PART 6 - Telling The Truth

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I was silent for a moment, This is probably the most terrifying moment ever, and I'm never terrified of anything..Well Until now. What will they think when I tell them what's been bothering me? What if they don't like me after this?

But..It's been happening for a while..I should really tell them now, I should get it over with..They'll understand, right? Right..Well at least I hope so.

" As much as I don't wanna tell you I guess it's time i do, Otherwise you wouldn't shut up about it. " I Slightly chuckled but then frowned once again. It's true however, I guess they just wanna know now.

" You gonna tell us or not? We don't got all night. " Enzukai said, scoffing after their sentence. They really are inpatient.

" So you guys know how..Our jobs were to hunt and curse some people, right? "

" Yeah? Why do you ask? " Yuma slightly tilted her head, Patiently waiting for another response from me.

" Is it bad that..I feel so..Guilty? " I kept my head down, That was a stupid thing to say. What the hell is wrong with me? Gosh they're gonna think I'm fucking stupid for sure..

" Huh? Guilty? Haven't heard that word in a while " Netamo said, He shook his head after hearing what i just said, However he wasn't disappointed, Just confused. I don't blame him though. I'd be a bit confused as well.

" You're crazy. " Enzukai said, They did sound disappointed but maybe they were just bluffing. They always do. " Feeling guilty for stuff we have to do? That's fucking du- "

" Shut it! " Yuma yelled at Enkuzai, But then looked back at me. " Kintoru, It's okay to feel guilty, We all have that feeling once in a while, it's normal. Why didn't you tell us this sooner though? We could've found ways to maybe help you! " Yuma Said, She slightly smiled at me, I smiled back.

" I guess it's because i was chicken to say how i felt, It's not that easy Haha. " I responded to Yuma. At least they took it lightly..Well 2 of them did. Enkuzai really is something else Huh, But what can we do about it? It'd be hard to convince them to not be such a jerk.

" Alright can we maybe leave now, I'm tired of staying here. " Enkuzai was about to speak again but they were cut off by Netamo.

" Ah quit being acting like a child, Haha, I don't think anyone would wanna deal with an additude like that! " Netamo laughed, Enkuzai looked at them angrily but then brushed it off.

" We'll be going now Kintoru- "

" Uhm..Mind if I come with you guys? "

" Oh, Sure "

We all walked out of My room to the trees just to hang out, It really was an emotional roller-coaster for me..Haha..Let's just hope it won't happen again.


Sometimes I feel like I'm way too much when it comes to my concern for the others. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered Kintoru about her issue so much? I could improve on that probably but..The main problem is how Enkuzai acts, They don't really feel Sympathy at all. I should probably get that checked, But not right now at least, I can't really do anything at the moment.


This really isn't a good night for me but..I should probably shrug it off and Focus on..My own thoughts? I was zoning out for a few minutes before Enkuzai decided to snap me out of it.

" Hey, You alright Yuma? You've been zoning out like a distracted student at a school. " Enkuzai said, I really don't like how they compare us to other things that aren't part of our lives, But what can i do about it? They'd probably put up a fight with me.

" I was just.. thinking about stuff. No need to worry "

" I wasn't, But okay, whatever you say, I'll just be hangin out with Kintoru for now. "

" Alright..Bye "


I watched them walk off and then looked away after a few seconds, I can't get into my thoughts now, I don't wanna zone out again, I should probably check on Netamo, Haven't heard from him yet.

I walked out of the place i was in and started searching for Netamo, Nothing seen yet. Once i looked into a few dark alleyways I've heard him ..growling..? What was he Growling for? There's nobody around here, We aren't even on a mission.

" Netamo? " I called out for him, All I heard was a huge Hiss, I flinched from the sound of it, It seemed like he wasn't having a great night either, I heard him Growling for a few moments but then he stopped after realizing it was me.

" Oh..Sorry Yuma, I thought you were someone else. "

" It's okay But..What happened? Why were you Growling? I never hear you do that unless you're on a mission "

" It's..Nothing, I don't wanna make the night worse for you, I think I'll be fine " Netamo slightly smiled, He crouched down in a calm manner to keep his cool. After a few moments he was calm.

" Well.. We should get back to the others now, I think they might be looking for us. "

" Oh..Of course. Let's go Netamo. "


Both Yuma and Netamo walked back to where the others were. It took a while to get back but it was worth the walk, Everything was fine but then Netamo started Growling again.

" Netamo? " Yuma asked concerningly, She was worried after a few seconds, What was going on? She thought he had kept his cool but apparently not..

" What's..Up with him? " Kintoru asked, Looking confused, He's never like this, What could be the problem?

They all stared at Netamo for a few moments but then His Growling turned into roaring as He dashed towards Kintoru. Kintoru closed her eyes, waiting for her unfortunate ending But...
Someone jumped in front of her..Who was it?

All she could hear were a few drops of blood..Who..Had risked their life?


( Another cliffhanger lol..Sorry, I like to keep my stories with surprises, So The next chapter should be an intense one, Be ready! )

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