Chapter 21: Threats

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Told y'all it was coming soon 😌
It actually took a few more days just so I could figure out what information to put in what chapter, so basically I worked on last chapter and this chapter at the same time. Won't do that again-

Just making sure y'all know, Nemuri is Midnight, Hizashi is present mic, Chiyo is recovery girl, and Toshinori is all might.

Edited January 5th 2023
(That's just something new I do to show when I edited it again)

Aizawa's pov:
After school was finished I did as usually and drove the rehab kids to the dorms. I peeked in the backseat and Toga was sleeping with her head leaning on Shigaraki's shoulder. He didn't seem irritated, since he was spaced out the whole ride. I want to consider asking Nezu about letting them walk home with their friends. Maybe not in the mornings, because if they are trying to escape then they would try when their friends are tired and not able to fight them. Mina's trust in them the other day when she asked to walk with them to school, which could be the perfect moment for them to strike at her, kinda left an impact on me. If my students are beginning to trust them, I'll try to take their word and speak with Nezu. It is hard to take my student's judgements for if they trust the villains or not, since they're the top villains after all for one, but then again from what I've seen with their time here, it was all made from their childhoods. If we help them, they'll be able to see that different path on front of them.

I opened the car door which seemed to break Shigaraki out of his thoughts, and he shook Toga.
"Get up, I'm not carrying you." He said. Toga woke up and took a few seconds to be tired then yawned, stepped out of the car. I think Toga's getting exhausted from all the stressful thoughts she gets all day. I heard from Iida after class about their little conversation.

"Jeez, what's wrong?"
"Dabi's quirk, it probably caused this!"
"Quiet down, and so what? That old lady's there all the time."
"Do you think he's okay? It's only the 4th day he's gone."
"Probably. Can you see him thru the holes?"
"No, I can't."
"We'll just ask Eraserhead later. Jesus, I don't understand how you're that protective over him."
"He's our friend Tomura."
"I mean I guess so but it's not like that lady hasn't healed thousands of those UA peanut headed kids before so it isn't really a big deal. But I get it, I get the other reason."
"What's the other reason?"
"You don't trust the old lady because she's a hero. Which I don't either, I did find that long plank of wood in her office...."

I probably should've noticed it when she came to me with her concern about her comrade burning himself, but I only realized when Iida told me that whole story. Toga's worrying a lot about Dabi. To the point where the stress it's giving her is probably going to drive her insane for the next month. I've seen her legs shake in class the past few days while she looks out the window with her hand holding her face and hiding her mouth. I wanted to have a talk with her just after Iida told me their conversation. At first I didn't really understand why I needed to know what they talked about, but maybe Iida notices it too.

"Shigaraki can you make your way inside? I want to talk to Toga quickly." I asked.
"Uhh, sure." He confirmed, walking inside.

"What's wrong?" She asked.
"You." I said.
"I've seen you space out during class, and talk to Shigaraki worried. Iida told me today you seemed really worried about Dabi after passing recovery girl's office and I want you to know that everything is ok. It is not your job to worry about him while he's gone, it's Recovery girl's. I understand that both Shigaraki and Dabi probably acted reckless wherever you stayed before, and you had to worry about them, and they had to do the same with you. But it's not like that anymore. There's other people here making sure they don't die." I dived in. She made eye context with me the whole time, looking surprised but also relaxing more. Like a big weight lifted off her shoulders. Her eye teared up and she hugged me. I didn't push her off or anything, I'm not that mean. After a few seconds, she let go and made her way inside, and I drove back home.

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