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After school is done, it is time for Takemichi and his friends to go to the ring battle for the fight. A lot of people already wait for the fight to start. On the other hand, Takemichi still trying to insist Takuya not to fight because he doesn't fight really well. "Takemichi, I know you are worried and I'm thankful for that man. But, the fight must go on and we can't deny Kiyomasa orders." Takuya pat Takemichi shoulder and he walked to the ring battle. Everyone is getting hyped when they saw Takuya already prepared for the battle. Takemichi can't see his friend getting injured again.

"HOLD IT! STOP THE FIGHT!" Takemichi shout from the crowds making all of them including his friends look at him confused. Taking a deep breathe and put his hands on his pocket pants trying to look calm. "This is hella boring fight isn't it? We would be always saw this fight again and again every single fucking time. Don't we want something more entertaining?" As he make his way to where Takuya is at. Akkun, Makoto and Yamagishi is trying to stop what Takemichi is doing. Takuya looking confuse at Takemichi. Takemichi giving him the 'Everything is gonna be okay' look.

"More entertaining?" Kiyomasa raise his eyebrow after hearing Takemichi. Then he startled when he heard Kiyomasa voice. He is now with Takuya in the battle ring and he face Kiyomasa who is still sit down in the stairs. "Yeah! It will be the boss versus the slaves battle! You versus me Kiyomasa, how about that?!" Everyone shocked when Takemichi said that especially his friends. Kiyomasa stand up and look at Takemichi with his cold glare. He made his way to Takemichi and stand in front of him. Kiyomasa then told Takuya and the other one to step back and get back in with the crowds.

"Very well, you better entertaint me bitch."

"But I got one request, if I win this fight I want you to take me to Sano Manjiro."

Kiyomasa widend his eyes after what Takemichi just said. He got some nerves to say his commander name in front of him. Then he punch Takemichi straight to his face and he blew him up away not to far. "You got some nerves saying his name. THE FIGHT START NOW!" The crowds get wild and ofcourse Takemichi friends is worried about him. They saw him getting punched, a blood came out from his nose and mouth, the bruises that he got, and the injuries from yesterday still not healed yet. But, Takemichi still not giving up. He still try to fight Kiyomasa with all the strength that he has. It irritates Kiyomasa until he yelled. "I have enough of this! Bring me the baseball bat! I'm gonna kill this son of a bitch! Right here! Right now!"

"Now hold a damn minute!" A familiar voice to Takemichi and his friends is heard. A figure of a girl then appeared slowly walking towards Takemichi and Kiyomasa place. Takemichi is trying his best to figure it out who she is. Then his eyes widend as soon as she come closer to him. "L-L/n-senpai?!" Y/n took a glance at Takemichi and give him a warm smile telling that it will be okay. She stand beside Takemichi and look at Kiyomasa with her cold eyes.

"Bitch! You get out the way!"

"This is no place for girl!"

"Oi kid! Get your ass of here before you get killed!"

Could the be more annoying than this. Y/n took a glance at the crowds giving them her death glare to them. It sends them shivers to their spines and none of them dare to speak again. Y/n look back at Kiyomasa and he stiffend up a bit. He is familiar with Y/n face but he couldn't remember where did he saw her face. "I see you are messing up with one of my juniors. So, I'm asking you to let him go and realease him along with his friends from being your slaves." With a straight face he talk to Kiyomasa. Kiyomasa couldn't hold back his laughter, he laugh so loud which made him hold his stomach. "Oi bitch. You are aware that I'm a member of Tokyo Manji Gang right? So, be good bitch and go back to where you belong as a student pet!" Y/n just keep standing still and look at Kiyomasa with her E/c eyes.

Kiyomasa is pissed off and take his baseball bat, ready to attack Y/n at any time. When he start to swing his baseball bat to Y/n head a voice stop him. It was an inch from Y/n head before the baseball bat hit her and Y/n didn't even move or seems to be afraid from it. "Hold it right there!" A blonde guy with a dragon tatoo on his temple appeared from behind the crowds. The crowds greet him and he makes his way to Kiyomasa along with a small blonde guy behind his back. Y/n try to avoid contact with them by looking away. The tall blonde guy then kick Kiyomasa stomach making him bow down 90 degress.

"You should bow down to this level when the commanders come here. Got it?!"

"Y-Yes sir."

"Wah! Ken-chin!"

"What is it Mikey? And don't call me by that nickname."

"My Taiyaki is all gone."

They are still the same, eh? Y/n trying her best not to get noticed by them. She chuckled a little but, she cover it with one of her hand. Mikey noticed it and he widend his eyes as he saw Y/n. He walk to Kiyomasa and asking him some question about the ring battle. Kiyomasa said it with a proud face. Mikey gave him a smile and then he kick his face with his special kick. Making Kiyomasa laying down on the ground and he is unconscious. "You guys are stupid making this kind of bullshits! Do you want make TOMAN name in disgraced?!" Ken-chin or Draken yelled to the crowd in anger but, also as a sign of warning for them that when he saw them making something like this again they definitely got killed by Draken or Mikey.

Mikey then walk over to Takemichi who fell down to the ground 'cause of how close Mikey with him right now. "Are you sure you are a middle schooler?" Takemichi then just nod to him and Mikey gave him a smile. "I see, well then. You will be my pal from now on Takemitchy!" Takemichi is in shocked after what he just heard. Mikey then stand up and looked to Draken and give him the signal. When Draken look back at Mikey his eyes saw the girl beside Takemichi and he widend his eyes when she saw her, even though she looked away. "What are you guys waitting for?!" The crowds, Takemichi, and his friends then went their separate ways and get out from there. "Except you missy." Y/n startled as she want to get away from their with Takemichi.

Takemichi then widend his eyes when Draken said that. He thought that Draken didn't notice that Y/n is in there. Takemichi try his best to give Y/n a signal to just go away from here. Y/n let out a small sigh. "I'll be fine Hanagaki. You go meet up with your friends. Bet they are worried about you don't you think?" She gave her warm smile to Takemichi and he wasn't sure at first. But then he trust her and went to his friends. On the other hand Y/n took a deep breathe and turn around facing Mikey and Draken. She give them a smile with eyes closed.

"Hey, It's been a while isn't it? Manjirou? Ryuguuji?"

"I like it when you called me with my nickname, N/n-chin."

She chuckle when Mikey pouted and she think it's cute. Mikey then rushed to Y/n giving her a hug which almost make her fall down. Y/n slightly shocked when Mikey hug her and right now he hug her tightly and burried his face on her neck. She didn't know that Mikey would do this. Then she hug him back and pat his head gentle. "Well then, I'll call you Mikey then?" He then nod slightly even though he still burried his face in her neck. She feel Mikey sob a little and she stroke Mikey hair gentlely. Draken then walk towards them both and pat Y/n head making her looking straight to his face with her E/c eyes. "It's been a while, N/n." Draken give a huge smile on his face and Y/n can see a tears forming in corner of his eyes.

"Are you okay Ryuguuji? Or do you want me to call you with your nickname as well?"

"That... would be nice."

Draken slighlt look away and slightly blushed. I laugh a little when he react like that. Damn I miss them both so much.

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