Chapter Fourteen

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Harrison Potter's Point of View

It was finally the weekend, although I still wasn't sure how I felt about this. About going to The Three Broomsticks with Edward. Even with my advanced capability of Occlumency, my thoughts still seemed a mess, jumbled and twisted. A part of me was excited albeit the other, a complete nervous train wreck. I mean what did you even wear in situations like this, how did you walk or talk, are there topics you aren't supposed to delve into?

"Honestly Harrison, let me handle this, as Heir Malfoy I know how to approach these types of situations. Now you say it's just a casual drink with him, right?"


"Well then I think I know the perfect outfit" Draco was here helping me to get ready because apparently, I would have gotten everything 'all wrong'. I had to admit Draco did know these sorts of things much better than I did. I never went out to the noble houses parties as I didn't even know they were happening. All I knew was that when out in public I had to wear robes with the potter crest on it, at school I had to wear robes with the Hogwarts or Hufflepuff crest on it and well my casual day wear was, well clothes? If Draco heard me say that, he would start going off into a rant about clothes and when to wear this and how clothes weren't just clothes.

Draco had just handed me a pair of black ripped skinny jeans with a white pullover jumper and my dragonhide boots. I raised an eyebrow at him before he shoved me into the bathroom to change.

"Are you sure this is okay?" I asked through the door while pulling the jeans on over my briefs.

"Are you doubting my skills? No, I didn't think so, now hurry up so I can accessorise" Sighing I pulled the jumper over my black mesh t-shirt and tied my boots up before the door swung open. I was met with an exasperated look. I was pulled out of the bathroom and Draco started pulling my hair up into two Dutch braids that were made to look 'messy'.

"Okay now do your hair magic stuff to make silver highlights in your hair" I rolled my eyes at him before thinking of the silver highlights in my hair. Draco then took a step back and scratched his chin for a second before coming closer again and pulling a few strands of hair out of the braids on the front to make them fall down my face.

"Are you done yet?" I asked and Draco rolled his eyes before nodding and pushing me out of my room.

"Have fun but not too much fun!" I flipped him off on my way out of the Hufflepuff common room receiving some weird looks on my way. I didn't see Edward until I was halfway down the path towards Hogsmeade. He was wearing blue denim jeans and a black long sleeved shirt with a long grey trench coat over the top. As he approached me, he gave me a small smile.

"You look great" he says as we walk side by side the rest of the way towards Hogsmeade.

"Thanks, it was mainly Draco though, he woke me up at an ungodly hour, I don't even know how he managed to get into the common room in the first place."

"Did he go through your window like I used to?"

"Ah yeah he probably managed to get past the locking charm I put on there."

"Did you put that charm on because of me?"

"No, oh no, I put it on because some of Hagrid's creatures used to find their way in my room and mess it up. I just got used to leaving it open I guess." I gave him a nervous smile as he opened the door to The Three Broomsticks for me. In my mind I had to remind myself this was just a drink, between friends.

The warmth inside the pub was welcoming from the cold. It wasn't snowing yet but the wind had picked up a bit causing the temperature to drop a lot. Within a few minutes we had got a table near the back where it was quieter and we had gotten a glass of butterbeer each. We ended up talking for ages, finishing off 3 butterbeers each before deciding to look around Hogsmeade for a bit. I ended up learning a lot more about Edward's family back in America. I had a feeling that Alice and Luna would get along really well.

"Hey, look it's snowing" I said with a smile as a snowflake landed on my outreached hand as we exited the pub. The snow fell lightly but it still built up on the ground enough to make it slippery and me being naturally clumsy caused me to slip on it. I was ready to for my face to meet the ground but arms wrapped around my waist just in time to stop myself from falling over.

Time seemed to stop as our eyes met and I would deny getting lost in his eyes if anyone asked.

Edward Cullen's Point of View

For the first time in days I could see Harrison's thoughts. At first there was nothing, it was as if he wasn't thinking at all and then there was the smallest sound.

'Just friends, I can admit as a friend that he has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen right? I can't look away from him, why can't I. Why isn't he looking away from me? Did no one teach him that staring is rude? Didn't anyone teach me that staring is rude? I've never had the proper opportunity to stare before, except for a book maybe. I should look away.'

I cleared my throat before standing back up straight pulling Harrison upright with me which broke the connection, his occlumency shields immediately coming back up preventing me from seeing his thoughts. The air felt a little tense as we fell in an awkward silence as we made our way back to the castle. On the way back we saw the 'golden trio' coming down towards Hogsmeade. I could see Harrison physically tense up a little when he saw Ronald.

Harrison Potter's Point of View

Ronald was the last person I wanted to see today, in fact I didn't want to see any of them at all. I planned to just ignore them and walk past them but Jayden had grabbed my arm and turned me around to face them.

"I would rather not have to be in you or their presence today. If you would kindly remove your hand from my body..." I said sending a glare their way, but mainly Ronald's way.

"Just wait okay, you might want to hear this." I let out a deep sigh before planting my feet into the ground and shoving my hands into the back pockets of my jeans. Edward stopped next to me as Ronald took a step forward.

"Harry I just wanted to apologise for my actions these past few years. I've been a real jerk towards you and you didn't deserve any of it. I don't expect your forgiveness but I want you to know I'm here for you mate just as I am for your brother." I wasn't expecting that from him. I didn't know how to feel really.

"A-Ah okay, I mean yeah thanks for that Ronald... We'll have to see y-yeah?" I said stuttering a little.

"That's cool, well we'll see yah then"

"Yeah okay"

The three then continued making their way down to Hogsmeade as I still stood still as the snow fell around me.

"You okay Harrison?" Edward asked breaking me out of my trance.

"I don't know, I wasn't expecting Ronald to apologise for all the torment he's caused me during our childhood. I'm not sure how genuine it was and if it was forced out of him by Jayden and/or Hermione but we'll see I guess."

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