PART 8 - The Talk

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So.. The talk huh? I wonder how that's gonna go, If i had to guess, Probably kinda bad, especially since I made that incident. Hopefully it'll be resolved though, I just wanna get this over with.

I follow Yuma to her room, Surprisingly It was quiet the whole time, usually Yuma would ask some questions while walking but I guess not, Maybe this is gonna go bad, At least from what I think. Hopefully not.

Finally, we made it to the room, It felt like we were walking forever Honestly, Just glad I get to sit and get this over with. The incident was pretty bad and intense, I gotta admit that. I guess that's what happened when you're the aggressive one.. Well, at least the 2nd aggressive one. I sat down, There was nothing but silence filling the air, I even started to think It'll take ages to get this talk started, But After a couple minutes Yuma spoke.

" So.. You know the incident you caused, Right..? "

She sounded a bit concerned, Why? It's pretty much over, I'm back in my normal state, I guess I just need to give her the answers to her questions, Gotta make this talk go quicker, Y'know. I was too caught up in my thoughts though, So I shook it off and responded.

" Yeah, Why? "

" How come it happened? Did you somehow lose control? Did something cause you to do that? I just.. Need answers, Netamo. This really concerns me. "

" Pfft.. Everything bad or suspicious concerns you, Yuma, You're nice n all but sometimes you can get a little overwhelmed, You need a break buddy " I laughed, Hoping to at least get some laughter out of her too, But she still had that worried expression. I have to give her an answer, or at least something.

" Hm.. Well, I don't wanna say exactly what happened, But I did lose control over it, however It shouldn't be your concern at all, It's more like a..Hm.. Personal problem "

" I see. " Yuma went on " But I feel like you should've controlled yourself a little more better, Netamo. I get it, Controlling yourself can be a little difficult, Me and the other 2 even have our own problems with it as well, But sometimes It just take practice, And I'm just hoping you'd maybe consider that. "

" Hm.. I guess you're right. Do you think I should try and apologize again though? I feel like I should.. It's better than nothing. "

I felt nothing but guilt, I just wanted to let Yuma know that I truly was sorry and I wanna make Up for it.

Yuma nodded slowly, Signaling that she agreed that it was best to apologize again, She knew it was for the better anyway, And I can't blame her for that, But It'll take some guts to have Enkuzai forgive me.

" Well.. I'll probably ask you more questions if I really need to, But run along now, Netamo. Go do what you need to do. "

" Mhm, Thanks, Yuma. This talk was something I needed, Really. "

" Of course. "


Netamo walked around, Looking for Enkuzai and Kintoru, He guessed that They were in their rooms, But he decided to go to Kintoru's Room first. He knocked on the door, He waited for a while until Kintoru opened finally opened the door.

" Hello? " She calmly called out, But then she looked down to see Netamo. " Oh, Hey Netamo, Is there something you need? I'm listening. "

Netamo swallowed, He felt nervous. What if Kintoru didn't forgive him? What if she felt angry or upset? He didn't know what to think or expect, But whatever happens then he knew he had to live with it, Forever even. However, He kept his cool, and Finally spoke.

" I just wanna say sorry. Yuma already talked to me about the incident and felt like it was best to apologize again, I understand if you don't accept the apology, Though- "

Netamo was cut off, Kintoru gave him a hug? He didn't expect this would happen, Especially after an incident like that, But instead of getting caught up in his thoughts again, He returned the hug. After a few moments Kintoru spoke to him.

" I forgive you, Netamo. I knew you never meant it. "

" Really? Wow.. I thought it wouldn't be easy for you to accept it. "

" Hmm.. You can say that for Enkuzai " She slightly chuckled, which Netamo Slightly laughed at as well. " I could help you apologize to them though, I know it's hard for them to accept apologies but I know they will after a bit of time. "

" Yeah, I guess so. "

" Well, C'mon, Let's go. "

I sat on my bed, I was bored out of my mind, Luckily There's at least some peace and Quiet though. However, I haven't heard from the others, which slightly gives me a bit of concerned thoughts, and Makes me sorta confused as well. I heard a knock at the door after getting caught up in these feelings, I sighed and walked up to the door.

" Who is it. "

" Hey Enzukai, It's Kintoru! I brought Netamo, He wants to talk to you "

Netamo? I thought Yuma was gonna distance him from both Me and Kintoru? At least from what I was thinking, Maybe she did have that talk with him. I didn't really think much of it though, and responded back.

" Why would he wanna talk to me? "

" He wants to apologize. "

Apologize? That's something I..Haven't heard in a while. I thought to myself, How am I gonna react to this? Am I gonna forgive him? I didn't know what to think at all, But I kinda wanna give him the benefit of the doubt. I opened the door and saw both Kintoru and Netamo standing there. There was silence, but Netamo decided to try and speak.

" Enkuzai I- "

" Pause. " I cut him off. " I know what you're gonna say, and I just wanna say that.. "

I Stopped myself from talking, He looked nervous and worried. Usually, I'm always salty and just don't care but for some reason I feel bad, Maybe he truly is sorry? I don't know. I don't know If I should care either, But Oh well. I Know I can't stay mad at him forever, that's for sure.

I sighed and Said in a quiet tone. " I forgive you. "

" You.. Do? " Netamo sounded shocked, He knew it was hard for me to stop being mad at people, All of them did, But I guess this situation was different.

" Yes. "

" I'm glad! " Kintoru smiled warmly, But I wonder if she helped him warm up to apologizing to me? I guess it's hard, So I can't blame Her. I was cut off by a hug from Netamo.

" Thank you. " He said

" Yeah Yeah.. You can get off me now. "

" It wouldn't hurt to hug him back at least once, Enkuzai " Kintoru jokingly said, Laughing afterwards

" Shut up.. " I said while smiling a bit, But I hugged Netamo back after a bit of hesitation. I know I'm never doing this again though, This was the only time!

" Hm.. Well, Now we need some rest while we can, It's important Tomorrow Night- "


We heard The Evil God speak, All of us froze. We know it's bad news when He shouts like that, We had to prepare for the worse, But Hopefully..It's not..Bad.

" We have to go, Quickly! "


( Oh Boy.. Hey! It's Hosuh again, VERY sorry for a long wait on updating this. I've been very busy with school and Life's kinda rough for me right now, But I enjoy making new chapters for ya'll so hopefully this will excite you a little more, Sorry for the little cliffhanger, I ran out of ideas, Part 9 will be worked on soon, Be on the lookout for that, Bye! )

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