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Calls after calls with tons of unanswered texts, her boyfriend still did not pick up. Aeri put down her phone and sighed. The food was starting to get cold so she proceeded on eating without waiting. Actually, she had no idea where Beomgyu would bring her that night. She just went to a random restaurant and eat alone.

Her chest throbbed. This was not the first time he had done this but she didn't want to bring up the past. It would only hurt her more. Frustrated, the girl opened the chat room again only to see nothing.

Just then a message came in from Minho.

wimp minho:
who's that girl?

Her eyebrows furrowed as her heart beat faster out of sudden. She immediately exited the app and went to her Instagram account. She could feel her heart stopped beating when seeing Beomgyu's story was at the front, meaning he was online all this time.

With trembling hands, she viewed the story.

wimp minho:
where are you?

wimp minho:
send me the location

Within seconds, the girl was out of the restaurant with teary eyes.

How? was the only think she could think off. How did she not notice the change in Beomgyu day by day? How could she still forgive him after countless missed dates? How could he planned a date last week as a promise to make up his wrongdoings only to cheat on her with some queen bee from the school?

How could someone hurt a person's fragile heart like this?

A hand cupped her mouth as she tried hard not to sob but failed. People around started to look at the crying girl in an evening dress walking in the dark alone, seemingly heartbroken. Only with a glance they could know some guy had just broke her heart.

Aeri walked aimlessly as her feelings swayed her to every directions. She had no idea where she was going, just following her mindless feet that brought her nowhere. Her makeup was a bit smudged due to the tears and harsh wipes. She looked down all the time, not wanting people to see her bad condition.

So this is how heartbreak feels?


The girl halted before she felt two hands holding her shoulders. The newcomer panted heavily, probably just came running after finding out her location. Funny how the guy she sometimes despised the most was actually here at her lowest point.

Minho heaved out a heavy sigh. "Let's get you home."

She shook her head and pushed his hands away.

"Did you not confront him?"

He could see the small movement of her shrugging.

"Were you here since evening?" he looked around and glanced to his watch. "Let's return home, you look exhausted." he reached for her hand but she yanked it away. Without saying anything, the girl went straight into a shop.

Minho's mouth dropped after realising the so-called shop, "A club?! Hey!" he chased the girl inside to stop her but she was already on the stool bar and a bartender offered her a drink. He was too late when she drank it in one go.

Seems like this is going to be a long night for him.

"What did I do wrong?!"

She slammed the glass on the marbled table and earned a few glances from people nearby. Minho sighed at the drunken girl. He took the glass and put it away. "Aeri,"

"Why... why is he so cruel." she sobbed.

This was not the first time they went here. Beomgyu had broken her heart a few times before and they reconciled only for him to broke her again. Sometimes Minho wants to slap some realisation in her of how the guy is a walking red flag yet he held it in. He talked to her before, but her heart was too blinded by Beomgyu's charm.

"Listen, he is the wrong here. Don't hurt yourself like this." the older tried to talk but she giggled.

"Ha! Jokes on you! He has hurt me multiple times!"

"Then why–" Minho took a deep breath while pulling his hair. "Then whyyyy are you still hoping for him to change my dear Miss Aeri?" he spoke between gritted teeth. If she was sober at the moment he would have smashed her head on the table.

Just kidding.

But it's tempting when he needs to shove some reality check in her.

"Because he is Beomgyu." Aeri slurred with her eyes almost closing. She tried hard to keep them open but ended up leaning on Minho's shoulder. "He's my first... boyfriend..."

Minho sighed. "Let's get you home now."

Her head shot up. "No! 'm need to search... Gyu..."

"Oh I will kill those animals named Gyu." Minho clenched his teeth. "Stand up properly oh my god you're so heavy."

"G-gyu said otherwiseeee," she giggled.

"I pity you, he lied so many things."

Aeri snapped her head to him with an angry face. Her pout was three inches long that you could tie two ribbons on it. Shooting the male a death glare (which she failed to make it look scary), she snatched her bag and stormed outside. Or more like, limping and bumping other people.

Minho helplessly followed her from behind. She hiccuped and laughed at herself. Pushing away a sober random guy out the door, she disappeared. However, that didn't concern Minho at all. He knew where she would go. It's like her hang out place everytime she's drunk.

He walked out and took a left turn. Spotting a figure opening the telephone booth door, he halted.

"I don't know her." he muttered and kept a distance between him and the telephone booth. Minho kept glancing to see Aeri was sitting on the floor and reached for the numbers. She slurred some incoherent words and earned weird looks from the passerby. Minho could only sighed and let her embarrass herself.

"Gyu..." she mumbled and placed the telephone on her ear upside down. The door was closed but she still could see Minho waiting from afar. "Beomgyuuu pick up fast Minho is waiting for meeee."

"The number you have dialled is not available at the moment. Please–"

"Don't do me like this!" she cried and kicked the booth. "D-don't... don't leave me like this p-please..."

She hiccuped between sobs and wailed like a mother cat loses its kitten. The girl struggled to get up and pushed down the telephone level only for her to re-dialled Beomgyu's number. She waited and waited but the same thing happened – it went into his voice mailbox.

Aeri pressed down the level once again and this time, she pressed it harder. People from outside could easily conclude she was extremely drunk, too drunk that she didn't realise her coins were returned. Giggles erupted her lips as she closed her eyes and said, "I'm never gonna be enough... ain't I?"

The black haired girl stared at the telephone and pressed random numbers before she was defeated by dizziness. She hung the telephone back on its place and knocked her head once over the numbers. It was hurt, but she cared less.

"Ah, I'm so tired." she rolled down to the floor and stretched her arms upwards before hugging herself. "So comfy..."

Her legs were stretched to the front. She pushed them against the wall and immediately fell asleep, not even realising what she had pressed until the booth itself automatically went down to no one knows where.

Bringing the drunken girl into an unknown world.

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