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Aeri found a bunch of old clothes and toilet necessities on the bedside table when she woke up. She heaved a sigh finally accepting this was not a dream. The room was still the same just as last night. She slept in Jungwon's room and was still there.

Sun had not risen yet but the girl decided to take a bath first. It was just six in the morning so she was sure no one is awake.

However, she was wrong.

As soon as she stepped out of the room, the door in front of her opened as well revealing a messy haired Jeongin.


Both of them belted loud screams followed by doors slamming shut. Aeri had her eyes widened while clutching the towel close to her chest. Suddenly she was wide awake just because she saw the guy's naked torso. A hand slapped her cheek to bring her to reality.

"What the hell?!"

On the other hand, Jeongin had fallen on the floor nearly crying (because he's dramatic). He totally forgot there was a foreign girl in the house and the first thing he saw as soon as he woke up was, her. The girl he despised since the first meeting. He knocked his head on the floor multiple times with a small whimper. Luckily, Jungwon was a heavy sleeper that he was still snoring in his slumber.

What a great start for a new day.

"Good morning, lovely." Yumin adored the girl in her old dress. "Did you sleep well last night? Is everything alright?"

Aeri nodded, "Everything is fine."

Well, she lied, no, it's not. The room is so hot, mosquitoes are everywhere and the mattress feels like a wood. My back hurts and this morning I just saw your son's–

"Are you sure? Our house is not really comfortable for guests but if you feel that way, I am glad."

She feels bad now.

Aeri took a seat in front of Jungwon. The younger was eating hurriedly with two hands. One hand sandwich, the other hand drink. She stared at him in concern of him choking.

"Bye I gotta go!" he slammed the cup on the table and snatched his bag before rushing out.

"I'm heading out now." Jaewon got up and planted a kiss on his wife's cheek. Aeri noticed that she wore a casual outfit for work. No longer floral dress but instead a black long dress with a white scarf on her head. She silently admired the fashion during this period.

"Will you meet Changbin hyung?" Jeongin, who just came out from his room asked. Aeri immediately shifted her gaze to the food in front of her.

"Not today, son. Do you need something?"

He shook his head and settled down on the dining table, "I don't have anything to do today but it's alright."

"Well maybe you can show Aeri around." his mother suggested. Jeongin's eyebrows furrowed.

"Who's Aeri?"

Said girl looked up to him in disbelief with an offended look.

"Oh, you?"

"Hello–" she was about to say something witty but decided not to, afraid if another argument broke out. On top of that, she was still embarrassed with what happened earlier.

Yumin stifled a laugh. "I need to go now so Jeongin, be kind and show her around. If other people asked just tell them she is a distant relative who came to visit."

Wait where is she going–

Before she could ask anything, the woman had left.

Leaving her with Jeongin.

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