleeping. I'm glad you're awake though, Netamo." She responded.

"Well..I guess we should wait for them. We don't wanna leave them behind." I said to Yuma, We always wanna make sure we don't leave each other behind.


It was about 15 minutes until I heard Enzukai (Jealousy) Come out of her room. Jeez, It was about time.

"Hey. Surprised to see you guys here, How long were you even waiting for?" Enzukai Asked

"About 15 Minutes, Do you know if Kintoru is awake?" I asked

"Not that i know of." Enzukai responded. I'm surprised she didn't respond rudely like she usually does. It feels pretty different.

"What If something happened..? Should we check up on her..?" Yuma asked worryingly.

"Hm..You have a point. We should go, You never know when something bad is going to happen." Enzukai said.

We quickly made our way to Kintoru/Sama's Room, She's usually awake before us, Did something happen..?

Well..Let's Not think about it..


I shake Kintoru's Doorknob. It's locked. Something is definitely wrong here.
I knock on her door

"Kintoru..? Are you okay?? I'm really concerned."
No response. I didn't give up though. I kept knocking a few times until..I heard crying..?

Finally, Kintoru opened the door, And I can see tears going down her face. She isn't like this, there's definitely something going on. I know there is, She just won't tell us.

"What Do you guys want. I'm busy Here-" She said a sentence, But I cut her off.

"Kintoru, What were you doing in there?! You had me worried sick!" I said, Having a really worried look on my face.

"Don't worry about it. We can talk about that another day, Alright?" Kintoru said

"I guess so.." I responded, I was really worried for her but I'll listen to her for now. I'm just h0ping it wasn't anything bad.

I watched Kintoru walk out of her room, Going beside Enzukai and Netamo, Both of them looking at her before facing me.

" So... Are we gonna go now? This is our first free night so let's at least use our time wisely. " Netamo asked.

" Sure. Whatever. Let's go. " Enzukai Responded.

All 4 of us walked towards the opening where we usually do our own activities. I was still worried for Kintoru However..
I shouldn't Overthink about it much though. I'll just give it time.

I closed my umbrella, Then put it beside me. I started to quietly whisper to myself..

" I still have that feeling ... I just don't know how to get rid of it.. There's definitely something wrong I just can't figure out what it is.."

A few seconds later I heard Netamo Say something.

" Hey, You alright Yuma? " She asked with a concerned tone in her voice. I could tell she was a bit worried so I assured her i was fine.

" I'm alright, Netamo. I'm just thinking about something, You don't need to worry. "

Netamo Tilted her head, But then She shrugged it off.

" Okay, Whatever you say I guess. " She said, Crawling away afterwards.


That was a close one.

• RAGE'S POV .. Again •

What was that? I mean, I know she's quiet most of the time But It felt different. I'm thinking about asking her But I don't wanna bug her about things I'm not apart of..So I guess I'll leave her alone.. For a little while at least.

After 15 minutes, I heard Kintoru call my name.

" Netamo! Come on, We're going back to our rooms, We don't wanna leave without you! "

" Oh, I'm coming! " I Called out, Quickly Getting up and crawled towards the others.
Pausing after I was right in front of them.

" Good grief. I didn't expect you to come this fast. " Enzukai said. " I guess that's sort of impressive. Since you usually take more time to come over here. "

I ignored her of course, I didn't want her getting mad. That would take forever to go through!

" Well.. Let's go. " Yuma said, Walking towards her room. Me and the others followed her from behind.

After a while, We all entered our rooms. I begin to lay down on the ground. I'm still a bit concerned about what happened earlier. I really wanna ask Yuma but.. I don't want anything bad happening. Let's just.. Not risk it... For now.


(Finally done, Huh? Yeah haha. The next chapter will be a *Sort of* Angst chapter, So Yeah. Be prepared i guess.)

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