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It was one bright day to start off. Y/n is just chilling out at her home doing some homeworks that the teachers give to her. Until someone knock on her door house. She walked out from her bedroom and open up the door, reavealing her two childhood friends Mikey and Draken.

"Oh? Didn't expect you guys would come here. What's up?"

"Wanna come with us to the hospital?"

At first Y/n was confused by Draken words but she then remember something about the meeting yesterday. She agree to come with them and the three of them went to the hospital. When they arrived, they start to search the person that they are looking for. Y/n told them that she will go somewhere first. She will catch up with them later. Mikey and Draken nod their head at the same time, then the both of them finally reach to the patient room and saw from the outside of the window door, a girl laying down with a lot of wores attach to her body and a lot of wounds on her body. It was Pah bestfriends girlfriend. Then her parents came out of no where and the father was very mad at them.

"You have some guts to show in here you monsters! Look what have you done to my daughter!"

"Dear! Please calm down!"

Mikey was irritated to the man because they are not the one who did this to her. But, Draken suddenly bow down to the man and insist Mikey to do it as well with his hand on Mikey head. Forcing Mikey to bow down to them. As the man keep shouting his anger to them Y/n walk behind the old man and woman. Then the woman notice that Y/n walk silently towards her with a bouquet of beautiful flowers to her and the old woman husband didn't notice her yet. "Hello ma'am, My deep condolonces about your daughter. Hope she will get better soon. Here I hope you like some flowers." Y/n giving her warm smile to the old woman and Y/n can see a tear drop appears on her eyes. She accept the flowers and a sad smile appear on her face.

The old man suddenly noticed about Y/n appearence and he saw that Y/n bow down to him and saying some prayers for their daughter. The old man give Y/n his thanks for saying some prayers for his daughter. Then the both of them left Mikey, Draken, and Y/n alone. The three of them start to straighten their back and look at the girl who is inside the room one last time.

"All of us gonna fight Moebius soon and we will deal our own problems in our own world. All of our member have their own families that they care about." Draken saying with his serious face.

"We can't let outsiders get dragged into this kind of situation. Ofcourse we don't want to see all of their families and friends cry either, don't we? You don't have to bow down if you don't want to Mikey, the most important things is to have a heart." Y/n pat Mikey head with her gentle hand and give him a warm smile. There was a moment of silent and then Mikey start to talk.

"I'm glad that you two are here with me... You both are really nice." Mikey suddenly hug Y/n very tight and almost fell down. Luckily Draken catch her and hold her shoulder. Y/n let out a chuckle and hug back Mikey. "Guess this is a group hug?" Y/n looking up to Draken and he just giver her a smile on his face. The three of them decided to go back to their house and right now Y/n is all alone. Walking by herself all the way to her house. She then saw Mikey running pass by her and he didn't notice that he pass by her. What's making him in such a hurry? With a curiosity on her mind she decided to follow Takemichi from behind.

She saw Takemichi is entering to an old factory that has been abondoned for a long time. She quitely step inside the building and she saw Takemichi is talking with Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Pah, and Peh. Takemichi is telling them to stop their fights between Moebius and TOMAN. Y/n surely want to stop them from fighting but on the other hand she was angry after what Moebius did. Even though she isn't a part of TOMAN anymore, she still want to help her friends. "Please! I'm begging you guys! Someone will be dead if this fight continue!" Y/n widend her eyes when she heard Takemichi begging to the others. Pah then punch Takemichi on his face making a blood came out from his nose. Mitsuya stop Pah and calm him down. Someone will be dead? How come Hanagaki know something like that? Making Y/n even more confused after what she just heard.

Suddenly a sound of people heard from the out side of the old factory and it was Moebius. Y/n was hiding behind the iron pole and she closed enogh with Takemichi and the others, also she can't be seen. "Oh so this is the baby gangsters who want to fight with us?!" The leader of Moebius, Osanai greet them with a smirk on his face. The rest of the members is mocking about TOMAN. Y/n just saw her friends and Moebius mocking each others and talked about the incident. Making Pah get real mad and then Pah start to fight with Osanai. Couldn't believe her eyes that she saw Pah getting punch by Osanai and a lot of bloods dripping out from his nose and mouth at the same time.

Pah then faint and Mikey catch him from falling down to the ground. Can't really hear what the both of them say but Y/n know that Mikey didn't dissapointed by what Pah did. Then Mikey, Draken, and Mitsuya start to charge Moebius and fight them. Takemichi and Peh just watch them fight and Takemichi was amazed that the three of them take down Moebius easily. Osanai and the rest of his members are down and no one got hurt except Pah. Y/n then widend her eyes when she saw Osanai walking behind Draken bringing some broken bottle glass ready to stab Draken from behind. Y/n moved her feet and start running towards Draken.

"Ken-chin look out!"

"N/n?! What are you-"

Y/n pushed Draken asside making him almost fell down to ground but he managed to balance himself. "Shit..." Y/n cursed under her breathe and making everyone  looked at her and widend their eyes. Osanai managed to stab Y/n right hand with the broken bottle glass making a blood dripping out from her right hand. She then realeased the bottle glass from her right hand and kick Osanai stomach making him fall down to the ground. "N/n-chin!" Mikey came to Y/n in worried along with Draken, Takemichi, Mitsuya, and Peh. "I'm fine, just a little scratch on my right hand." Forming a little smile with her lips, making sure they won't worried to much about her. When Osanai tyied to get up suddenly all of us heard a siren sound telling us that the police will come here. "We should go before the police came here and find us." Y/n telling them with serious tone and they all agree with it.

But suddenly when Pah gets up from the ground he pulled out a pocket knife and stab Osanai from the back making Osanai bleeds and scream. Then they all saw what Pah just did and they widend their eyes. "Pah! What the hell?!" Draken yelled at him and Y/n ran towards Pah and kneel down. "Pah! Are you crazy?! Let's go before the police gets us all!"

"Pah! We gotta go now before things getting worst!" Mikey yelled at Pah.

"Don't worry about me N/n-chin... Take care of Peh-yan and the rest for me..." Pah put his hand on Y/n shoulder and tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"I'm not leaving you Pah-chin! Please!" Y/n hugged Pah tightly and Pah pat Y/n head with his hand gently. But, still telling her to leave him alone in here. The sound of the sirens is getting closer. Pah pushed Y/n not to strong making her let go of the hug and Draken grab her into his arms and carried her with his arms. "PAH-CHIN!" Y/n still yelling to Pah and he just giving her his weak smile. Then the rest of them ran far away from the old factory and managed to get far as they could so the police can't search them.

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