Chapter 15: DNA

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A/N: look, I've been busy and yes I took like a month for that other chapter I'm sorry ;-; anywho, let's try to give Shigaraki some more main character moments before the end of the chapter.

Updated April 12 2023 (grammar, removed some cringe, and put up to date with theories that were denied in season 6.)

Toga's pov:
"I know you're here don't worry I'm awake." I said, knowing that Erasehead was here.
"Actually it's Dabi, Eraser's asleep on the floor with his sleeping bag so I'm doing this today I guess." He said. Our teacher is a weirdo.
"Do you know if Shigaraki is up? He probably has a concussion." I said.
"I'm aware he probably does, and I'm going to get him right now if you don't have anything else to say."
"Okay, get ready."
I groaned and got up. I could hear the knocking from outside my dorm on Shiggy's door. I did my hair and exited. I saw Dabi trying awkwardly to wake up the teacher. I mean it is kind of weird having to do that to your teacher so I get it.
"Yeah I got them up since you were here."
"Oh thanks."
"Yeah whatever."
"Oh did you hear about what happened last night?" I asked.
"No, I didn't. Tell me."


"He probably has a concussion." I said.
"Endeavor is going to get into a lot of trouble with the school." Eraserhead stated. I call him Mr.Aizawa only in class because I still don't like the program.
Shigaraki came outside and he looked tired.
"Yeah someone has a concussion." I said.
"Don't talk about me asi if I'm a child." Shiggy replied, referring to how I was speaking.
"Unfortunately, I'm not allowed leaving you here even with another teacher since the building is too big, so you'll still have to attend school. Ill keep the lights off and tell everyone to shut up more, to help." Eraser said. I listened but also spaced out at the same time.
"Let's just go now, I want to get the day over with." Shigaraki said.
"Sure, I want to read more of that book! Well Dabi you're reading it to me you're a good voice actor." I said.
"Okay if you guys are done then we can go." The hero said.


"You guys are here early."
"Oh, hey mr.Aizawa! I think you guys are just late." Red riot said.
"Either way, I'll unlock the door now."
"Thanks." Earphone jack said. She flicked the lights on and Shiggy just shifted his eyes in another direction but made it look not rushed.
"Aren't we keeping the lights off though?" Toga asked.
"Yeah we're keeping the lights off today Shigaraki has a concussion." Mr.Aizawa said.
"Oh, right that happened yesterday." Earphone jack remembered.
"We're you all there to watch?" He asked.
"Yeah." Kirishima replied this time.
"We tried yelling millions of times explaining they weren't intruding, even Todoroki, but he didn't listen and when he threw Shigaraki we distracted him while Uraraka made him float." E.J (earphone jack) explained.
"Then what happened to him?"
"He agreed to leave." I said this time. "We already told you."
"Go inside I'm just waiting here to talk to mrs.Midnight." Mr.Aizawa said, ignoring the last thing I said. We walked inside and I pulled out that book faster than Dabi got to sit down.
"I've never seen you committed to books, ever." Dabi said.
"I would say the same for you, but it's probably because we never got the chance. Now chop chop, I wanna know if Kokori goes chop chop or not." I replied.

Aizawa's pov:
"You wanted to see me?" Nemuri asked walking down the hallway.
"Yeah. Endeavor turned up at the dorms last night. He threw Shigaraki against a cement wall giving him  a concussion, Toga's voice was damaged last night, and Dabi's arm just got burnt." I told her.
"Oh my god, but why?" She asked, in confusion and somewhat shock.
"Apparently they prank called a McDonalds and they called Endeavor and he tracked down the phone somehow or I don't know." I replied.
"We could get some of his reputation damaged for this. I'm going to go inform Nezu. I'll tell you what happens at lunch break." She said, before leaving.
I entered my classroom and everything seemed normal.

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