Chapter Ten

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Harrison Potter's Point of View

I spent the night in the room of requirement, not being able to go back to my own room in case Edward was still there. Luna had come in a few minutes after I did, obviously having seen something happen.

"Harry? Please don't hide from me" I heard her voice call out softly. I sighed and put my hand up waving it slightly so she could see me. I had asked for a room that I could hide in and find comfort and it gave me a small room with a bed and a few couches. I had just seated myself down on the floor behind a couch bringing my knees up to my chest.

I heard her bare feet come forwards until she had found me behind the couch. She didn't say anything but just sat down next to me for a while.

"I-I-" I tried to start talking but my voice didn't seem to want to let me.

"I know Harry, I know" That was all that was said for another ten minutes as we just sat next to one another. Her company seemed to calm me down a little which I was thankful for. I needed a friend and she came. She waited for me to start the conversation instead of prying and nagging at me like I had seen Jayden's friends do to him on more than one occasion.

"I saw him tonight, he uh told me about me being his mate. That I am bound to him for as long as I live..." I trailed off staring into nothing. Luna's heard turned to face me but I continued before she could speak.

"I don't know what to do Luna. He's been there for the past 9 years watching over me and I only just properly met him like two weeks ago"

"And how do you feel about him?"

"I like him but I'm not in love with him. I don't even know the first thing about love or relationships. I'm not sure how to feel about being his and only his for the rest of my life"

Luna sighed and brought me into a hug which seemed to tip me over the edge. My shoulders shook as I let a quiet sob escape my lips. Usually I was so composed thanks to occlumency but tonight my barriers were down.

"Look right now we'll stay here, spend the night, tomorrow is the start of a new week. We'll go to how ever many classes you think you can handle. If we see Edward then we'll briefly explain what is happening and he just had to accept it."

"Luna, I don't want to make him miserable though"

"Do you love him?"

"N- I don't know"

"And you don't have to make a decision right now, he needs to accept that you are human and need time to figure out all your options. You know there has been talk of some vampires having two mates in their lifetime, maybe he'll find someone else and you won't have to make any hard decisions" I chuckled softly as I wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"I don't think so Luna, he's been looking out for me since I was seven years old. It's doubtful he'll just up and leave now. I don't' know, Edward is such a nice guy, charming and smart and brave and loyal but I just don't know"

"And you don't have to right now. But what you do need is rest. It's after midnight and we have classes."

"What would I ever do without you Luna?"

"Probably be clumsier and more miserable than you already are"

>Time skip – the next day<

Last night I was an emotional wreck and this morning it seemed as if I was totally fine, that is to everyone else. As for me I was still a mess but Luna was right, a good night's sleep did do me some good. I felt more rejuvenated. My hopes of it being an okay day though diminished as soon as I heard that the first two periods this morning would be different. Instead of just one or two houses in a class they would be putting us all together. First period all the sixth years that did advanced potions would have that class together and second period all the sixth years that did care of magical creatures would have that class together.

Potions went rather well since I had Luna with me, and only Granger was in the class since Jayden and Weasley hadn't received an O last year in their OWLS to qualify for the class. It was funny though, apparently James had stormed into the school and demanded Jayden to be put into the class. I thought Jayden's E score was pretty good since it was like a muggles b+ or something and besides Professor Snape was only harsh in Potions because of how dangerous the subject was.

Care of Magical Creatures however, well at least I had Draco in the class. Other than that, I was alone, well except for the constant badgering from Weasley who seemed like it was his life mission to annoy the shit out of me. He just wouldn't stop making stupid remarks, accidently pushing into me, etc. I saw Granger roll her eyes at him and try to hold him back once but other than that no one helped.

Right now, Hagrid was teaching us the theory about Moke's. Like lizards but able to shrink at will when Weasley came up behind me and whispered in my ear.

"You look like crap today Potter, didn't you sleep well or were you too busy catering to that hazel eyed brown-haired guys 'needs'. He looked pretty angry at you the other day, were you cheating on him with Malfoy? Huh Slut?" His words stung me harshly and I put a hand over my mouth to stop myself from letting out a sob. Why was he being so harsh to me, what did I ever do to him? Weasley continued talking into my ear until I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my book bag from off the ground and started my way up towards the castle.

"Arry? Where ar' you going?" I heard Hagrid yell out but I ignored him. I also ignored Draco's protests and him picking his stuff up as well and running after me. I could feel Weasley's smirk from back there and I screamed in my head. Stupid, don't let him get to you. I made my way to the courtyard right near the entrance to the castle and I broke down crying sliding down against the stone wall and bringing my legs up to my chest once again. I felt loud footsteps coming towards me but I didn't look up to see who it was. I already knew.

"Harry, whatever that bastard said to you isn't true. He's just trying to get into your head." Draco's comment was met by silence.

"Harry, I don't know what he said but you know it's not true right? Stop crying please" I looked up to see Draco on his knees in front of me with a concerned look painted on his face. I wiped my eyes for what seemed like the 50th time in the last twenty-four hours.

"I'm such a mess. I'm not usually this vulnerable you know." I started swallowing the lump starting to form in my throat.

"Hey, it's okay. We can't all be strong all of the times. We are only human after all". Human, the word seemed strange to me now. Edward, he wasn't human. Well he looked human, except for when he went into the sun. Why am I thinking about him right now, stupid idiot for occupying my thoughts.

"Draco, I don't know what to do. No one would ever believe me if I said Weasley was taunting me and throwing insults. Merlin knows why he does it but he does and he has ever since we were little. It's like I'm inferior to him because his best friend is my brother and my brother is 'the boy who lived'. And as for Edward, that's a whole other story. Does he really expect me to say yes and become his little human prize until I die? What if he expects me to turn into a vampire, I don't think so. I like being a regular wizard thank you very much. That's the thing though I am not just another ordinary wizard! Gah why did Merlin deal me this set of cards in this life. what did I do in my past life for everything to be so confusing!!" My voice had risen until I was practically yelling out the words but Draco didn't mind. He listened, something that he has been practising lately and to be honest I was thankful for it. I felt lighter for some reason, as if just yelling out everything would make things easier, make me feel better, so I did it again. This time I didn't say anything, I just screamed.

"Feel any better" he whispered and I nodded letting my head rest against the stone wall.

"Yeah, yeah I do"

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