chapter10- Tears

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The next day Sol found himself back at the tree. Prior to coming here he had told Jacob and Seth were he was and assured that he would be able to defend himself should anything happen. 

Taking in a deep breath he slowly let himself relax, allowing him to feel the nature around him. The conflicting yes belonging energies of different animals and creatures.  He began to blink slowly as if he had no care in the world. Finally he closed his eye's allowing silence to finally greet him even if just for a few seconds. 

Upon opening his eyes he found the same "people" that were there the previous day. Everything felt the same but different, the reason why quickly made itself known as he stood up turning to look around only to see his body Infront of him. This caused panic that quickly died down thanks to the reassurance of those now behind him. 

"Calm yourself Chosen of Nature", said the man who he remembered as Pan. Yawning he scratched at the back of his head, " This is a technique known as astral projection, to put it simply your body is safe and sound but your astral form, you, is currently right here. Everything that happens in the  real world you can see."

Finding his voice Sol spoke for the first time to them," Just what am I supposed to be training for, who or what are you, and will this help me defend my imprints?" he asked not missing a beat. 

The sudden questions from him shocked them as they tried to find the answers without revealing to much.  Trying to refrain from laughing at the blunt questions Demeter stepped up with a small smile on her lips. 

"You are, to put it simply, supposed to be training to step into your role and power in the magic and natural world", she said referring to his influence over plants," So in order to help your transition into them we were sent to sort of guide you, as for your question of what we are... we are simply Greek gods who are in someway connected to nature." 

"But before we start training you we must teach you how to keep your body on 'Auto-pilot' while astral projecting so that you would be able to resume normal tasks like eating and studying while we train" said Artemis who seemed to be the most stern one there. 

From there they went into teaching Sol to do as Artemis had explained. Immediately after that they went into the basics of nature magic ,which Sol just learnt was the proper term for his abilities. 

hmm lets put a 3 hour time skip....

Before they knew it it was sunset, Sol had learned concepts of his magic including basic telekinesis alongside hand to hand combat. 

"we have to go know but feel free to stay here and practice these moves so that your muscles can remember  the movements", said Artemis who was the main one teaching him combat.

One by one Sol watched his vanish like particles in the air. The only ones left were his astral form, his physical form, and Pan.  The nature being was seemingly asleep but Sol, even though they barley interacted, knew better than to assume he was unaware. So, he took to practicing up on what he learned in his training.

"you're doing it wrong you know", Said the 'sleeping' nature being. Who Sol just realized was watching him the whole time. 

"you were watching me?", questioned the hybrid boy," dont you have more important thing like sleeping?"

with a huff the man sat up, shaking the flowers and grass that covered his horns off. He silently made his way over to sol.

"Assume your stance", said the man. Sol instantly obeyed while also wondering why he felt safe near him.

"your stance is off, revealing your weak points here, here, and here" said Pan tapping the vulnerable spots caused by the poor stance. Pan pushed sols legs and  grabbed his arms putting them in a better position , that Sol admittedly felt better in.

" now your stance is more centered, allowing you to react quicker and attack without making yourself to vulnerable", said the man before he began to walk away into the forest. Before he was completely out of sight Sol called out in thanks to the man, Pan gave no sign he heard this except for the noticeable breath he took since breathing wasn't a needed thing is the astral realm when your body was on autopilot.

Suddenly brought back to reality Sol began to return to his body so he could practice what he learnt in the real world before he had to return to the clearwater household. while training he felt eyes watching him although he wasn't able to pinpoint where or who, even as he walked back to home. He didn't really care however, as the feeling wasn't anywhere near hostile but instead protective.


scene skip (i'm rusty give me a break)


Sol found himself cuddled up with Seth on the couch with the tv playing, but to them it was nothing but mere background noise as they weren't focusing on the tv. There wasn't anything to be said between each other, just their bodies pressed against each other. Keys could be heard rattling against the front door before it opened, Sue coming in not even five seconds later. It was obvious she didn't expect to see the boys the second she turned the corner when she gave a startled yelp, scaring the boys from their peace filled trance. The boys quickly getting up to check on her.

"mom are you alright?", yelled Seth as he rushed over to her seeing her hand covering her chest. Sol checked around her and outside to see if anything had taken place out their, fortunately not seeing anything that could've harmed her. As he went back in he saw Sue embracing Seth in a hug with her whispering 'sorrys' and 'it's ok'. Leah was standing there in a dazed state before she saw Sol and quickly turned around to walk back to her room.

Sol was worried for his imprint, one of his other halves, his very purpose for existing  put in mortal form. He wanted to rush over to him but he didn't want to push away Seth's  mother. So he opted to awkwardly stand behind Sue and patiently wait for them to be through, which didn't take long as Seth pushed Sue away gently before walking over to Sol and leaning  his forehead into the side of his neck, a habit they've taken on showing the comfort or the need of it. 

Sighing to herself Sue went to the bathroom and started running some water. While she was doing this Seth clung tight to Sol as though he would disappear. Words and images flashed in Sol's head, they were broken but they had so much emotion in them. He could vaguely make out the words 'no', 'why', and a sentence 'he cant be gone'. before Sol could focus on clearing things up sue cleared her throat.

"you need to take a bath Seth, you can lay down after but that smell will not be pleasant to be around." she said before she walked over to the kitchen taking out leftovers from the prior night.

Wordlessly Seth walked to the bathroom tugging Sol behind him, a 'don't do anything!' trailing after them from down the hallway. The boys undressed, more so Sol helping Seth who seemed emotionally drained, and hopped in the warm water leaning into each other even more. There wasn't anything to be said as they just soaked in the hot bubbly water and cleaned themselves. Had Jacob been there or had Seth been more energetic there may have been a joke here or there but it was nothing but silence.

After their bath the two dried off and pulled on some underwear before burying themselves under covers and each others warmth accompanied by their scents. It was just the two of them since Jacob has thing to deal with in the pack, and to be honest this night would have been to much with a party of three.


Story word count: 1364

total word count:  1372


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