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August 3rd, 2005

It was the day of Musashi Festival and Y/n just walk by herself to go to the festival to meet Emma and Draken after the festival. They agreed to meet in some sort of parking lot at the back of the Musashi Festival. But, she feel unease while she was walking to the parking lot. It feels something bad might happen and she just try to shrugged off her thoughts. Then she arrived at the parking lot and meet with Draken and Emma. When the three of them were talking, Y/n saw Peh from far walking towards them with Moebius members along his side.

"Oi Peh-yah, what the hell are you doing with those brats." Draken turn around and when he saw Y/n widend her eyes. Peh was mad at Draken because he didn't care about Pah. Peh thought that Draken is the one who needs to be the blame of Pah getting arrested by the police. "Y/n take care of Emma for me." Y/n nod her head and told Emma to stay behind her, Emma was trembling in fear and Y/n tried her best to calm her down. Then Y/n felt something coming towards Emma from behind. She quickly pushed Emma to the side and she got hit by baseball bat on her temple causing a blood came out from the temple. Y/n then hit the dude on his face with her fist making him unconscious and a blood came out from his nose. "Y/n! Are you alright?!" Emma yelled making Draken looked at Y/n who got a blood all came out from her temple.

"Stay there Emma! I'm alright, this might get my hands bloody." The Moebius members and Peh suddenly tense up when they felt a sudden change aura that came out from Y/n. Death is the only thing they all think when they saw Y/n eyes. Her E/c eyes is shining bright telling them that they should prepared theirself of what comes next. Draken then smirk and Y/n walked to by his side. "Whenever you ready Ken-chin." The both of them then start to attack those Moebius members without mercy. Not for long Takemichi and Mitsuya came to the parking lot and found out that Y/n and Draken was fighting the Moebius members. All of them already lay down to the ground unconscious. Draken and Y/n had a lot of bruises and wounds also bloods on their temple.

"L/n-senpai! Draken-kun! Are you guys alright?!" The both of them then looked at Takemichi and Mitsuya who jogged towards them. "We're fine Hanagaki, but the fights isn't over yet." Takemichi is confused when Y/n said that, then suddenly the Moebius appeared surrounding them prepare to fight. Y/n then stand up straight and look at every Moebius members. They sure are alot, with just the four of them it might a hard time to fight them all at once. But, Y/n always got something behind her sleeves. Then a sound of motorbike came towards them and Draken suddenly smirk. "He sure came right in time." Y/n looked at Draken and he then looked at Y/n. "That's Mikey CB250T."

Then Mikey park his motorbike on the side and he joined the four of them. When Mikey came, suddenly a guy step out from the Moebius members and he was smiling when he saw Mikey. "Glad to see you Mikey! I am Hanma Shuuji! I am just their temporary commander, but now I am the one who is in charge leading Moebius. So! You guys think all the five of you could defeat us?!"

Hanma laugh maniacly making Mikey and Draken pissed off when he said that. Y/n then stand in front of Mikey and Draken, the both of them confused when she stand in front of them. Y/n then tied up her hair and looked Hanma with her serious face. "Think twice before you talk, we are not alone." Then a sound of motorbikes were heard again, but this time they were a lot. Making Mikey, Draken, and Mitsuya widend their eyes when they knew who is coming here. Takemichi then turn around and he saw TOMAN members along with their divisions capatains arrived and all of them get down from their bikes and walked towards to the five of them.

"I have no time for dealing this, but when it comes to help I'll gladly help them." TOMAN 5th Division Captain, Mucho 'Muto Yasuhiro.

"Man! You guys already have fun without us?! Not fair!" TOMAN 4th Division Captain, Smiley 'Kawata Nahoya'.

"Tokyo Manji Gang is here to bring your asses down mother fuckers!" TOMAN 1st Division Captain, Baji Keisuke.

Mikey widend his eyes when he noticed all of the members of Tokyo Manji Gang is here to help them fight Moebius. "Everyone..." Then Mikey noticed that Y/n open up her jacket and tight it around her waist, reaveling her black crop top turtle neck and Mikey noticed that she had the tatoo that the gang gave to her, which is the black rose on her right arm. Not just Mikey who noticed that tatoo, all of the division captains notice it too and they all widend their eyes. "Let's do this shit TOMAN!" Y/n let out a yell and all the TOMAN members yelled back at Y/n agreeing to fight.

