t h r e e

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"Yang Jungwon! Get your ass here right now!"

Said guy laughed loudly when hearing a sound of water splashing, followed by a dolphin scream. He ran outside the house and messily wore his slippers, "I'm meeting my friend now!"

"Fuck you Jungwon!" the voice roared. Jungwon let out an evil laugh and disappeared in the daylight.

A woman in a bun sighed as she heard her two sons bickering again. Surely, the youngest had done something bad again towards his brother. "Language, Jeongin."

"My new shirt is all wet." a voice grumbled from inside the toilet. There was a series of hitting zinc sound before he opened the door, revealing himself in a wet grey tunic and black trousers. He marched to the front door to search for the culprit who poured him with a full bucket when he's already done showering. And he definitely does not like searching new clothes in his current condition.

"Can I steal his clothes, mom?" he groaned.

"Just find a new pair and help me with lunch, honey." the woman calmly spoke. "Father is returning in a few minutes so we better hurry. He must be hungry by now."

Jeongin could only sigh and went into his room. He chose a new pair quickly as he did not like his sticky tunic. Thanks to Jungwon, his younger brother who likes to prank people, he needed to wash extra clothes later.

After getting changed he went to the kitchen to help. The family of four do not need too much food portion except for their father, who worked as a wood carpenter. It was fair with their monthly income. Their living was not wealthy, yet wasn't too poor.

Minutes passed by. The two mother and son had finished cooking for the lunch and prepared them on the table. Jeongin was supposed to find his brother but because of the stunt he pulled earlier, he refused to and went outside to hang other clothes. It wasn't long until he heard his father's truck pulling over at the yard.

"Father's home!" he announced and went to the male. He was about to help him lifting the wood but the older beat him on it.

"It's alright, get in first." he smiled with a sweat trickled down his forehead.

Jeongin's eyebrows furrowed, "Why? I can help you–"

"This wood is heavy."

"I have always been lifting these heavy wood." Jeongin chuckled and went up to the truck, where the woods were loaded up at the back. His father panicked.


He let out a loud gasp as soon as he pulled the cream fabric and stumbled backwards. "F... father–"

The older sighed. He facepalmed himself while his son was terrified.

"Who is this?!" he shrieked and pointed at an unconscious girl who was leaning on the huge trunk. "Did you abduct her?!"

"Jeongin, calm down," the father tried to pull him down but he snatched his hand away. "Son, please, look at her closely. There's a reason why I brought her here."

Jeongin shivered at the thought of his own father abducting a girl. Nevertheless, he obeyed and looked at the girl once again. His eyes travelled at her hair accessories, faint makeups and down to her short length dress. He frowned, "Who allows her to wear this short?"

In his entire life, he had never seen a girl or a woman wearing a dress that fell right after the knees. They were covered unless if the women are washing something by the river so that their clothes won't get wet. It is an unspoken rule to cover themselves properly until their ankle.

So when seeing this unknown girl, he had so many questions in his mind. On top of that, she had a black dirt – or a pencil – smudged over her eyes. When he leaned in, he smelt a strong alcohol that made him scrunched his nose immediately. "She seems like alcoholic."

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