chapter 1- Suddenly they were floating

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"A flash of green lit up the night skies, and with it a curse was born on to the land. That curse has taken form as a monster that's said to be from hell, it is prophesied that another flash of green will happen and give birth to the worlds savior. A being capable of fighting back the curse and balancing the world once more." read the book in the hands of Billy Black. He looked up to the green painted sky. 

"who would have thought that this only prophecy would actually be accurate" he said speaking out loud , sighing to himself as the winter air greeted him on his way home.


 15 years later

A boy no older then 16 can be seen playing with a pack of wolf pups, his arms marked with vine patterns on his tan skin. Freckles adorned his face they held brilliant dark-green eyes, with a set of beautiful curly hair. 

The boy and the pups had been playing for only a few minutes when the eldest wolf could be seen trotting through the trees, only stopping in front of the boy with a small huff. Understanding what was happening the boy ushered the pups to their mothers as he went to stand by the elder. The members of the pack all started to gather around the boy and elder as they prepared to move forward along the river to their goal. What was their goal one might ask, well It  was rather simple. They were to guide the boy to the next part of his destiny, for he was the one who'd balance the world.  the wolves quickly departed one by one with the boy and eldest wolf to leave their spot last, leaving only a trace of them in the wind. 

The boy couldn't help but feel sad knowing his journey with the pack was about to end. He couldn't let that get him down though, after all he was going to finally be able to meet other people who look just like him. And then the scent in the air changed, with one side having a scent of wolves and the other an overbearing sweet smell.  He and the wolves ran a bit more before they stopped, hearing fast foot steps from both sides. 

Not long after emerged the forms of the Vampires and the Wolf Shifters. Wolves from the pack pushed the boy, the elder, and the pups into a group and surrounded them facing both sides. The Alpha of the shifters stepped forward, intrigued by the actions of the pack. The boy who hadn't acknowledged either side turned his eyes towards two wolves who were by each other, locking eyes with them. Suddenly it felt as if gravity had lost hold of the three, and as quickly as this feeling started it stopped. The boy knelt down towards the eldest wolf embracing him as a way to part with him and as a thank you. 

Getting up he walked away from the pack and towards the shifters who growled as a warning, with one going as far as to charge at him. the boy paying no attention to the wolf simply waved his arm, and from that erupted a wall of thorns to block it. those around could only gape in awe at the power displayed as the boy made his way towards the two he locked eyes with.  

An understanding was made between the three that day, that no matter what happens they would have each other's back. 


Im back and better then ever!(only one of these is true)

word count: 589 

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