He's Alive! (Other POVs)

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A little update on what is going on at the Moby Dick and Whitebeard finally getting some good news to soothe his old heart 3

Hi, this is another short chapter but hopefully a good one.



Mihawk was dreading going back to meet that stupid redhead, he was holding the letter or more of a note from the phoenix. He only agreed to help because his student wanted him to and was honestly glad to see the raven again. The raven managed to escape the World Government but not without sacrifices, Luffy had grown on his cold heart even though he didn't want to admit it. It also looked like the raven had grown rather fond of the old man's phoenix and it was obviously mutual, which made him chuckle slightly. The phoenix was probably wrapped in the fox's pretty little fingers so fast he would be ashamed to admit it. Lost in thought on the way back, he didn't even realise arriving on the beach where Red Force was docked. When he arrived at the dock and boarded the Red Force, he could already feel a headache coming.

"Oh, Hawkeye~ you're back, where'd you go mate?" Shanks asked, slinging an arm over his shoulder causing the man to grimace, "You're in a better mood, did you get laid?"

The swordsman rubbed his temples, "Please shut up Shanks before I make you," he said before passing him the letter, "It's a favour from someone you know." The redhead raised an eyebrow to this and opened the note.


If it's not too much, can you pass a message to Whitebeard for me? 'I am alive and should be able to return to the Moby Dick soon, don't worry about my well being as I am safe and well fed, I will tell you more when I return.'

Marco the Phoenix,

"Dahahahahaha, so the phoenix is alive after all, the old man must be happy to hear this," the yonko laughed as he went to the communications room followed by Mihawk and Benn, his first mate, to contact Whitebeard. They were not allies but they weren't enemies either, just on good terms and maybe drinking partners.

"Puru puru puru puru...ker-chak," the snail's face turned into Haruta's, the only female commander. 12th division and has cropped messy brown hair to be exact. "Who's this?"

"It's Akagami, I have an important message for old man Whitebeard," he announced. There was silence before he heard rustling and quick steps before a familiar booming voice could be heard.

"What is it brat, you better not be wasting my time," boomed the snail which now had a distinct crescent moustache.

"Dahahaha, you're just busy drinking," Akagami replied, "I guarantee you'll love this"

"Hmph, what is it? Stop acting suspenseful."

"I got a message from your phoenix," Shanks declared, grinning.


On the Moby Dick several hours ago, tension was running high and Whitebeard knew. His eldest son was gone, 'Marco's strong he can't be dead,' he frowned at the thought, refusing to accept that his first mate might be gone forever. There was a betrayal by Teach and now Marco's 'missing' and Ace, his second division commander had disobeyed him and went to chase him, out of anger and responsibility. He was worried but Ace can be really stubborn and he could not stop him. Besides, usually division commanders would be the one to take care of their own members so he just hoped for the best. The only good news was that Thatch had woken up and was currently resting in the infirmary though he was devastated to find out what happened to Marco. Whitebeard sighed, no matter how strong he is there's only so much he could do. He had been searching for his son all over the seas and even called in a favour from all his allies and the redheaded brat, but there was still no news. Whitebeard stared at the barrel of rum in his hand and had actually started to miss Marco nagging him to stop drinking. His children had been doing their best to pull through with work and trying to lift up the spirits, Thatch's recovery thankfully also helped with that. The commanders trying to pick up the slack and Jozu trying to take up Marco's role for the time being. However, the absence was strikingly obvious because Marco was a huge part of this crew, family. He sighs again for the umpteenth time, sitting on his 'throne' and drinking his rum with IVs attached to him when one of his daughters, Haruta, ran out holding a den-den mushi.

"It's Akagami, oyaji, he said it's important," she said.

He took the den-den mushi and asked him what he wanted, by now all the commanders except for Thatch were gathered around him. Then the other yonko said, "I got a message from your phoenix," and all hell broke loose, there were cheering and questions all shouted over each other.

"Enough!" He silenced them, feeling hopeful and asked the snail, "A message? Did you find him?" Whitebeard asked, masking his eagerness. It's the good news they have been waiting for after all.

"Dahahahaha, he wrote a letter and passed it to Hawkeye," he told them, which made them a little suspicious. Hawkeye wouldn't do anyone favours, especially Marco, who he barely knew. Shanks continued regardless, unaware of their feelings, "He wrote here, 'I am alive and should be able to return to the Moby Dick soon, don't worry about my well being as I am safe and well fed, I will tell you more when I return,' Marco the phoenix."

They all released a breath until Izo asked, "Is this credible? Why would Hawkeye do Marco a favour anyway and why is Marco not with you then. It's suspicious," he finished to see his brothers nodding along. Whitebeard remained quiet, also wondering the same thing.

"I didn't do the favour for him but it is credible, I would gain nothing from faking this and he didn't want to deal with Akagami," Mihawk informed dryly. To which Shanks shouting could be heard, 'ehhhhh, I would've asked him to join my crew, Dahahaha' making everyone who heard it sweatdrop sans Mihawk and Whitebeard.

The Whitebeards raised their eyebrows at this, a favour for someone else? Though it made sense Marco would avoid Shanks, he disliked him with passion after all.

"Who was it with him then?" Whitebeard questioned.

"The phoenix will tell you if he wants to but I will not expose this person's identity," he replied, "but I can guarantee you this person won't harm the phoenix as long as there's no reason to."

"So you met him then? Marco, I mean," the yonko asked, "how was he?"

"From what I could see he seems perfectly fine," the Shichibukai shared.

"Then why can't he come back now?" Vista wondered aloud, "he should be able to fly back."

"I don't know," Mihawk said, getting slightly irritated at being questioned, "you can ask him yourself later and it's your choice to believe me or not."

"Gurarararararara, that is good enough for me for now, I shall wait for his return then," The giant yonko bellowed, sensing the annoyance, "I owe you people for this," he said.

To which Shanks just brushed off while Mihawk said, "I didn't do it for you, so you don't owe me anything, goodbye," then ended the call. "Ker-chak" as the den-den went to sleep.

"Can we believe it, oyaji?" Vista asked hopefully, while the others also looked at him for confirmation.

"Hmm, well there is no reason for Hawkeye to lie about this like he said and Akagami seems to trust him," he assured, "we shall wait for his return and story then. Someone should inform Thatch when he wakes up, he must be worried." Newgate admits he is still slightly worried but it still made him feel a little more relieved and he could see he was not alone, his sons went back to their work looking more at ease and lighthearted. 'Come back soon, Son,' he thought, looking at the sky.


I always love how Shanks seems to have this skill to annoy everyone and anyone, Marco being one of them, yet at the same time can be cool AF. I wish I could write more on what was going on but I don't know what to write about and ended up with more of a summary from Whitebeard.

The letters actually has like a different font to represent writing ish but I don't think Ao3 allow different fonts but anyway I thought Marco would have sort of a neat italic cursive writing. Also, the letters were actually justified in a way that looks like an informal letter (again refers to Ao3 if you want to).

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