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All of them stop in a big alley and Draken put Y/n down. He saw how shicked Y/n face is. "Why the hell didn't you go get Pah-chin too?!" Mikey yell at Draken who is pissed off by Mikey. "You heard him right?! He sacrificed himself! Even though you want him to get Pah-chin out from the jail HOW MUCH MONEY WILL IT COST?!" Draken shout at Mikey who seem very angry that time. Takemichi tried to calm them down but he couldn't do it. Then Mikey and Draken prepare themself to hit each others. Mikey start to lift up his leg and Draken lift up his fist and start to punch and kick each others. But, someone stop them.

The punch and the kick land on Y/n who is holding Draken fist and Mikey leg at the same time with her arm crossed, it did managed to hit Y/n but she shrugged it off. Then Draken put his fist down and Mikey put down his leg. "Pah-chin would probably don't want to see you guys fighting like this..." A tears is forming in the corner of her eyes, but she quickly wipe her tears. Then when she lift up her head she saw Mikey and Draken was shocked when she managed to hold their punch and kick, also they can see a little bit of bruises that she got from the punch and the kick. Y/n give them sad smile forming on he lips and looked at the both of them. "So, please... Don't make Pah-chin regrets his decision." Y/n hugged the both of them and hugged them tight.

She let go of the hug and told them to get some rest and go home. They do as Y/n told them, but Mitsuya is still standing in front of her. She looked at him confused. "I'm not gonna leave you alone like that, you still need to fix your right hand." Y/n looked at her right hand and saw there is dried blood on her right hand. "It's okay Taka-san I can- Wait! Hold on!" Mitsuya grab her arm not to hard because of the injuries, then the both of them walk together to Y/n's house. Both of them enter Y/n's house and Y/n take the medkit first in her room, then she went downstairs and then she sit down on the sofa. Mitsuya then start to bandage and give some alcoholic to the bruises and the wounds at Y/n arms and right hand. Y/n wince when he applied the alcoholic to the injuries and bruises.

"There all better. Is there somewhere else that still hurt?"

"No, thanks for treating my wounds."

"No problem."

Mitsuya then noticed Y/n sad face and her eyes is cold. Mitsuya then cupface Y/n making Y/n looked at Mitsuya. Mitsuya looked Y/n with his serious face and making Y/n confused. "Spill it out. I know you are thinking of something." Widend her eyes when Mitsuya noticed that she is thinking of something. Y/n let out a sigh and take Mitsuya hands of her cheek and put it down.

"I know I am not a part of TOMAN any more but... Seeing Pah-chin giving himself to the police just making me feel unease and now Draken and Mikey is fighting about it. I don't know what to do, but I can't involved myself into the situation since I am not part of TOMAN anymore so..."

"Who said you are not a part of TOMAN anymore?"

Y/n stiffend her bosy when she heard Mitsuya saying that with his serious tone. Y/n was stuttering to answer his question and then he looked to Y/n with serious face. Making Y/n even harder to speak up.

"You know everyone in TOMAN miss you, they wouldn't abandoned you 'cause of your personal reason. You are still a part of TOMAN. You are still the their Vice Commander. You are still in the part of the family. You are still our Athena. So, don't say any stupid things."

Y/n eyes were teary hearings Mitsuya answers. She didn't realise that her friends still care about her, when she thought they were angry and furious that she got out from TOMAN because of her personal reason. She thought they won't accept her again as their part of the family. She was wronf. Mitsuya explain what happen when she was out of TOMAN. All of them were broken once she was out from their part of the gang. They can't solve any problems at all without her and they trying to hard to get back up from their down hills situation.

Yes, she was once their Vice Commander and being in that position all the member respect her a lot even though she was just a girl. She got a lot of strategy in her mind when there was battle or fighting and her startegy will always lead TOMAN to win. Y/n is good at fighting since she learn a lot of martial arts since she was 2 years old. She could easily defeated a group of 500 mens alone in 2.5 hours. Then she got her title as 'Athena : Goddess of War'.

Y/n then feels so much better when she heard what Mitsuya just said to her, Mitsuya decided to go back home since it's almost dark and his two little sisters are all alone at home. Mitsuya sayhis goodbye to Y/n and went back to his home. Y/n was thinking to get some fresh air after all the things that happen in just one day. She decided to go to the nearest park and walk by herself. She heard a noise from the park thinking it was just the children playing some soccer balls. How I miss the good old days... As she remembering some memories when she was a part of TOMAN. But, when she got into the park she saw her juniors which is Takemichi's friends, Mikey, Draken, and Takemichi is playing soccer balls together.

"Oh! It's L/n-senpai!" Takuya yelled her name making everyone looking at her direction. She walked to them and looked at Draken and Mikey. Shocked that she thought they were fighting each others before. Not believing her eyes that the both of them are laughing together because of her confused face. "We forgot what why we're fighting." Draken scratch the back of his neck giving his big grin to Y/n. Then she saw Mikey who is standing besides Draken with his smile. "Sorry that we made you worried about us." Y/n giving both of them her smile with eyes closed.

"At least you guys are doing well now." Mikey slighlty blushed and Draken just let out a chuckle. The both of them continue their soccer balls game and Y/n decided to sit with Emma and Hinata. The both of them are talking about going to the Musashi Festival with their partners which is obviously Draken and Mikey. "So, Y/n-chan will you come to the festival?" Emma asking Y/n with a lot enthusiasm. Y/n just let out a chuckle because of Emma face that has a lot of enthusiasm on it.

"I think I won't go, never been on the festival before, I don't have any Yukata to where, also I don't have any partner." When the boys hear that Y/n don't have any partner to go to the Musashi Festival everyone stop doing there things and ran towards Y/n.

"N/n-chin! Let me be your partner to go to the festival!"

"L-L/n-senpai! Please let me be your partner!"

"Jeez like you know anything fun to do there Makoto. I shall be the one! I will tell you everything how we are gonna have so much fun in Musashi Festival!"

"Nerd much. Don't be with Yamagishi L/n-senpai, he is the worst. Instead let me be your partner."

"Takuya, don't pushed yourself to much. Just pick me to be your partner L/n-senpai."

With a lot of confidence they all say the things why Y/n should pick them as her partner to go to the Musashi Festival. Y/n just laugh about it when she saw the enthusiasm within their eyes. "Guys, guys. Calm down. I would loved you guys to be my partner to the Musashi Festival, but unfortunately I have some things to do. Sorry guys." Making Hina and Emma chuckle about how the both of they saw the guys except Draken and Takemichi were expecting Y/n to choose one of them to be her partners. Their face were blushing red when they heard Y/n answers and they were embarrased at themselves.

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