Crystal Palace

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Chapter 5

Mau was standing in darkness as a shadow went around her, she started running as she panicked not knowing where she was. "What is this place? How do I get out of here?" Mau questioned as she began to realize she wasn't getting anywhere. "What's going on? Is this a dream?" She asked as she kept running. She eventually saw a light and ran towards it. She magically turned into a kid and a shadow figure asked her to dance as he held out his hand. She couldn't tell who or what it was but just the fact it was a male and he had bigger ears than her. "Sure." She took the hand as they started to dance as a blush appeared on her face and suddenly she woke up as she sat up. "Just a dream.." She thought. Though the feeling of the dream felt nostalgic to her. "This dream felt so real.. like it actually happened."

Mau stood up from her bed and walked over to the window as she looked outside. She had a really nice view of the city from where she stood. The people were happily living, most of them was really hard at work. Everyone was socializing as deep down inside she wondered what life was outside of the palace. It's the only thing she really knew. Sehkmet turned over and opened her eyes as she saw her sister at the window. She could tell her sister made that same stare she always has. Like she wanted to fly freely but had no wings to fly.

A knock was heard on the door. "Girls, can I come in?" Simon asked. Mau and Sehkmet look both at the door. "Yes." Sehkmet replied. Simon opened the door as he walked in seeing Mau at her usual spot at the window. A vision of the girls mother reflecting right beside her as he smiled.
"Today I've gotten word from Queen Serenity that her new daughter was born and we were invited to go see her. I would like to take you to Earth." Simon stated.

Both girls looked surprised. "So now we can thank the Queen properly for saving our lives." Sehkmet said. Simon smiled and nodded. "Very much so. So pack your things that you need and let's go." Simon said before walking out of the room, looking back at the girls. "Okay!" They stated. Sehkmet grabbed her sun brooch and her staff as she put it away and it magically disappeared inside her body. Mau would grab her brooch as she looked at it, remembering the first time she transformed. She gripped it tightly as she walked with her sister out of the room. Seeing Simon down the hall they walked towards him to catch up to him. "We're ready." The girls said.

Simon smiled at them both. "You both need to transform and hold onto it while you're there. You are senshi now. Sailor Mau and Sailor Sehkmet."
Simon said unto them. The girls nodded and began their transformation call. "Mau power ignite!" "Sehkmet power ablaze!" Both girls transformed. Simon smiled proudly as they then soon left for Earth.

Floating in a bubble towards Earth, the girls looked around amazed as they stood inside a bubble. Simon watched the girls but yet watched his surroundings as well making sure they all made it safely. "Please make sure while we're here to be on your best behavior." Simon stated. The girls laughed. "We're not kids anymore, we know." Sehkmet replied. "That is true." Simon stated as he patted both of their heads. They both would smile. Going towards Earth they passed the planet Anubis as they were being watched from a distance. Whoever it was vanished soon afterwards.

They soon finally arrived on Earth as the bubble disappeared and both Mau and Sehkmet looked around as this was her first time to Earth now. "Woah.." They both awed in amazement. Gazing their eyes on the crystal palace. Both followed him to the palace where they were welcomed by Endymion as well as Artemis. "Welcome girls, as well as you Simon. The Queen was expecting your arrival. It's good that we can welcome members from our home planet here for it has been a very long time." Artemis said, slightly bowing to the girls. Simon looked at Endymion as a smile appeared on his face. "Come on inside." King Endymion said as he walked with his Royal staff.

As they went inside both Mau and Sekhmet awed in the gorgeous white scenery that surrounded them. Simon stood next to the King and chatted with him. The girls followed right behind as they looked at Artemis. "Why are you both on Earth not Mau?" Mau asked. "A long time ago.. the Queen of the Moon and the Queen of Mau talked and made a deal after the previous Queen of the Moon had done a huge favor for them. They had asked for the two finest Mau warriors the planet had to offer to help guide the future generation of the Moon Kingdom. Selene was close friends with me and Luna and so we were chosen. Ever since then, we have followed both soon to be three generations of the Moon heirs." Artemis replied. Both were surprised to hear the backstory. "So our Mother made a deal with the Queen of the Moon, that would make sense." She said and then thought about it some more. Mau looked at her sister as she was the only one of the two who remembered the Queen.

Soon arriving in a huge room, a woman with silver hair holding a pink haired child was standing there waiting, looking away from us before slowly turning our direction. Mau was really nervous about being there but Sehkmet was kinda excited yet nervous. Simon bowed to the Queen, getting on his knees. The girls copied him quickly and closed their eyes and then peaked their eyes once in a while. "So the Queen is gone.. All that is left is her heirs. I see." Serenity said when she realized this. Luna walked into the room as she overheard the Queen as she was very sad hearing about the Queen. She looked at the girls. "I'm so sorry to hear about our Queen. I wish I could have been there for her." Luna said sadly. Artemis nudged her trying to cheer her up. Luna slightly smiled. "Thanks Artemis.." She said as she walked over to the girls.

"Hi girls, my name is Luna. It's very nice to meet the Daughters of the Queen of Mau. How is our home planet now?" Luna asked. "That's right!— Thank you Queen Serenity for saving us!" Sehkmet said. Mau shyly also thanked her."
Queen Serenity smiled. "You girls are welcome.." She replied. "Who is that in your arms?" Mau asked. "This is Small Lady Serenity, my next heir to the throne." Queen Serenity replied. "Small Lady Serenity.." The baby made noises and waved her arms around. The girls awed at the cute baby as Endymion and Simon walked together talking as well as Artemis following him. The girls stayed behind with the Queen.

As more guests arrived. Mau stayed close to her sister as Simon would have asked her to. Everyone chatted and talked and laughed. Mau saw a man with long black hair and his arms crossed in the corner as he was wearing Egyptian attire. The man felt oddly familiar to her for some reason. She looked over at her sister than back to the spot he was standing and he was gone. She looked around everywhere and her sister looked at her confused. "Sis, is there something wrong?" She asked. Mau looked at her and shook her head. "No, everything is fine.." She said then went quiet and questioning what she saw.

The party ended later as everyone started to return home. Queen Serenity put Small Lady in her crib and she walked with Endymion over to Simon and the girls. "Please come visit us anytime." Endymion said. Simon nodded. "I'll try not to remain a stranger, come visit more often." Simon replied. Soon a small purple kitten appeared. Mau and Sehkmet look surprised. "Oh know better than to run off like that.." Luna said following behind her, then picking her up in her mouth. "Diana..?" Mau questioned as she realized by smell and looks that it was both her and Artemis's child. Simon and the girls bow and they walk out of the palace before forming their bubble and returning to the planet Mau safe and sound.

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