Chapter 1: a plan

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No author note so enjoy :)

(Updated February 20 2023)
(Updated July 11 2023)

Dabi's pov:
"So, what you're saying is you want to get us killed."
"Shut up, Dabi. The plan will work just fine. We just need to have our all our focus on it. And no spacing out this time, Spinner!" Shigaraki really didn't seem to be in the mood, because once he looked over at spinner, bringing back up the time we almost died due to him, his stare was intense. What pissed him off now? It's always the smallest thing.
"So, when will this take place Tomura?" Toga asked, in her regular voice she makes when excited.
"TOMORROW?! WE HAVENT EVEN PREPARED!! Meh, we had plenty of training." Twice yelled.
"You wanna say that again Twice?" Now Shigaraki was looking at Twice instead of Spinner. I found it quite funny how they haven't gotten used to his death stare yet. Me and Toga always find a way to piss him off, so we get that look often.
"How about you all get some rest so tomorrow you're all focused and not tired." Ah yes, Kurogiri came in right on time. He always pops up at times like this to interrupt, before Shigaraki hits someone. That's why we've lost people before, Shigaraki forgets to put on his gloves sometimes when he does that.

In case you didn't know, they have rooms in this old abandoned bar, it's probably because people used to get too drunk and black out. So we put beds in these rooms. The building is bigger than it looks. It has a basement that we also turned into some rooms with the help of Kurogiri. We would steal stuff and drag it through his portals. It was funny because when it came time to get the beds, we had to sneak into people's houses and the amount of stress Twice had was hard not to laugh at. I remember those days, they were great. We weren't always on the run, we just were sometimes.

Lately, Shigaraki has been planing more attacks then usual. I guess he's desperate to get that Izuku Midoriya that he believes to be all might junior. I unfortunately have one of the rooms upstairs, which was just decided because the light sleepers will wake up if any heroes try entering because we're near the door. I'm a light sleeper because of, well, my childhood. I sometimes hear people up late, so it sucks to not have a room downstairs. But it's better than being in a room that you have to hide in from Endeavor.

I was more than willing to go to my room earlier because I had enough of people's bullshit for today. As I made my way to my room without given permission, I heard Kurogiri call out Shiggy.
"Especially you, Shigaraki. You only sleep 3 hours a day and we don't need you getting sick or something." I tried to hold back my laughter.
"You wanna test your luck, Dabi?" Shigaraki was actually testing his luck with me, so this would be fun.
"Well at least something exciting today."
"Yeah no." Kurogiri stopped us before we could do anything, putting portals all around me. I'm pretty sure he surrounded Shiggy by them too, because I heard him telling Kurogiri to let him go.

Yeah, I'm actually claustrophobic, so at first it was fine but Shigaraki started yelling and I wasn't being let out so I started to get a bit stressed. With my only option, I just ran inside the portal behind me which was luckily leading into my room anyways, and went up to my door and slammed it shut. I didn't mean to slam it as hard as I did but nobody would care anyways. Ok, small spaces where I can move, they're ok. But when I'm in small spaces that I feel I can't get out of, I don't like that.
Once again
That's due to my childhood.

Toga's pov:
That was the sound of a door slamming, it was the door to Dabi's room.
"Someone's in a bad mood. We don't need another one." I say in an irritated voice, expressing my feelings as Giran tought me.
"Oh, I forgot.."
"Just let it go, Kurogiri. He's fine." Shigaraki didn't give me his glare, because he knew that me and Dabi made him this mad at least a million times and it wouldn't scare us like it did with those other two.

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