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It was midnight time and Y/n already woke up. She look at her surroundings. It was empty there is no one besides her. She looked at her arms and her legs there is a lot of bandages on her body. 'Guess Taiju hit me pretty hard huh?' She tried to get up and she almost fell down. It still hurt to walk around but she don't want to stay at the hospital any longer. She looked to the side and saw her clothes at the end of her bed.

She took it and change to her clothes and wear some jacket. It was almost winter after all. She slowly got out from her room and went to the back of the hospital. She went out from the hospital from the back entrance. She was still strugling to walk but she still tried her best. Then she alked around the street and her feet just move at their own will taking Y/n anywhere. Trying her best to feel warmth by just rubbing both of her hands. 'Not gonna lie this year winter is suck...'

Not for long she saw four figures not far from her. She recognized the two figures and the other two she still unsure about it. Trying to stand up straight and walked to those figures. Getting closer to the figures finally she knew who it was. "Hanagaki? Chifuyu?" The both of them then turn around and looked at Y/n. Their eyes widend in horror knowing that Y/n condition isn't at the best states. "Y/n-san?! Shouldn't you be at hospital right now?!" Chifuyu walked closer to the girl and hug her.

"Don't like the hospital. I just woke up and got out from the hospital." Chifuyu frowned hearing what Y/n just said. He let go of the hug and he kneeled down in front of Y/n.

"Chifuyu what are you-"

"Hop on my back, your feet is trembling."

Y/n just realize that her feet is trembling because of the injuries and the coldness. Then she hop on Chifuyu back and he start to walk to Takemichi. She then put her head on Chifuyu shoulder and slowly close her eyes feeling the warmth of his body. "Are you sure to bring L/n-senpai along with us?" Chifuyu just nod his head and hummed. "I can't see her being like this." Chifuyu then look at Kisaki and Hanma.

"Sure, she could tag along with us." Kisaki said it with his monotone voice and they start to walk back to their destination. They entered into some kind of room and the is a person inside the room. He was a one of the member of The Black Dragons. Chifuyu then lay down Y/n at the sofa, he gently brushed her hair with his fingers. 'She looked so pale... and tired...' Kisaki then start to conversation between him and The Black Dragons member to know every movement that their leader do.

It was very serious talk for sometime until they heard a sound of people walking near their room. Getting closer to room and then someone open up the door. It was Kokonoi. "What's this? Smells like a rotten rats in here!!" He examined each one of the person who is inside the room, until his eyes landed on Y/n's figure laying down on the sofa alone. Kokonoi then walked closer to Y/n's figure and stand besides her. Chifuyu is ready anytime to punch him but Takemichi held him back.

He suddenly chuckle and looked to his member. "It will be a torture for you, YOU WILL BE DEAD!!" The member was to scared and some of Kokonoi man's get him out from the room and ready to give him punishment. Kokonoi then looked at Kisaki.

"Now... How do I deal with the rest of you rats?"

"We came here not to fight. We just want some information."

Kokonoi then hummed and he look back at Y/n,

"Very well. It will cost 100.000 Yen and she will be coming with me."

Chifuyu and Takemichi widend their eyes and they stand up from their sit. Hanma hold both of their hands and pull them down to sit back. Kisaki give Kokonoi the money and he put the money to his pocket and went to Y/n. Gently picking her up, without trying to wake her up. He then take a sit and pulling Y/n body closer to him. He protectively hug her body as he notice a lot of bandages cover up her arms, legs, and some of it at her neck and face.

He noticed some small scars on her face, it make Kokonoi frowned a bit and then he looked back at Kisaki. "So, what do you want to know about my boss?" Kisaki then start the conversation between him and Kokonoi. Asking about Taiju when he was alone. It was for their mission, more likely Takemichi and Chifuyu, but Kisaki and Hanma decided to take the action as well.  Kokonoi then give them the infromation that they need.

"So, is that all?"


"Very well then."

Kokonoi then get up still holding Y/n in his arms and carrying her in bridal style. Making Chifuyu stand up as well.

"Where the hell are you taking her?!"

"Easy there, I will take her home. I have my ways to know her."

Looking at Chifuyu with his tounge out, then he went outside the room and walk to the hallways along with his men's behind him. Until he reached the outside the building he went to Inui. Inui then noticed the girl's figure in Kokonoi arms. Well Inui knows that the girl make Kokonoi interested in her, but he wasn't expecting that it will be this fast that Y/n and him to meet this quickly.

"What are you going to do with her?"

"I will bring her to my house, I don't know where her house is. Plus she is looking very fragile."

Kokonoi look down to Y/n's sleeping figure and his face soften when he saw her. Inui just nod his head and telling the other members to go home. Then Kokonoi and Inui went to Kokonoi's house along with Y/n. Suprisingly it wasn't that far from the place. Inui then help Kokonoi by opening the door. Kokonoi then bring Y/n to his bedroom and put her on his bed. Then he cover up her body with the blanket.

"She won't be happy when she get up, you know that right?"

"Relax Inui. I know I can handle her, cause I have the charming."

Inui just face palm at Kokonoi and he just chuckle a little bit. Inui didn't trust Kokonoi leaving the girl alone with him so he decided to stay the night at Kokonoi house as well. Then the boys sleep in the couch and Y/n in Kokonoi's bedroom.

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