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I hate the stares I get when I walk around town. The news tells all. I was once reported as missing, my friends were murdered, and now I'm back attempting to live again. But I miss Harry.

I've moved in with my old friend Elle, her assurance that it's fine allowing me to know it's okay. It's been a few weeks on my own but I've stopped taking the medicine a couple days ago. It's not helping me so I stopped.

My feet rush into the library to get away from the rain and I sit at a table, setting my headphones in my ears as I grab my book. As I read, I constantly feel as if everyone is watching me.

Harry, can you hear me?

I've tried but nothing has been able to through to him. There isn't a way I can talk to him otherwise and it's hard not being able to reach him like this.

I sigh and bury my head in my hands, fed up with why I can't reach him.

"Did you see the wolf in the city yesterday?" I hear someone say, my senses heightened. They're on the other side of the library.

"It was huge. My husband took a picture."

The picture is on her phone and I look at it, zeroing in on the wolf.

It's Harry.

My feet bolt out the library and I run to the park where the picture was taken. The rain pours onto my body but I still search around in hope. I can't smell him or talk to him and it's impossible to know where he is.

Harry! I try, running around. There is no sign of his wolf anywhere. The fact has my heart slumping in my chest.

I give up after a half hour, walking into a restaurant and sitting down in a booth. My order for tea is placed and it's in front of me in seconds.

My phone rings and I answer the call, Elle's voice flowing through the phone.

"Hi Mae!" she cheers, my lips curving but I'm still in pain.


"I'm calling to let you know I'm staying at Ethan's tonight," she says, my head nodding.

"Okay. Have fun," I smile, hanging up.

My phone is set on the table and I grab my book, reading again. The words are ironic; the love story one I feel is written to spike my love life.

The bell to the restaurant rings and my neck stings, my hand cupping the mark left on my neck. I squeeze my eyes closed and shove the book down, attempting to get the pain to fade.

"Have you seen this girl?" I hear someone ask the hostess. My body peers around the side of the booth and my heart stops. A hoodie adorns his body, sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and a picture of me held up to the woman in front of him.

"No. I haven't seen her," she says. "She's been missing for a while."

"I need to find her. Do you know anyone that could help me?" he asks, my hand fumbling to grab the proper amount of money for the tea. I pay quickly, standing but Harry's already out the door. My feet run after him and I run out the door.

The rain causes my hair to stick to my face, causing me to constantly brush it out of my face. Once I reach Harry, I hook my hand around his neck and he turns. My hand pulls his head down and I press our lips together, his arms wrapping around my body completely and tightly.

His body is warm, regardless of the rain. His lips are still so soft and full, my hand remaining against his cheek.

"I've looked everywhere for you," he breathes, my arms wrapping around his neck.

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