chapter 3 - getting to know Sol

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"so let me get this straight", started Paul as he sat down on a couch in Emily's and Sam's home, "Seth imprints on Sol and then those two imprint on Jacob?", finished Paul as he stuffed his mouth with a muffin. 

the entire pack was meeting at Sam's house to talk about the imprints who weren't there because they wanted to 'get to know each other' whatever that meant," why didn't Jacob and Seth just imprint on each other after Seth shifted?", questioned Embry as he and other shifter's were playing spades. Embry's statement caused others to make a hum of agreement, " maybe it's one of those things were one person ties two others together?", said Sam speaking straight from his mind. he could tell that this meeting might go on for a long time and most likley get no where so he got comfortable.


meanwhile at the Clearwater residance


"ok so country and techno are out of question", said Seth as he was holding Sol back from detroying the laptop. what are they doing you may ask, well they are trying to find out things Sol likes and they  decided to start with music genres.

"Jacob try R&B", Seth suggested as Sol stopped trying to destroy the laptop. "Ok how's this", said Jacob putting the first person to show up for r&b on.

(click le vid)

as the song went on they could see Sol relaxing more into Seth's arm seeming to be in a relaxed state, even swaying his head slightly. As the music ended Sol started to lean back up." did you like the song?", asked Seth patting Sols head getting a nod of the head from him. "alright what's next?", asked seth, " Pop" said Jacob staring at seth.

"ok i'll put something on while you take my spot", said Seth getting up from behind Sol as Jacob got in his spot embracing Sol. "any prefrences?", asked Seth getting a no from Jacob




(watch le video)

there wasnt really much of a difference in reaction compared to the last song except for the fact that Sol seemed a bit more energetic, even Jacob seemed to enjoy the song. deciding to play a few more pop songs to see just what Sol liked.

"and our last genre will be rap", said Seth who was cuddled up with Jacob and Sol with the laptop on front of them.




(you know the drill)

Sol's reaction the song was unexspected as he was bouncing alot with this song. They decided to play more songs varrying with pop,rap, and r&b. Seth and Jacob got up to dance together and showed Sol how to dance seeing as it was Seth's elective in school.

overall they had a very good day and night just getting to know eachother if only they were prepared for tomorrow


word count: 457


sorry for the break ehe

also i'm working on chapter 4 rn

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