"Kill them all!" Hanma yelled at Moebius. Then the showdown between Moebius and TOMAN starts. They all fight each others with the strength that they got. On the other hand, Takemichi didn't fight the Moebius even though he got hit several time. He was looking for Draken 'cause a bad thing will happen to him. Thenhe noticed that Kiyomasa is walking pass by him and muttering something. "I did it... I kill Draken..." Takemichi widend his eyes when he heard Kiyomasa muttering and saw him holding a pocket knife with a stain blood on it. Takemichi then saw Draken lay down to the ground and a blood came out from his stomach. He ran towards to Draken and saw Draken bloods is all over his shirt. "DRAKEENNNNN!" Takemichi yelled making Y/n looked where Takemichi is at. Widend her eyes and saw Draken lay down with a lot of bloods came out from his stomach. "Takemitchy! What's wrong?!" Mikey yelled to Takemichi who is holding Draken right now.

"Mikey-kun! Draken! Got stabbed!" Then Mikey got more angrier when he heard Takemichi said that, he try his best to get through the crowds but Hanma and the Moebius members holding Mikey by attacking him so that Mikey couldn't get through. "Hanagaki! We trust Draken in your care! Get him to the hospital now!" Y/n yelled at Takemichi which make him realised that he still could save Draken in time. Then Takemichi do what he just got told by Y/n and he bring Draken to the hhopital. Y/n blood boiled when she knew Draken got stabbed, then when she was stood up there were a lot of openings around her making Moebius could easily attack her in any time. "Oi Y/n! Look out!" Baji let out a yelled to Y/n when there is 30 members of Moebius charge to attack Y/n at the same time. Y/n then give them a death glare and easily take down those 30 members easily. Then she stomp on one of the Moebius members face and wiped the bloods stain on her face. "This is what you get when you messed up with TOMAN you mother fuckers." Y/n said it with her serious tone and thenshe looked at those Moebius members who is getting ready to attack Y/n. Their feet were trembling when they saw how Y/n fights them easily.

Then they all heard the police sirens coming to their place. As soon they heard the noise, all of Moebius members ran away with their motorbikes and TOMAN claiming that this is their victory. Y/n then calm herself down and almost fell down to the ground, but Baji managed to catch her. "You did a pretty good job there, you should rest now." Y/n give him a smile and then she heard Mikey's motorbike sound and she know that he went to the hospital to see Draken. "We should follow him." Y/n then wear her jacket back and Y/n told the TOMAN members to follow Mikey before they all caught by the police.

Y/n then went to the hospital with Baji's motorbike and all of them went to the hospital. As soon as they arrived to the hospital, they all quite down so the police couldn't search them. Y/n then get off Baji's motorbike and went inside the hospital, Then she looked at Peh and Takemichi that the both of them were worried about Draken and Mitsuya tried to calm down TOMAN members who are inside the hospital. Mikey just arrived at the same time with Y/n. "Draken won't back down from his words, he will survived. Trust him." Mikey then said to the members. After some couple of hours, the doctor went out from the operation room and told them that Draken was saved. Everyone was very happy to hear it.

Y/n then noticed that Mikey went out to the hospital and she followed him. The both of them went to the back of the hospital. Y/n saw Mikey feet was trembling and his arms as well. Mikey noticed that Y/n followed him. He turned around and saw Y/n already open up her arms telling him to come to her embrace. Mikey rushed and hug Y/n and the both of them fell down to the ground. Mikey then hug Y/n very tight and start to cry on her shoulder. Y/n hug him back and stroke his hair gently. "Y-You both made me worried, don't ever leave me like that again... N/n-chin... Ken-chin..."

Y/n let out a little chuckle. "Sorry for worrying you Mikey. I promise, I won't leave you like that." The both of them didn't notice that Takemichi has been looking at them from the corner and Takemichi was very happy that Y/n and Draken were alright.

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