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Aeri did not realise how much time she had taken at the library. As soon as she finished the second book, she looked out the window and realised it was late evening. She did not get to put the books back at the exact place and just rushed out. Luckily, she found her way to the house.

To her dismay, Jeongin was already at the door. He seemingly had changed his outfit from his school uniform to a casual one. Aeri was about to hide and sneak from the back door but he already caught her.

Next to him was an unknown boy. She shamefully walked towards Jeongin with her head down.

"Jisung hyung saw you going out."

"Him again, who is he?" she started to get annoyed at this Jisung guy. Who was he? Her stalker? His spy? Why is he tracking every of her movements and report it to Jeongin?

Jeongin pointed to the guy next to him. "My jobless neighbor."

Despite the subtle playful insult, Jisung grinned at her. She frowned. "He's your spy?"

"He's curious about you. I am too." Jeongin slung his arms against his chest as if he was a father going to scold a rebellious daughter. "Jisung hyung, this is Aeri, my distant cousin. She will be staying here for a few weeks since she is on her holiday right now."

What a blatant lie, Aeri huffed. She threw Jisung a fake smile.

"She doesn't know all about this village yet so she's curious about most things, even the forest. I really appreciate it for telling me she went there but next time no need to report to me again. I already told her about the waterfall."

That confused her. She thought Jeongin sent Jisung to track her whereabouts? She was about to open her mouth when Jeongin bid goodbyes with Jisung and pulled her inside the house. She could not even bow properly to the new guy, too shocked at his action.

"Where did you go?" he immediately interrogate her.

Aeri snapped her hand away from Jeongin's grip and rubbed it slightly. Looking away, she admitted, "To the library."

"You went there?!"

"Not THAT library." she quickly said. "I found a small library at the town and lost track of time. I'm sorry."

Jeongin sighed in relief. "You are lucky my parents are not home yet. They would be worried sick." he emphasized the last two words. "What did you even read there?"

"Just... stuff." she nodded to herself. "What about you? Did you find anything how to get me back there?"

"Yeah, but it is quite hard and seem impossible."

Jungwon went out from the bathroom, seemingly just had his shower. His eyes lit up seeing the girl, "You're back!"

She just smiled, why can't his brother be like him? Ugh.

"Hyung was soooooo worried when he realised you were not home earlier. He even searched at the main circle in his school unifo– ow!!"

Aeri was surprised at the sudden scream. While Jungwon was pouring a cup of water for himself the older stomped on his feet hard that it made a loud noise on the wooden floor. Jeongin remain unbothered at the younger's cry and drank the water Jungwon had poured.

"Hyung, you're an asshole." he cursed.

Aeri ignored the fact that Jeongin went out to search for her. "What do you mean it's impossible for me to return?"

"The door to another dimension does not open easily," he began and the three of them settled down at the dining table. "It happens only once in fifty years."

dimensions • yang jeonginWhere stories live. Discover now