it's just bunch of Hocus Pocus- Special!

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the air was crisp, blowing the delightful smell of cinnamon and pumpkins throughout the air. the sun hitting houses in just the right angle as leaves fell down from trees. All this made the perfect mood for a boy who lived at the edge of the town know as Salem with his mother.


Sol was putting up Halloween decorations as instructed by his mother, and he not wanting to anger her did so with haste as to deny the wrath of the self-proclaimed witch. Deciding to take a break he sat down on the porch chair and drunk a bottle of water as he texted his friends about the upcoming Halloween party.

As he finished up his break he was about to start decorating again when he heard a melody calling him to the forest behind his house.

come little children 

I'll take thee away

into a land of enchantment...

In a trance-like state the empty bottle in his hand dropped to the ground with satisfying crunch of the leaves sounding for anything nearby except for the boy, as he walked towards the forest.

come little children

the time's come to play

here in my garden of shadows

A cackle sounded in the air snapping the boy out of a trance making him confused on how he ended up in the center of the forest.

"Sistahs we've lured a child into our forest", said a voice of a female drawing attention to herself. the lady was a ginger and behind her were two more women, one looking dreamy, while the other weird (not in a bad way of course).

In an instant they were surrounding the boy, one sniffing him, one observing him and pinching at his arms every now and again, and the last one hugging him from behind while playing in his hair. 

"Oh, Winnie he looks so cute " said the blond one 

"He smells like honey" said the weird one

"And he's quite fit as well" said 'Winnie', " although he is on the silent side.

Tilting his head, the boy couldn't figure out why these women were acting so strange, sure he's had people sniff or randomly touch his hair on the train, but with the lady it seemed like they were sizing him up for something. Of course, with the boys his age at school the treatment was a lot stranger but that's a story for another day. while the boy was lost in thought the witches huddled up whispering among themselves peaking a look at the boy only every so often.

"Then it's decided!" yelled Winifred snapping out of the huddle as the witches behind her also sat back up. Pointing a figure at boy before her she said, "Boy, among my sisters and I we have decided to take you into our coven, to what will you reply?" she inquired.

Not seeing the harm is saying yes Sol just replied with an affirming nod which delighted the ladies Infront of him. Sweat dropped down the side of his face almost comically wonder what he just got himself into. 


Hoping everyone enjoys the month! sorry for my absence, I'm really busy these days making up work so i ask that you have patience with me. 

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