PART 3 - The Argument

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It's rough for everyone right now. I can't even focus on myself! This is a mess..But I shouldn't worry about it too much right now..

After thinking for a few minutes, I walked out of my room, Surprisingly Kintoru came out as well.. At least I know she's alright..For now at least. I'm just not sure what to think.

My thoughts were paused when Kintoru called out to me.

" Hey Yuma, I'm surprised you came out at the same time as me. You're usually awake after I wake up. " Kintoru said, Having a slight smile on her face.

" Yeah..It's Surprising I know.. " I reply to her.

" Hey, Is there anything wrong? You've been acting kind of off lately. " Kintoru asked me. I didn't want her to worry so i reassured her that I was fine

" Oh it's nothing! I'm just Tired.. That's all. " I responded, Smiling a little so she wasn't concerned.

" Well.. Whatever you say.. But.. " Kintoru paused.

" But..? " I asked, Confusingly.

" Where's Netamo and Enzukai? I haven't seen them yet, I wonder if they're somewhere else. "

" Well, Maybe we can Try to find the- " I was cut off by a Loud Screech. It was Netamo! What the hell are they doing?!

" Oh no.. Come on Kintoru! We gotta go! " I said, Quickly running towards where I heard Netamo's screech.

" I'm Coming! " Kintoru yelled behind me, Running as well.

Oh No..This is bad.. What are we gonna do? Netamo might be in danger!
Please don't tell me..

We reach the area, And.. We see Enzukai and Netamo. Staying as quiet as possible, we quickly moderated what was happening, This isn't going to end well!


I cleaned off the blood from my claws, I just attacked Netamo, Leaving a huge scratch on her Cheek.

" You Just don't get it, Do Ya. " I said in a cold tone. " This is the consequences you face when you mess with the wrong person, Netamo. "

" This isn't how you're supposed to react to a situation like this..! You hurt the Hell out of me, Enzukai! " Netamo Replied back, Slightly Growling at me.


I stood silent for a while, But then I Got ready for another attack on Netamo, Getting my claws out, I dashed towards Her.

Netamo quickly dodged the attack, And Attacked me from behind, Leaving a bite mark on my Arm.

" Stop causing this mess, Enzukai. You're only making it worse for yourself. " Netamo Growled, She slowly backed away just in case I was gonna pull another attack on her.

I got up, And Held my arm, But this time I felt even more enraged.

" You Little.. " I dashed towards her again, Ready to give her another scratch but then I heard..

" Stop! " Yuma Screamed, Going in between both of us.

Netamo and I couldn't help but stare, We were both in shock. How did she find us here?

" What are you guys doing?! This isn't what friends are supposed to do to each other ! " Yuma Yelled, Looking worried but serious at the same time.

" Don't call me ' Friends ' with her. I hate her, And it's gonna be like that forever. " I said, Crossing my arms, The bite mark Netamo gave me still hurt but i kept my cool.

" Ugh.. You know how Enzukai is, Yuma. She's gonna be like this for who knows how long. " Netamo said, Slowly laying down on the cold and flat cement to keep herself calm.

" But.. Why..? You guys are making everything worse for each other! " Yuma said, Having a very worried look.

I thought for a bit. As much as i was annoyed by Netamo, I was sort of convinced to apologize.

But I wasn't going to..Not right now. I just need to hear a few reasons. I'm h0ping..They are good reasons.




I'm watching this unfold. What the hell is even happening? How did these two even start an argument in the first place? All these questions in my mind.. This isn't Right.. Nor normal.

I wanna step in, But I don't know. This is strange, But I gotta do something eventually..Maybe I can wait for a few more minutes..

I looked down for a split second before i heard Yuma speak again.

" Why..Why are you guys even like this? I know you usually don't talk nor like each other but this is ridiculous..! " Yuma yelled, I saw Slight tears down her face.

" There..At least has to be a reason for all this..Can you explain..? " Yuma asked.

" Do you really want to know, Yuma? Then I'll let you fvcking know. " Enzukai Said, Sounding more angry Than ever.

Netamo Growled, She knew what Enzukai said wasn't the full story, But she didn't want to say anything, so she stood silent.

I was thinking for a few minutes before i decided to finally step in, My footsteps can be heard echoing in the dark hallways.

" Kintoru?! " Both Enzukai and Netamo said, shockingly.

" How did you even find us? " Netamo said, Tilting her head slightly, Expressing her confusion.

" Yuma led me to you guys, We heard you screech Netamo, So we knew something was wrong. " I said, Having a slight serious look on my face, I was pretty disappointed in both of them.

" Damn..That explains it.. " Enzukai Said, Crossing her arms.

" Well..Anyways..Do you think you can apologize to each other..? You did hurt each other after all.. " Yuma said, Looking worried, Again.

" Fvck no, I'm not gonna apolo- "

I cut Enzukai off with my serious tone of voice, I knew it scared her at least a little, I can sense it.

" Apologize. " I said.

" Ughh.. Fine.. I'm sorry. There, I said it. " Enzukai said, Quickly looking away.

" It's fine I guess.. " Netamo awkwardly accepted Enzukai's apology, Quietly sitting up.


" Well ... Let's get you guys healed up.. Your wounds looks deep. Come on. " Yuma said, starting to walk away from the area towards her room, We quietly followed her from behind.


That was so intense. Honestly I'm not surprised they found us there due to my screech, I am pretty loud, Haha.

But oh well.. All i care about is getting this thing bandaged up, It hurts like crazy, Enzukai really got me good.


Me and Enzukai got our wounds patched up, Jeez I was so relieved, No more pain from this scratch thank goodness.

" Thank you for helping us, Yuma. " I said.

" Your welcome, Netamo! But please, Try not to get into trouble again, Okay ? " Yuma said, Looking at both of us.

" Okay I guess.. But we'll be going now. Bye Yuma. " Enzukai said, Looking away for a while before turning around to walk out of Yuma's room to head to her room, I did the same.

" I'll see you guys later ! " Yuma said, Having a smile on her face.


It really was a crazy Night, Was it? Oh well..Let's not think about the worst things that could've happened back there..

( WOOOOO Finally done.. Jeez that took longer than i thought.. Oh well. School has been a bit stressful and has been pulling me back from writing this so Making chapters does take a while! Please be patient, The side characters will be in the next chapter btw! )

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