PART 9 - He's at Risk

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All 4 beasts were rushing towards the meeting room, they knew even if they were a minute late things wouldn't go well. Finally they reached the meeting room and sat down on their spots, however, They knew the master was angry, so they were a bit nervous about all of this.

Nothing but silence filled the cold, freezing air for a few moments, It was pretty nerve-wrecking, They all knew that, But before they were about to let their feelings get to them, The evil god spoke.

" So.. I've heard you 4 beasts had gotten into a little situation.. With Netamo. " Hearing his name called made Netamo shiver, He wanted to say something but he knew he couldn't, He never could, Especially when speaking to the master. He was angrier than ever so Netamo wouldn't DARE to speak in a rude way If He was in a state like that.

" I overheard EVERYTHING. Yet, You 4 Couldn't even resolve it easily. I'd like each one of you SPEAK as soon as you're called on, I AM NOT CALLING NAMES TWICE! " The evil god shouted, all the 4 beasts slightly flinched from the sudden anger, Usually, He is stubborn but they've never EVER seen him this angry. It wasn't until a few moments before he called one of their names.  " Netamo. "  He spoke, The sudden voice that called his name made Netamo shiver, but he did expect to he called on first.

" Yes, Sir? "  Netamo replied, His voice sounding a bit shaky, He knew he screwed up, but what can he do? He can't try to explain himself to the evil god because it'll go downhill from there.  " Why did you think it was a good idea TO ATTACK ONE OF YOUR HELPERS. "  The evil god roared in anger, but Netamo tried to keep his cool.  " It was an accident, Sir! I never meant to do it! I just lost contr- "  He was cut off.  " I don't wanna hear any excuses, you're lucky I'm not banishing you from this place otherwise you'd be dead. "  Netamo was starting to breathe heavily, The evil god would only give him one chance and if he messed it up, he's done for, but he didn't know what to do, he couldn't run, he can't escape his rage.



" Jeez, He was pretty grouchy. " Enkuzai muttered, rolling their eyes. Enkuzai wouldn't hesitate to share their honest feelings about the master, and why would they? The evil god could care less.

" Yeah.. He was. " Yuma added.
" Well, at least we weren't in that much trouble. " Kintoru said, but then they looked over at Netamo, who looked a bit worried, and it concered all 3 of them. " Netamo, It wasn't your fault- " Yuma was cut off by Netamo who was very much frantic after the whole meeting.
" Yes it was, Yuma. I'm at risk of being kicked out for fuck's sake! I'm done for! " He rapidly shook his head, trying to refuse to believe it was true, but he knew it was.

" Netamo, if he kicks you out, we come with you, We're not letting that stubborn bitch kick you out alone. "  Enkuzai added, having their arms crossed, sure they might've found Netamo annoying but they did care.

Kintoru sighed, shaking her head slightly.  " He just doesn't understand you, does he? "

" What is there to not understand about me, Kintoru? "  Netamo said, confused

" Sure, you may be aggressive but you don't mean it at all do you? I'm sure the only time you do it is when you're hunting, but that's it. "
" Oh, So he likes to jump into conclusions huh? "  Enkuzai growled.
" Hm.. Seems like it. "  Yuma said in response to Enkuzai's Question.
" We'll make sure you don't get kicked out from here, and if you do, we come with. "  Kintoru said to Netamo.

" .. Thanks ya'll. "  Netamo appreciated it but was kinda shocked, They usually never express this type of pity to him, besides Yuma of course, but he got out of his feelings and spoke again

" Let's just get some rest now though, It'll probably help me forget this a little. "

" Fair enough, See ya'll tomorrow night. " Enkuzai said before walking off to their room.
" Bye. " Kintoru said.
" Farewell. " Yuma added before walking off as well.

Netamo sighed, Still a bit worried about the meeting, he was helpless for right now, but he just wanted to keep telling himself that everything was gonna be fine, and walked off to his room, only to fall asleep soon after.

( Woah, Been a while.. AGAIN! Sorry I keep leaving, Wattpad sometimes isn't really something I use as much anymore so I delete it from time to time, but just wanted to finish this chapter lol, I hope ya'll like it.)

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