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A laugh escapes my lips as I watch my friends attempt to pitch the tent. Russ is failing miserably and Jenson isn't much help. Lana and I are laughing from the side, watching our boyfriends struggle with achieving their manliness.

Russ and I haven't been dating long. In fact, I wouldn't even call us boyfriend/girlfriend. We've kissed once and hung out a few times, but it's not a real relationship.

After a long stressful half hour, the tent is pitched and Lana and I go out to collect firewood. The cool air bites my skin, my arms lifting a few logs as we walk back to the campsite.

"So what are you doing after this year Mae?" she asks, my shoulders shrugging.

"I mean- obvious go back next year. Can't quit after freshman year of college," I smile, her lips releasing a laugh.

"Yeah. You getting a job for the summer? I'm just trying to distract myself from our freezing spring break," she says, her attitude light as the Maine weather of spring is similar to that of winter.

"I was thinking of getting a job at the record store, but I have to talk to my mom about that one," I smile, my mother's hatred for me leaving the house high.

Our city has wolves. And these wolves are huge, so she insists I stay home to remain safe. Since she was out of town this weekend, we decided to take the opportunity and go camping.

"Oh, yeah, mine might too. She hates when we leave," she says, scrunching her face. We get back to camp and the boys aren't here, my eyes glancing everywhere.

"Where are they?" I rush, dropping the wood. Lana follows and we look around, two arms wrapping around my body. I nearly scream and Russ laughs, my hand swatting his chest.

"You dickheads! You scared us half to death," Lana yells, Jenson kissing her cheek.

"Stop it babe. We just wanted to have some fun," he smiles, Russ hugging me to him.

"You alright? I'm sorry if I really scared you," he says, my lips curving.

"I'm fine," I grin, his lips kissing my cheek lightly.

We set up the fire and sit together, my head leaning on Russ' shoulder. He's warm and I'm thankful he's beside me.

"Do you guys want to know something?" Jenson says, seriousness in his tone.

"I heard something," he says, my eyes watching as Lana leans to look up at him.

"What happened?" she asks, Russ grabbing my hand.

"So I ran into Dean's brother yesterday," he starts, my stomach dropping.

Dean's been missing since our freshman year in high school. He disappeared and no one knows where he is. Search parties have been all over the country and they still haven't found him. We don't know if he's dead or alive.

"He told me that the same thing happened to their father. He's missing as well, but came back apparently, claiming he knows where Dean is and that he's safe. You guys, Dean's alive," he says, my lips releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Is he?" Lana asks, clarifying the news.

"I guess so. Though he hasn't seen Dean but he's seen his father. I don't think his father would lie straight to his face," he continues, Russ pulling me closer.

My eyes close, opening them to look at the stars. I smile and squeeze Russ' fingers, his eyes looking down at me. His glasses frame to his face and his scruff is adorable. He's very attractive.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear a snap of a branch, all of us looking to the source. Russ stands up to block me and get a closer look, Jenson doing the same.

Before we know what's to come, a giant wolf comes barreling towards Russ. Russ shoves me to the side and I fall, his hand grabbing a log and throwing it at the animal. The huge animal is almost a foot taller than six foot three Russ.

Jenson hits the animal as well and the animal claws Lana in the stomach, ripping into her skin. I run to her and start crying as she gushes. Jenson and Russ attempt to fed the animal off but the animal bites Russ' arm, my lips releasing a scream of fear. I'm crying and Jenson's shoulder is bitten, puncturing his entire chest. I move to Russ and see his lifeless form, the wolf turning to me.

I pant, turning and running as fast as I can. The wolf follows after me and I turn, fumbling back as the wolf looks at me. I have Lana and Russ' blood on me and the sight starts to add with the fear, my hand grabbing onto a tree. The wolf bares its bloody teeth and I feel myself become dizzy, my body collapsing into darkness.


My body is sore as I wake up, sun falling into my room. My arm is sore and my head hurts, my eyes opening to see an unfamiliar room.

The news is on the TV when I look up, my friends' murdering resulted by an animal attack all over the screen. Tears escape my eyes and I push myself up, looking down at the stinging pain in my arm covered by a bandage.

"Good, you're awake," a woman says, walking into the room. Her hair is in a bun on the top of her head and her green eyes look into mine as she looks at my arm.

"I'm Anne. My son found you in the woods last night," she says, my head nodding.

"The wolf," I rush, her hand pressing to my forehead.

"Don't worry. The wolf is gone. You're safe in here," she tells me, my head nodding.

I have no idea why, but she's very welcoming and calm. It's as if I've known her my entire life.

"How are you feeling?" she asks, my head nodding.

"Sore. And sad," I say, pointing to the screen.

"They're my best friends," I nearly cry, her arms wrapping around me.

"It's alright. Just takes time, you know," she soothes, a girl my age walking in.

"Wow, blue eyes," she grins, my lips curving.

"You alright?" she asks, my head nodding.

"This is my daughter Gemma," she says, my hand waving. She waves back, sitting beside me on the bed.

"I'll go make you tea," Anne says, my thanks expressed greatly.

I make small talk with Gemma before a loud door slamming shut startles me, Gemma rolling her eyes.

"Such an angry boy," she sighs, "my brother doesn't have a fondness for the world much."

I smile, knowing someone exactly like that. My cousin, Tod, that is. He lived with my family until he moved somewhere in Washington. He stayed with us to get himself stable, but he was angry at the world. It was slightly funny.

"We have a guest, Harry. In case you forgot, you brought her here," I hear Anne, Gemma's words talking over their conversation as she tells me what she did to the wound. Apparently she's a nurse.

"Excuse me," she says, clearly fed up with her brother's behavior.

They start having a full argument about the boy's behavior, my body not knowing what to do with itself. I feel numb; not knowing what to feel.

I get up when I hear the sound of something smashing, most likely a mug, and I walk out.

"I-Is everything okay?" I ask, the three stopping. I stop once I see the brother, his tall body muscular and shirtless. He has dark brown, long curls that stop at his shoulders and he has shorts adorning his long legs.

As soon as he makes eye contact with me, he freezes and immediately Anne pushes him out of the house, my neck suddenly feeling as if it's burning. When it stops, Anne looks scared, Gemma looks nervous, and I'm left completely in the dark about the last ten seconds.


Hey Loves!

So...kind of different from everything else I've written. Little paranormal :)


Much love!

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