Chapter Two

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Edward and I had moved into my dorm room through the window since it was getting rather cold outside, not that it mattered for him, I had found out. Edward was what some would call a 'vegetarian vampire' as he drank only animal blood and not human blood. He was also a different sort of vampire from the ones they taught us here at Hogwarts. Here we were told that they couldn't spend any time in the sun for fear of pain and burning but he was not like that, Edward sparkled when in the sun, he told me it was like a thousand diamonds had attached themselves onto his skin. I openly laughed at the idea of it but seeing his serious face I had stopped immediately. How strange I had thought.

Although my case was not so different. Well it was majorly different, but you get what I mean. Edward had his suspicions confirmed that I was someone who could perform magic. He had seen glimpses around the grounds during his years of watching over me but never enough to figure out exactly what and how it happened. I offered on the weekend to show him some different forms of magic which he had agreed to.

It still felt surreal to me as we lay on our stomachs at the foot of my bed listening to each other. I wanted to touch him again, just to make sure it was real. I don't want to wake up to find out all of this was just a dream.

"Some vampires have certain abilities, that others do not inherit. Some can control people's emotions, electrocute people and even make see you hallucinations, while others can see your whole life just by touching your hand. The coven I used to be a part of, before I went off on my own to find you and your scent, two had special abilities. I also do have one, it used to irritate me to no end but being here at your school, its better. I can read minds, usually it just happens automatically but almost half the people here I can't read. I just can't figure it out, but not that I am complaining. Its quite a relief actually."

I smile and look up to meet his eyes who were already looking at me.

"Can you read my mind?" I asked and he chuckled

"Sometimes, usually when you seem bored or distracted but most of the time its just blank. It happens to a lot of the older people here as well whereas the younger ones just come at me full force." I get up from my place and over towards my bookshelves grabbing a well-used book out of it's place. Turning around I saw confused eyebrows and I just slide the book over to him as I lay back down.

"Mind magics?" I nod and open it to the first page where it showed the contents of the book.

"There is the normal kind of magic they teach us here at Hogwarts but mind magics is related to what goes on in your head. Not many people know of it or use it nowadays because of ministry regulations but most of the ancient and noble families have some form of knowledge of it. The most basic form that is known to the wizarding world is Legilimency and Occlumency. Legilimency is basically how we can quote 'read minds' unquote whereas Occlumency is how we can stop or block people from entering our mind. Most people still only use basic shields as they don't have access to the right amount of information but you could make someone legit get 'lost' in your mind for hours if they tried entering it forcefully. All of the other stuff in there is interesting as well considering the knowledge has mostly been lost to the rest of them. I've been reading up on levitation, telesthesia, and astral projection. They seem like they would be useful to know."

I watch Edward's movements as he flicks through the pages and I could see his interest and curiosity for the subject of magic. If I were him, I would be too. Letting out a yawn I place my head on my arms. I knew I was getting tired since it was after 10pm already and I had classes tomorrow but all I wanted was to stay in his presence. I don't know what is was about Edward but something just drew me towards him, maybe our souls were bouncing off of each other's energy. I don't know...

"Hey its getting late, you should be getting some rest now" He had closed the book and placed it back in its place on the shelf unbeknownst to myself. I guess I was drifting off. I peeled myself from the floor and went into the connected bathroom to change into a black t-shirt and white trackies (joggers). After washing my face and brushing my teeth I came back out to see Edward sitting on the window sill ledge.

"Do you mind if I stay?" He asks and I shake my head knowing he'll probably just stay outside anyway. I pull the covers over my body and look back at Edward who was already looking at me, again. I smile and give him a little wave. Chuckling he says goodnight and I close my eyes drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

>Time Skip<

"It's time to wake up sleepyhead" I hear a soft and velvety voice call out to me. I open one eye to be met with the blinding sun coming in from the window. Groaning I pull the covers over my head not ready to be woken up just yet.

"You said breakfast was to start at 7:30am and end at 8:30am. It's already quarter to, time to get up and get ready." Edward continued to coax me into getting out of bed and by 10 past 8 I had showered and gotten dressed into my school robes and gotten my bag ready for the first 3 classes.

"What will you do until I finish?" I ask seeing Edward sitting the window sill ledge again looking out the window.

"Well I hope to be able to have permission to read a few of your books, but I also may go hunting." I nod my head silently agreeing and I say a quick goodbye before heading straight towards the transfiguration classroom. When I rounded a corridor with no one in it I clicked my fingers making an apple and a small bag of gingersnap and oatmeal raisin cookies appear. It was like the 'accio' summoning spell but much more... upgraded? I found it in one of the books in the Potter Library back in Potter Manor.

Walking in the classroom I saw the professor's animagus animal staring back at me.

"Good morning professor" I say taking a seat in the first row. She nods back at me in her cat form and I take my books and wand out ready for the lesson. Animagus training was something I still hadn't started, I knew my father was preparing to start with Jayden but I knew if I wanted to do it as well, I would be doing it alone. 

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