Water Element (8th day)

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Some fighting action, Marco making an appearance and a little more of Luffy's power and past.

Hi, HollowSea here with 2 more chapters today. There's fighting scenes here and hopefully it's good enough to satisfy action junkies. If not, just imagine some badass fighting scenes ;P


Luffy woke up, he planned to leave without waking Marco up but he was already awake and currently just staring at him from his blanket nest. Man~ the bird was just so cute and Luffy honestly wanted to keep him but he knew the bird would leave one day and he can't keep a person. He doesn't like taking freedom from anyone. Luffy decided to just smile at him and got up to change and get ready.


Marco woke up early today and found out that Luffy was still asleep and just watched. No, he's not a creep, he just doesn't have anything else to do. The sun was just rising when the raven finally woke up, smiled at him and went to change, not caring at all that Marco was right there.

He was now wearing a black collared, long sleeve shirt, as usual, to cover up the horrible mark on his neck from collars and wore long black pants with a blood red sash with the pants tucked into his combat boots. He then set a long black cloak on a table nearby for the trip later and went to prepare breakfast and lunch for Marco, while he was out. Marco was still lying on the bed, he could walk fine now but didn't bother moving from the tall bed, so he waited for the raven to come back.

Luffy came back to the bedroom area soon enough and opened the chest near the foot of the bed, it was black with shiny red embellishments. He never touched it before and Marco got curious, so he teetered over and took a peek. The action itself was adorable, probably because he couldn't see what's inside from that angle and looked at Luffy expectantly through those lazy eyes.

So Luffy complied and lifted the bird up to place him on his shoulders. Marco saw that inside the box there were bags of coins and gold, probably worth about 80,000,000 beli, it made him wonder where the teen got those money from. Then he noticed some paintings, almost similar to those hanging around the cabin walls. Marco has never paid any specific attention to them, they were mostly abstract looking splotches of colour and he didn't understand it. Luffy took out some bags of money and all three of the paintings and placed them near the exit. Then went to the dining table and sat him down to eat breakfast together, it was some fruits and more biscuits with milk. Yeah, they were definitely running out of food.

"I'm going out to get some stuff," Luffy said as he picked up some keys from a bowl beside the table. Marco wondered what those are for, why would he need keys? The cabins didn't even have locks on it. So, taking advantage of his bird form, he jumped onto Luffy's lap, surprising the raven slightly as he fumbled with the key.

"Moh~ I was going to take you with me, no need to jump me~" he said teasingly, making Marco look to the side, thanking whatever deity that he was a bird and could not blush right now. Luffy giggled, grinning and picked him up.

They left the cabin, went up the hill behind the cabin and another hill which he never went to before. He saw a well and a hanging wooden bridge that led to another small detached land, it looked dangerous but Luffy walked past it causally, used to it.

There, he noticed it looked like a training ground. A small shack, like a storage room, was at the side with some target board, dummies, weights, and pipes? That reminded him of Ace. Luffy unlocked the shack and his eyes widened slightly. Inside were weapons and not just any weapon, they looked good and expensive.

Propped by a wall was a nodachi with black scabbard, littered with red spider lily flowers and a red cord wrapping the handle. Then, displayed on the wall was a ninjato with white scabbard with orange and blue flames decorating it and a white cord wrapping the handle. He also saw a bow and some arrows, 'who even uses those nowadays yoi?' he thought, there was also a collapsible, black, bo staff, a set of knuckle guards, and daggers.

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