Chapter 13: privacy

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A/N: ... I know, I took a break. It's normal. Either way, you guys proud of me on over 6000 works last chapter? I hope you are :) Also, just as I started Hawks's pov, I went to a party and my phone broke, and we tried repairing it, didn't work, but ill still try to write. By the time I publish this I'll probably have my new phone that is being ordered.

Edited May 28 2023

Uraraka's pov:
After training back in class
We still had 20 minutes left of class, surprisingly. Usually we take time to cool off in the dressing rooms, but now we're getting more used to it and we change quicker so I guess that's why. And usually we only take our classmates to recovery girl after training, but since we took Tsuyu and a few other people earlier, it also took less time. I still can't believe how much fire Dabi purposely used on Tsuyu. He was trying to hurt her. Once a villain, always a villain. I'm so mad that he isn't being punished, and that he tried to cover it up by running into his flames to sAvE hEr. We sat at our seats again and I glanced over at Dabi. His hand was still slightly smoking. They proves how much fire he used on her. That isn't fair. Mt.Lady appeared to take Shugaraki with her for their weird system, then Mirko came to get Toga. Of course hawks didn't show up, he probably doesn't want to take that scum with him. Every since the villains came here I didn't want anything to do with them until maybe our last year at ua, to see if they actually did change which I know they won't. But now I hate Dabi even more. I probably hate Toga the most for what she did to me and Tsuyu at the camp, so all it takes is for Shigaraki to mess up and I'll hate them all. I still don't like Shigaraki for obvious reasons like USJ, but I full out hate the other two for what they did. The bell rang and Dabi stayed behind, I think because mr.Aizawa asked him to stay behind. I didn't really care though, so I went to hang out with the Dekusquad and shared my opinion.
"Guys, do you remember how before we tried to be friends with the villains? Well I don't want to try to hang out with them anymore. At summer camp, Toga almost killed me and Tsu, and Dabi almost killed Tsuyu today. Not to mention Shigaraki is all for one's successor, and probably has like 5 plans to try and escape right now." I said. They all looked at me, some of them with an obviously confused face.
"Uraraka-San, Dabi was forced to do so. He was forced into fighting against her. I actually heard him tell Tsu that if she felt hurt not to fight for it won't end well." Deku-kun told me. He tried to convince me to give them a chance but I wasn't having it.
"No! Tsu is my friend! Not to mention her quirk makes it a little harder to sustain fire then the usual human! If she would've died in that fire because of that selfish villain, I would've lost myself!!" I yelled.
"If Asui almost so called "died" from that, then imagine the torture Dabi had getting his quirk at 5, having to to through learning how to use his quirk." The attention turned to Todoroki who had his normal expression, but his voice sounded dead serious.
"If he has a fire quirk obviously he's used to fire." I commented.
"I've heard him a few times say that he's not." He corrected my statement.
"I think I understand what Todoroki-Kun is saying." Deku-kun started.
"If Dabi is like me and when he got his quirk he couldn't handle it, then it must've been pretty painful throughout his childhood." He finished, to which Todoroki simply nodded in confirmation that their theories were the same.
"I don't think he realized what he was doing. When Tsu went to hit him, I don't think he was focused or something and his instincts seemed to have kicked in. Afterwords, I saw him realize how big the fire got and he stopped." Iida finished, closing his eyes.
"That's still not a solid excuse though.." I said.
"No, it's not. He was technically being evaluated on his quirk usage anyways, but he simply just used too much fire. He burnt Asui, but she didn't die. Our point is, things like that are gonna happen and it's only gonna make Asui stronger." Todoroki said, almost cutting me off. I didn't reply just looked down.
"We understand it's hard to gain their trust, especially when Tsu got hurt, but she's fine! She's a strong person too. We're all learning to trust them so believe me when I say they will become heroes too." Deku-kun said. We ended the conversation by people trying to cheer me up. I ended up just finishing lunch and leaving. I was going to go see why mr.Aizawa was taking so long to speak to Dabi. I walked to my classroom and the door was shut. I decided to listen in on their conversation.
"Okay, it's okay kid. Calm down, alright? You don't have to reveal it yet if you're not ready." I heard my teacher say.
"Take a tissue, your uniform might stain red." I heard mr.Aizawa also say. I didn't know what was going on so I went to go see Tsu with recovery girl.

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