Roommates and Snow

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The curtains parted and light came flooding through. Grian could hear a groan come from Scar. He laughed quietly, and went over to the closet, pulling out a red sweater and grey jeans, as usual. He quickly looked at his roommates before heading into the bathroom they shared. Pearl was slowly waking up, Maui pawing at her face, and Scar had his head under his pillow, trying to get back to sleep. Grian picked up Jellie, who was sleeping on the bathroom floor, and quietly moved her onto Scar's bed. His cat, his problem. He headed back into the bathroom to change. Only a few more days till Xisuma finishes setting up the server.

In between seasons 8 and 9, the hermits were chilling in their shared house. Well, it was more of a small mansion. Grian, Scar and Pearl were roommates, with Cleo, Joe and Xisuma in the room opposite theirs. Down the hall were ZIT in one room, and Mumbo, Etho and Iskall in the other. Their floor was very chaotic.

Grian finished showering and changing, just as he heard a stampede of footsteps going down the stair at the end of the hall. There was no mistaking the sound of team ZIT racing each other down the stairs. Scar knocked on the door just as Grian was leaving the bathroom. "You're on food duty today G-man." Scar grinned.

Grian sighed, as he opened the door and left the room, waving to Pearl. He quietly went down the stairs, not like anyone would still be asleep, and grabbed the bag of cat food at the bottom. He heaved it upstairs and emptied a bit of it into the food bowls in the hall. The door to his room opened, and Pearl came out, with Pearl the cat in her arms. Grian laughed "Morning Pearl and Pearl!" Pearl let the cat out of her arms and laughed.

"Morning Grian."

They went down the stairs, chatting about their plans for season 9. Scar followed them with Jellie in his arms, quietly talking to her. Downstairs Cub, Bdubs and Keralis were cooking up some eggs. Xisuma and Joe were at the table, talking with Etho, Beef, Doc and Ren. Tango ran into the room, waving the tv remote above his head. Zed was following him, while Impulse's laughs could be heard from the room next door. TFC trudged into the room as Grian sat down, stopping Tango in his tracks. He grabbed the remote and smiled, "C'mon you two, you've left Impulse alone!"

The three went to the living room, where Impulse was chatting with Cleo. The chatting between all the hermits continued as they ate, until Xisuma yelled, "Where do you two think you're going?"

Everyone turned their heads to see a startled False, Wels, and Gem at the front door.

"Nothing..." Wels said.

Stress rushed to them, pulling their coats of the coat rack. "If you're going outside, put your coats on loves."

Xisuma laughed, "Thanks Stress, but they haven't had any food yet..."

"We will! We swear X! But we want to make the most of the snow!" Gem piped up.


Murmurs flew around the room, until Jevin said from the window seat, "She's right, it's snowing..."

Team ZIT were running to the coat rack, as Xisuma said, "Well, you should have started with that!"

Grian ran to grab his hat and mittens, as Cleo yelled "SNOWBALL FIGHT! UPSTAIRS AGAINST DOWNSTAIRS!"

Everyone rushed outside, grouping up into those sleeping upstairs and those sleeping downstairs. It was war time.

An hour later, the snowballs were still flying, as some hermits left the fight to make a peace snowman. Some had gone inside to make the hot chocolate, while others soaked their coats while making snow angels. TFC then yelled from the doorstep, "Alright guys, hot chocolate's ready now, so come in or have none!"

The hermits scurried inside, taking off their coats, mittens and hats. A few minutes later, the hermits were being given hot chocolate by Stress, all snuggling up and quietly talking about the next season. Grian smiled as he stared out of the window. Sometimes the best moments were between seasons. 



Hallo :D 

Welcome to my HC chaos book which will not have a schedual

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