Secret of Mau's lost memories and the Crystal Pyramid

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Mau was suddenly dancing, she couldn't see the face of the one she was dancing with. He looked familiar to her as she could tell he had black ears and black hair and was wearing gold. Mau blushed and she was pulled closer to him. Soon she twirled like a princess and leaned back half way as his arms rested on her mid back before he placed her back on her feet. "What's your name?" Mau asked as suddenly the world had changed. It was creepier than before. The man was gone. "Help me.. free me.. save me.." A random voice had called out. "How do I save you? Who are you?..." Mau asked but got silent no response and everything slowly started to fade away.

Mau suddenly woke up from her dream. She panicked. Mau looked around and her sisters were still asleep. "Who was that.. Why did he ask for my help? Why does he keep appearing in my dreams over and over?" Mau questioned. She thought about the dream more. Mau walked out of her room and then walked down the hallway. She took a trip outside the palace as she headed towards the garden. Mau gazed at the pretty flowers as she looked at each one carefully. Mau could sense something was behind her as she turned around to see Simon. "It's beautiful isn't it..?" Simon said as he had a sorta sad smile. Mau nodded in agreement. "It really is.. what are you doing here though?" Mau asked Simon. "I'm paying my respects to your Mother.. as well clearing my head, this was your Mother's favorite place to pray." Simon replied.

Mau looked surprised and curiously back at the flowers. "Can ask you about my Mother..?" Mau asked. Simon took his sword from his waist and sat down on a bench, leaning it by his side. "Yes, you can ask me about your Mother.." Simon replied. "Was she strong?.. What was she like? Why was she cursed?" Mau asked. Simon chuckled. "Slow down.. one question at a time.." Simon said. "My bad sorry.." Mau said. "Rehema was a really strong warrior, not as strong as the moon kingdom Queen Serenity. Back then I was just a very young knight.. Rehema was a princess in training.. When we first met it was by a first glimpse at the palace as we walked by. I didn't get to say hello though.. After hearing my success and talents, I was soon made in charge of guarding her." Simon replied.

Mau looked curiously as she kept listening. "Rehema was a wild soul, she loved adventure.. She hated being locked up in the palace and she always snuck out of the palace a lot to go on adventures. Course I chased her around and protected her. One day we wandered off a bit too much and got ourselves lost. Soon finding an enemy of the Mau's; Apep, the evil snake goddess. The snake goddess has been an enemy of the Mau's for many generation's unfortunately.. the current one now is the one that murdered your Mother.. Her name was Tia." Simon said. Mau looked at him curiously. "Tia..." She said to herself.

After a long fight, Rehema used her attack and finished off Apep, unfortunately the curse placed on her as long as she lived was: You will lose everything you love and hold dear." The Apep said before finally dying.. Shortly after that the curse started to play its role.. Rehema met Horus II.. fell in love.. it.. bothered me so much.. but then one day they married and Hathor was born and after adventuring together.. he soon died." Simon said. "The magician man.." Mau said with a smile. Simon blinked and looked confused. "How did.." Simon asked but then stopped. "Hathor told me and Isis told her.." Mau replied. Simon nodded. "Yes, Horus used magic, it brought your Mother a lot of joy and happiness." Simon replied.

Mau kept listening to Simon before she decided to ask another question. "What about my Father?" Mau asked. Simon took a moment to think clearly on how to explain to her. "Ra Amun.. he was both your and Sehkmet's Father.." Simon replied. "Both my and sis's Father?.. What happened to him?" Mau asked. "By then Rehema lost her parents, I remember.. your mother found him as a bird that had an injured wing and she took him in for care. She spent days and hours with that falcon bird. One day he lost his transformation and went into his human form in front of her. She was shocked to see this form. Honestly just like the first guy I think it was love at first sight. She spent so much time with him and one day they kissed in the sunlight one evening. Seeing her with him hurt as much as the first time.. but she was happy and that's all that mattered with me. She then had Sehkmet.. then a little while longer they had you." Simon said but with another sad smile.

