The Beginning Of A New Star

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In this peaceful-like world.. there is a darkness

that tries to consume all the light. Protecting this universe is chosen by pretty sailor guardians. These female guardians of each planet contain enormous power that defend the universe from the Isfet; also known as Chaos that is trying to take over. A new unheard side of a story and adventure has started...

Chapter 1


It was a warm evening, Mau woke up, slowly opening her eyes, hearing the waterfall and sounds of nature as her ears started twitching. Her clothes, pink Egyptian pants and crop top drenched as she laid on the edge of shore after having almost drowned from going down a waterfall, but at that moment Mau realized she couldn't even remember who she was or why she was there. She suffered from a huge deal of memory loss. She then decided to stand up and walk around as her body was heavy from her drenched wet clothes and she shivered from being cold. Mau was only six years old at the time. Mau looked around and ringed out her wet clothes. She continued to stare around as she was lost, hearing a voice suddenly in the distance. "Mau!! Mau!! If you hear me please tell me where you are!" An unknown male voice continued to yell as Mau followed it to where the voice was coming from. Running towards a man with cream brownish hair and beautiful blue eyes but also with a girl with brown hair, horns and wearing blue. She continued to stay hidden as she was scared.

A crack from a stick was made by her as they both turned to her and had a relief look on their face. "Princess, you are safe! Thank the gods and goddesses." The man said, bending down to her height and holding his hand out to her. Mau looked nervous as she couldn't remember who they were, but something told her it was okay.

The girl knew something was wrong, her sister didn't act herself. She was her eldest sister, she was eight going on nine years old. "Hathor.. Mau.. let's meet up with Nyanko and go home, you all have had an exhausting day." The man said. Hathor nodded, still a little shaken up from earlier as she took his hand. Mau was still confused as she was suddenly picked up and surprised by the guy and the other little girl about her age as she was carried.

Mau was nervous about where she was being taken as she was carried quite a long bit of ways. They had walked quite a bit as Nyanko waved at them as she saw them. "Simon! Princesses! I'm over here." Nyanko waved, running up to them. "Where is the Queen and Princess Sekhmet?" Tin Nyanko asked as she looked very confused. Simon sighed before giving a reply. "Queen Lady Mau is gone, as for Sehkmet I believe she was taken by the palace guards. We will have to come back and rescue her, for now we must protect Small Lady Mau." He said holding her close to him as they soon formed a yellow bubble around them and teleported back to the planet Mau, soaring through space then dropping Hathor off to her Aunt Isis on her own planet.

They soon arrive on the planet Mau and Simon begins to make extra precautions to make sure the princess stays in her room and to be heavily guarded otherwise. Mau sat in her room and was confused about what was going on. "Why are they doing this to me? Why are they calling me Small Lady Mau? Is that my name??" Mau thought to herself. The maids brought in tons of food and offered to bathe her and make sure she was comfortable for she was now to take the place of her mother. She was fed and cleaned up by the maids as she was dressed in new clothes since the others were damp and smelt.

Mau goes to her window and looks out of it and sighed.

Nyanko walked to her door and looked sad about losing the Queen but she couldn't still help her jealousy of that little girl as her dream was to be Sailor Guardian, though she knew that could never happen in this lifetime. Simon then consulted the military to possibly pledge an attack if necessary to free Sekhmet. He was angry and upset he couldn't protect the Queen. He will have to train and protect as well as raise the new ruler of Mau.

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