PART 5 - A Very Concerning Night

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All 4 Beasts wake up from their Slumber. Enzukai walks out of their room, Surprisingly being the first one awake for the night. They looked around, But there was nothing but complete emptiness. They sighed and decided to sit down until the others woke up.

" This is boring as hell, I don't even know when they'll be up. " Enzukai said, They really didn't like waiting for anyone. 0 patience whatsoever, But then they heard Netamo's door open.

" Oh, Sup Enzukai, You're usually never up this early " Netamo said, stretching out his body before Slightly walking up to them.

" It's..Rare I guess. But whatever. " Enzukai replied back, They really don't like Netamo that much, But what can they do about it? The others wouldn't like it if they attacked him. They can only just deal with this for a very long time without losing their temper.

" When will the others be up, Netamo? Tonight is probably important. " Enzukai asked, not looking like they cared at all, They did, They're mostly bluffing.

" Yuma should be up soon..Not sure about Kintoru though, She hasn't been herself lately. Kinda confused about it since she's usually outgoing. "

" We might have to find out then. It's been a while since this has been happening. "

" Yep- "

Netamo paused, He heard Yuma's door open, Both him and Enzukai looked back to see Yuma slowly come out of her room, And then saw both of them next to the trees, So she decided to start walking up to them.

" Hey Enzukai and Netamo, How are you guys Tonight? " Yuma smiled slightly, but Both of them knew she was hiding her concern for Kintoru. They decided to Brush it off..For now at least, They don't want to give Yuma the wrong Idea.

" We're fine. I guess we just gotta wait for Kintoru to come out " Netamo said.

" I guess so.. "

" Wouldn't it take a while? That bitch hasn't been out of her room since that whole problem. It'll take AGES. " Enzukai said, They really didn't like waiting for anyone.

" You're bluffing Ya know. You act like you don't care, You probably do on the inside. " Netamo said, Laughing when saying that.

" You..Don't know that. " Enzukai looked away, looking slightly embarrassed.

" Not right now, Both of you. We all need to worry about Kintoru right now. We wouldn't wanna leave her behind now, would we? "

" Hm..I guess you're right. We'll just wait. "

" Whatever. "


I really didn't have a choice for what i did. I just wanted to make the evil god proud, And I'm accomplishing that..Right?

I never meant to, I wish i could apologize for each and every one of them. I guess The only ones who do forgive me are Mihari, Shaku, And Kuriko. The others..? Too hard to convince. I should really be out of this room..It has been about a few days.

I decided to walk out of my room, I kept my head down so the others wouldn't notice this sudden mood i was currently going through. I wouldn't want them to know what was wrong. I know they'd find out eventually though..Just not so soon.

I kept a smile on my face as i walked up to all 3 of them. They looked at me confused, But decided to smile back..Except for Enzukai, Haha. They always have something they don't care about.

" Hi Kintoru, Are you feeling alright? " Yuma asked, she had a worried expression on her face but smiled warmly to not accidentally give me the wrong idea, She wasn't of course but I guess she's extra careful when it comes to it.

" I'm Fine Yuma..Just a little tired " I responded to her question, trying to keep a straight smile. " Do we have a mission tonight? I wanna get it out of the way. "

" Huh that's strange, You usually take your time on these dumb missions. " Enzukai said.

" Tonight I wanna get things done. Shut up. " I told Enkuzai, Although i do care for them, it's just hard to deal with their additude at times. " C'mon, let's just go. "

" Huh..Weird. But let's go I guess. " Netamo said, Following Me.

The others paused before following Both of us too, This is..Gonna be a long night.

. . .

For me.


It's been a confusing Night, Kintoru was really quick moving on this mission, And she usually never snaps like that. What the hell is going on? Is there something wrong or what? I might have to ask her.

" Yuma! Netamo! Come here! " I called out, I waited for a few minutes before they came out when they heard my calls. I took a deep breath before telling them what we were gonna do.

" Look, I really think we should just..Check on Kintoru. She's been off lately, If there's some shit going on then we should know what kind of shit is going on. This really isn't normal. "

" We should Honestly..We've been letting this slide for a long time, I don't think we should anymore. " Netamo said, although I knew he was confused on how i was mentioning this now. Whatever i guess.

" Let's go to her room and see.. " Yuma said, Walking towards Kintoru's room. Both me and Netamo walked behind her. We really need to know what's up. This is the last straw.


Yuma knocked on Kintoru's door, No answer at first. She knocked again, And then heard Kintoru's faint response.

" Come in. " Kintoru said in a quiet tone, She's usually never this quiet so they were extremely concerned. Yuma walked into her room first, The others stayed outside the room to listen.

" What do you want, Yuma. " Kintoru looked at her slightly, She didn't look too happy to see Yuma but She didn't care.

" Kintoru..You've been acting off ever since we did that mission. What's going on? Are you okay? " Yuma looked worried. Her friends are important to her, She slightly frowned on how Kintoru was acting.

" Would you even believe me if i told you. We're beasts, Yuma. Nobody's gonna believe us. Mostly me. " Kintoru responded to Yuma, She had a bit of an Angry tone, But then tried to hold back her tears of regret.

" Kintoru..Even if nobody believes anything we say I'm gonna believe you. I'm gonna stick with you. I'm gonna listen to whatever is going on. I hate seeing you sad. " Yuma said.

" Huh.. And you say that just now, Don't you Yuma. "

" Kintoru Plea- "

Yuma was cut off by Enkuzai entering the room, Netamo Following from behind them. Kintoru was a bit shocked.

" Kintoru. We know you're hiding something. We gotta know what's wrong, At least let us know so we can help. " Netamo said, He slightly crouched to the ground, showing his worry.

" Yeah..What he said. " Enkuzai referred to Netamo's words. They did care about Kintoru, They just never show it.

" If I tell you, You better keep it private between ALL OF US. If i hear you talking about it to anyone else, ESPECIALLY THE EVIL GOD, There will be issues. Got that? "

They all nodded. They wanted to respect Kintoru's wishes, They couldn't betray their friend like that.

Let's hope it's nothing too serious.

Let's. Hope.


(HAHA CLIFFHANGER. Sorry ya'll, I don't wanna make my chapters too long lol. You'll see what happens in the next chapter, Hope ya'll liked this, Bye.)

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