New start - Diagon Alley (Part 2)

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Hagrid sat down on the sofa causing it to sink, while Allison used her magic to start a fire, she then sat down next to Harry. "I'm Allison, your godmother." She smiled, sliding her wand back into her boot. "I was a close friend of your mother; she did a lot for me." Her smile grew weaker.

"What was she like?" Harry asked curiously.

"She had the most beautiful ginger hair which you've definitely not got, you got your fathers" She giggled "But you do have her eyes. Your mother helped all her friends through their issues, even my sister, although she never thanked her, typical Anastasia. She had a pure soul" Harry smiled at her words

"What about my father?" He asked looking at her with big curious eye, eager to learn more

"Ha, he loved your mother, more than he loved quidditch and that's saying something. Your father never shut up about your mother or quidditch until they had you." Allison took off a locket, it was worn and dirty, she opened it revealing two pictures. One filled with young people laughing, and the other with two old and two young. She pointed to a picture with the young laughing people. "That's your mother and father, right there next to my sister" She smiled

"You were a twin?"

"Am a twin, she is still alive." Allie laugh


"Don't be, she hasn't really been around..."

"Oh, Harry" Hagrid beamed "I baked ye'r a cake." Hagrid handed Harry a swashed cake "Sorry bout it being swished"

"Thank you" Harry's face lit up light Christmas lights, someone actually gave him something with thought behind it

"You must be freezing" Allison noticed, she pulled out her wand a waved it next to Harry appeared a warm thick blanket, which he wrapped himself in

"Thank you, both of you" Hagrid beamed brightly,

"Come on kiddo bed, we got a busy day a head" Allison giggled scuffing Harry's hair and settled him down for the night to sleep, she tucked him in and held him close, not much later they all fell fast asleep.

He opened his eyes, praying that last night was not a dream. He looked around and spotted Hagrid asleep on the settee but couldn't see Allison. He got up and wandered around, he was glad that it was real and not just a dream. He noticed Allison outside and went and joined her, "How come you're out here?"

"Merlin, Harry you scared me" She laughed "I was up early as usual, so I came out here so you could sleep in peace."

"Oh" Harry sighed

"When Hagrid awakes, we'll take you to get your school things" Allison said calmly. It wasn't much longer, and Hagrid awoke.

"Hi'er Harry, Teddy"

"Teddy?" Harry asked confused

"My middle name Teddison, Teddy is short for it and Hagrid is the only one who really calls me it."

"Come on ye'r two, we'r got ter busy day" Hagrid called, climbing into the boat. Allison climbed in and set the boat to row itself.

"So when we get there, you might get surrounded by a lot of people, due to your scar." Allison explained

"Don't yer worry, we'll be there" The boat pulled up and Allison got straight on her bike "Harry can ride with you" Harry and Hagrid took off and Allison followed close by.

Allison stood outside the leaky cauldron and watched as Hagrid and Harry arrived, "enjoy your stroll?" Allison turned and entered, Harry following close by followed by Hagrid.

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