Destination and Plans

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Would Luffy give his brothers a chance? Where are the Whitebeards going to go?

I guess this chapter is more of a filler, to where they are heading after all these drifting.



Luffy woke up in sweat after another horrible dream, it made him feel grumpy and moody. He was alone in a vaguely familiar room, though Luffy remembered it being in more of a mess before. It's Marco's room, his tired mind supplied.

Based on the light from the porthole he must've slept through lunch, which meant he slept for quite a long time. Luffy sighs harshly in frustration, and laid back down on the bed with a loud thump. How long were the nightmares going to last this time? He wondered.

Luffy didn't really like using his brain to think, but what should he do next? Should he stay with the Whitebeards or leave as soon as he could. Now that the world knows of his existence, it won't be good for anyone to be near him. The World Government would either want him back alive or want him dead, and any of those choices were not great. It would also mean they would send people after him, most probably Cipher Pol agents. He sighs again, suppressing shivers at the thought of facing any more of the CPs, especially zero and one. Yeah, he should probably leave this crew alone before anything bad could happen.

Marco's not going to like that, nor are his new 'older brothers'. The raven didn't know what to think about the new information, he had have brothers, Ace and Sabo. Though, he was quite glad to find out he managed to protect them when they were little, if the story was true. Luffy doesn't, couldn't, remember anything, and he kind of wishes he could.

"Ace and Sabo, huh," Luffy mused aloud to himself, trying to conjure images of when they were smaller. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine it, maybe remember something, only to come up blank.

He groaned and buried his face into the pillow in another bout of frustration, releasing a tired sigh. Luffy took a deep whiff of the pillow, and held it into his face with both hands, a smile growing. It smells like his pineapple lover, he snickered at the thought. Ironically it doesn't smell like a pineapple or any fruity stuff, he laughed, muffled by the pillow.

Luffy decided he should probably get up, he's getting kind of bored. Being the curious person he is, he wanders around the room a little. There was a stack of paper on the table that seemed very much like the reports he used to do after a mission. He scrunched his nose at the thought, as if doing their bidding as an assassin wasn't enough, he was subjected to torturous paperworks too. It seemed like Marco managed to get some work done while he was asleep.

'What kind of pirates have paperworks?!' Luffy thought incredulously.

Moving on, Luffy noticed his weapon's cleaned and stashed on one corner. Thanking Marco for that, if he was the one who did it. There were pictures on the wall of him and his crew, or brothers, like the blond like to say. He looked really happy in all the pictures, though about 80% of it had his typical bored face.

On the table there was a mug used for his stationeries, it says 'favourite mother hen' with an image of a blue chicken on the other side, Luffy smiled, assuming it was probably a gift. There was also a stack of new clothing on the table, they were smaller than Marco's usual outfits. It's probably for him.

He went to bathe, inspecting the wounds that were kind of in it's disgusting phase. They would probably get mad if they found out he bathed but Luffy likes being clean, another thing he got used to. Being a prized slave meant he was paraded around a lot so he needs to look 'clean', besides 'they' liked him clean when he's in bed with them. Yet there were occasions when he didn't get to bathe for days and even months, the smell and stickiness, it was disgusting.

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