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Jeongin released her when they entered another town that she has never been before. Aeri rubbed the pain area around her wrist. His grip tightened every seconds, every time when she tried to pull away. She hated this.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked, eyes teary.

"If you're keeping this up we will have to send you to the authorities." Jeongin theatened. Really, Aeri has never found someone as annoying as him. She tried to hold in her cries.

"You don't understand my situation, Jeongin."

"What? That you cannot go anywhere but stay in the house? That we don't have anything fancy to entertain you and make you comfortable like how you used to lived? This is just temporary, Aeri. Unless if you want all of us being punished and you dead then go on, or why don't you just join the factory workers and live there? You'll have more friends there." he snapped, immediately shutting her up.

This is cruel, she thought.

"You're just lucky I found you before anything bad could happen. My parents will not be happy if they know this." he ran his hand through his hair, frustrated.

Fortunately for them the road was almost empty at night. Aeri thought she should not have gone out at night. She informed them whe was going to the library but who knew Jeongin was actually following her. She could not imagine his anger when finding out she has been lying to the whole family.

The guy turned around and walked ahead. Because she did not know where they were at currently, Aeri had to follow him. She trailed behind as she did not want to walk near him. At this point she cared less about possible kidnapping for walking alone at night. She was tired of hearing Jeongin's blabbers.

She knew what she did was wrong but if Jeongin was kind and calm like his younger brother, Aeri would not have to go out because everyone was welcoming. She felt like the only reason she felt uncomfortable was because of someone who disliked her presence.

But then of course, who wouldn't be uncomfortable if someone from a completely different timeline in short length dress and reeked of alcohol suddenly slept on his bed? She was well aware of the differences. That's why Jeongin had a bad impression on her. They were not used to this.

At this point she thought if she had to live longer here, she would never be able to change the mutual hate feelings between her and Jeongin.

"Get in." Jeongin's voice snapped her back to reality. He held a door to a grocery shop for her. Without saying anything, the girl walked in followed by the guy. "I need to buy some groceries. Tell me if you need something."

It seems like he calmed down because of how soft his voice sounded.

Aeri wanted to puke. Jeongin? Soft? Her head must have hit some pole on the way here earlier. She just nodded quietly. Her energy drained after being scolded so she no longer wanted to talk.

"Mom wants to cook something special because she is promoted in the school," Jeongin spoke up after a few seconds of silence while looking at the list in his hand. "I guess you could be a help."

"I don't even know what are these things." she said, almost inaudible for him.

He turned to her, "You don't cook?"

"My maid does." she replied. "I do know the spices and all but looking at all of these–" she pointed to some sticks being tied together and small mountains of sands presented on a plate with a confusing look. "How am I supposed to know which is which? Don't you have packagings? How do you ensure the hygiene if it is being exposed to the air like that?"

Jeongin looked at where she pointed at.

"I thought you guys already have packagings." she said disappointedly.

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