Loyal, lost, Scared, Kind, Broken - part one

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3 years later...

It was a late miserable evening at Privet Drive, at number 14, Vernon Dursley sat in front of the T.V watching the news as he usually would. 'An extremely dangerous prisoner has escaped, people are warned that if they see him to immediately report him...' "Look at him, shaggy hair, scruffier he is!" Vernon bellowed, "Oh, Petunia, my sister is coming to stay again, she said she'd like to see Dudley to give him his present" He announced

"When will she be arriving?" Petunia questioned


"Harry, get up" Petunia spat,

"I'm up" Harry called back, he climbed out of bed and threw open his curtains, "I'd wish she'd come already and take me away from this sickening place" Harry grunted, he walked down the stairs, grabbing the mail as he passed. He walked into the bleached white kitchen and was instantly scowled.

"You boy" Vernon pointed viciously "You will help your aunt clean this house and you will do it properly" Vernon scolded

"Yes uncle" Harry grunted, Vernon turned to his son, smiling

"Dudley, we have to go and pick up your aunt and get your suit"...

Later that evening, Harry was cleaning up the dishes, he continued to ease drop. "That boy, such a scruffier" Marge bellowed loudly.

"Follows his filthy father," Vernon continued

"Yes, but it's not always the man sometimes it's the mother" Marge's glass in her hand exploded into shards, glares from both his aunt and uncle shot like bullets towards Harry.

"Ah, it's my firm grip" Marge laughed, Petunia finished helping Marge clean up as she continued the conversation. "As I was saying, it's like breading dogs, if the bitch is bad then you get a bad littler."

"My parents were not bad people!" Yelled Harry! Furiously Harry began to storm off, packing his things. Marge had begun to expand, and Harry grew worried, he'd already been in trouble...

"Lastella, I just don't think you're the right person to hunt him, I mean you still believe he's innocent" Fudge tried reasoning with the frustrated girl,

"Fudge! You can't just suspend me!" She argued

"Miss Lastella, you can't be involved. Please go home and get some rest, you've been extremely busy these past few months," Fudge tried fobbing her off

"Fudge, please" Allison pleaded,

"Lastella!" Fudge grew more stern

"Fine!" echoes of her boots clashing with the floor followed by the screeching of the door, told Fudge that he would not be hearing from the twin for a short while, *sigh*

"You know Teddison isn't going to sit around, she is going to go after him" Warned Dumbledore. "Both of them will go after him"

"I know" Fudge sighed......

"Allison!" She called chasing after her, "Allison!"

"What?!" Spinning on her heel, sending a glare towards her sister. Frozen like ice, Anastasia hesitated on continuing,

"I'm- I'm coming with you" She stuttered

"I'm not waiting around, if they find him, they'll send him back!" Anger welling up in her face casting a red glow, "He not going back! Not when it's Peter's fault he's there!" She growled

"Allison, I know, how do you plan on tracking him?" Anastasia asked calmly.

"It's time I spoke to an old friend of mine" Allison sighed, "You are coming?"

Crucio, Imperio, Avada kedavra: Twist of EventsWhere stories live. Discover now