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I lay on my back, Harry's wolf lying beside me with his head on my swollen stomach. We've had to come and live with his mother again, due to my pregnancy. It's the full moon and he has to stay in his wolf form, my head rolling to the side.

He's learned to understand his mother's mistakes, not forgiving her but giving her a chance. Gemma refuses to talk to her because she had a father she never knew.

I'm almost near the end of pregnancy. It's extremely fast and I've been eating a lot. Harry likes feeling the baby kick and hear its heartbeat. He's very protective over me and doesn't let me go anywhere alone.

Isaac has helped me with how to deal with everything, his aid extremely helpful. He knows the gender and is intrigued to see how Harry will react.

My hand slowly runs through his fur, his green eyes opening to look at me. He licks my hand and then my stomach, my hands cupping his snout. After I kiss the top of his head, he keeps his head on my stomach.

After falling asleep, I wake up and feel something rush down my leg. Harry's lying beside me and I groan, sitting up and seeing that my water broke.

"Harry," I whisper, his head turning to look up at me. His eyes widen and he lifts me up, eyes glossing over as he mind-links with his pack.

We prep for a while, his mother helping me get situated on a bed. Harry hands me a glass of ice chips and I thank him, his lips kissing my forehead. Isaac enters the room and Harry allows him to help me, my hand grabbing Harry's.

"You feel any pain?" Isaac asks, my head shaking.

"That means the medicine is working."

I nod and feel a sharp pain shoot up my back right after, my lips releasing a yell.

"It's alright," Isaac whispers, entering a shot into my back to fade the pain.

My stomach starts to feel numb and Isaac tells me to start pushing, Harry grabbing my hand tighter. I push as hard as I can and I hear crying, my eyes watching Isaac cradle my baby. He brings the baby to my body and I cradle the little girl in my arms, holding her to me close.

"Oh little girl," I whisper, trying to calm her down.

Harry cuts her umbilical cord and I wrap her in a blanket, holding her close to me. Her dark brown hair curls and I carefully hold her head, my eyes on her.

"Mae," Harry whispers, my eyes looking up at him. I carefully hand the baby over to him and he takes care of her, looking at her with the brightest eyes. He's huge compared to the little baby, his forearm bigger than the length of her body.

"She's got big blue eyes," he sighs, so amazed by the little girl.

He holds her as Anne helps me get dressed and washed. I come out of the room and lay in my bed, holding my new baby.

"It's a girl," Harry says, the pack in the living room cheering.

I smile as she looks up at me, her blue eyes so bright. My finger brushes over her hair and I kiss her forehead, moving her to place a onesie on her little body.

She falls asleep in my arms and I look up to see Harry walking into the room, my arms moving her into his.

"I cannot tell you how much I love you," he whispers in my ear, kissing my cheek.

"You've given me happiness," he says, my hand touching his cheek. I pull his face down and kiss him, loving him.

"I still like Hope," I whispers, his head nodding.

"So do I," he says, looking back down at her.

Little Hope Styles.


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