Mau looked at him as she could tell he was hurt. "I'm sorry if I upset you.. I just wanted to know." Mau said as she was sad. Simon looked surprised and patted her head. "You have every right to know. Don't worry, I loved your Mother but she didn't see me in this way. It's fine just being by her side was enough for me." Simon said. Mau nodded as she hugged him. Simon was surprised as she hugged him back. "So what about the treasures?" Mau asked. "The eye of Horus..Eye of Ra and the Crystal Pyramid.." Simon said as he took a minute to think. "Are they really that dangerous, so much Ramesses would want to collect them?" Mau asked. "They are powerful.. too powerful and with them combined.. Ramesses could destroy the whole Ra Star Galaxy." Mau's eyes widened. "He already has two of the treasures.." Mau said nervously. "As long as we can use the Crystal Pyramid before he does.. we can still win." Simon said. "Where do we look for it?" Mau asked. "I think it's time I told you.. It's inside you." Simon replied.

Mau looked surprised. "Inside me!?" Mau said, shocked. "Yes, the reason Rehema serpressed your memories was to hide the location of the Crystal from our enemies.. the reason why you are forbidden to use your real name. It's the key.." Simon said. Mau looked shocked as she wondered what happened that day with Ramesses. "He knows.." Mau said. "Who knows what?" Simon asked. "Ramesses.. I activated it in front of him by accident." Mau said. "You what? You said your name?" Simon asked in a loud tone. "Yes.. I'm sorry he was human.. I didn't know what else to say that sounded normal.." Mau said. Simon sighed. "Everything will be fine, just don't worry."  Simon said to her. Mau nodded. "The power of Horus can see into the afterlife, it also has the power to read minds. It can also protect the user.. it can see hidden items as long as the user is aware of it, which you weren't. Then the eye of the eye of destruction if used in the wrong hands, it also protects the user. The power could destroy this planet like it would be engulfed by the sun.." Simon thought to himself.

Simon stood up as he put his sword back to his belt. "Let's go eat breakfast, I'm sure your sisters are curious where you are also." Simon said. Mau nodded as she followed Simon back inside. Mau walked with Simon to the dining room as Simon opened the door and they walked over to sit down and her sisters saw them as they were already sitting down at the table and they were curious that she was with Simon and if something important was going to happen. The maids brought in the food as they placed them down in front of them. They had pancakes, fried eggs, and fried fish. Mau's mouth drooled a little. Simon and the girls put their hands together as they prayed. "Holy Ra, Holy Horus! We give you thanks for your love, strength and truth. We praise you for our filled tables, and that we manifest with power and peace throughout all Ra Star Galaxy. Within all beings, and we accept your blessing now in mind and heart. Please defend and protect these children, our loved ones and defeat the evil snake as well as the isfet for good. In un ma'a." Simon said and they soon opened their eyes and began to dig into their food. "Yummy, my favorite!" Mau said happily. The girls agreed. Simon took a sip of his tea first before chowing down.

Everyone had finished eating. The girls took a nice trip outside of the palace. Simon stayed behind working in the computer room. It's been a while since the girls had gone anywhere on their own.Mau found a nice field with a pond that had the prettiest lotuses floating on top. Sehkmet and Hathor joined as they all laid on the grass staring at the sky, watching the clouds above. Everything was so peaceful. They stayed for a long time and even ended up falling asleep next to each other as the breeze hit their bodies as today felt so nice. Abbas was watching from the sidelines, she smirked and held up the eye of Horus pendant. "I summon you, Uraeus! Go forth and destroy those girls and bring me the white haired feline!" Abbas commanded. A naga had appeared. He had long brown hair in a ponytail, dark skinned with a gray with yellow stripe in the middle of his tail, wearing jewelry all over. "As you wish." Uraeus said as he slightly bowed, extending his arm to his stomach then lifting himself back up normally before he left.

Abbas was nervous. "This is my possible last chance.. I can't fail now." Abbas thought. Uraeus slithered up to the girls slowly and quietly. Sehkmet's ears twitched as she soon got up and looked. Hathor slowly got up as well as she looked over at her sister. "What's up sis?" Hathor asked. Both girls push on Mau to wake her up, Mau being a little resistant. Uraeus soon attacked them as Sehkmet and Hathor grabbed Mau and jumped out of the way. "Ahhh! What's going on!?" Mau yelled as they hit the ground and they quickly get up and began to transform. "Hathor Power Illuminate!" Hathor called out. "Sehkmet Power Ablaze!" Sehkmet called out. "Mau Power Ignite!" Mau called out as they transformed.

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