Chapter 8: A Familiar Face in an Unlikely Place

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POV Echo

Echo was glad to see that the members of the team they were supposed to be talking to had spread out around the banquet room instead of sticking as a group. She didn't get intimidated by much, but talking to five adults who were all professional street racers would definitely make the list of things she'd rather not do. Being able to single out a few members at a time was a much better option.

So, she, Frostee, and Cisco decided to try their luck with the two closest to their table. Both the man and woman were dressed formally, like everyone else, but had opted to wear their racing jackets on top, which Echo could now see were embroidered with the name Empire Motorsports. It was a smart move in her opinion- sponsors would immediately know who they were and they probably wouldn't have to initiate as many conversations as other teams. The guy was wearing dark sunglasses as well, which was strange, and from what Echo could see of his face from this distance, he looked scarily familiar.

"Choose your words carefully," Echo muttered to Cisco and Frostee as they approached the pair. "We may not get another chance like this."

When they were a few feet away, the man and woman looked up and raised their champagne glasses in the trio's direction.

"Evening," Echo greeted them with a polite smile. "Nice jackets."

"Touche," The man replied, gesturing to Echo's blazer. He held out his hand for Echo to shake and used the other to take off his glasses. "I'm Matt Williams."

When she'd been at the agency boot camp, Echo had faced countless challenges and trained for every possible situation- except this one. The man standing in front of her was none other than their old enemy-turned-ally, Shashi Dhar.

A million questions ran through Echo's head all at once. How did he make it out of the sinking AI car ship? What was he doing here? Why was he using a cover name but no disguise? Had he recognized them, too? Somehow, though, she managed to keep her composure and re-focused on the conversation at hand.

"I'm Katie Graham," the woman beside Shashi said.

"Gwen Thomas- Alliance Motorsports," Echo replied. "And these are some of my crewmates."

Thankfully, Cisco and Frostee hadn't let Shashi's sudden appearance get to them either. Echo was relieved when they stepped forward to introduce themselves, looking relaxed as ever.

"Yo, I'm Mikey Huerta," Cisco said.

"And I'm Cameron Foster," Frostee added. Both boys shook hands with Matt and Katie.

"Alliance Motorsports, huh?" Katie stated thoughtfully. "Never heard of it. How long have you been racing, anyway? You three look pretty young."

"Mikey and I have always raced together, but we just joined up with Gwen and the rest of the team this year," Frostee explained. "This is our first high-profile race, but I've got a good feeling about our chances. Our driver's one of the best."

"Confident, I like it," Shashi said with a grin. "Who's your driver? I gotta know what my competition's like."

Oh, you know her all too well, Echo thought. She wondered if it was a good idea to "introduce" Shashi to Tony and Layla, considering their history. Layla could usually keep her head on straight when she needed to, but this might be too big a surprise for even her to handle. And T...well, he'd pretty much lost it the last time Shashi showed up unannounced.

"Madison West," Echo replied. "She's talking to sponsors with our other crewmate. You'll probably see her around later."

"What about your crew?" Cisco asked. "I'm guessing you guys have been racing for a while, judging from all the press attention."

Good move, Cisco. Echo had been hoping for a change of subject, and this would hopefully get them some helpful info for the mission, too.

"Empire got our crew together four years ago," Katie told them. "We just won our first Grand Prix six months ago- that's why the press is so intense.

"That's big time," Frostee said. "So you're the team to beat, then?"

"I'd say so, yes," Shashi confirmed. Then he furrowed his brow. "You should've known that, though- have you not been looking at the rankings after each leg?"

"We're a late entry," Echo explained. "Couldn't sign up until we all turned eighteen."

"You're only eighteen?"

Echo silently cursed herself for bringing up their age. For any other person in the room, it wouldn't have mattered, but Shashi was now studying the three of them with a slight furrow in his brow. There weren't that many young street racers who'd be good enough to drive in a high-profile race like this. Shashi had seen them drive. He knew they had the talent and he'd known them long enough that their disguises might not hold up if he had even the slightest suspicions.

Thankfully, a woman at the front of the room began speaking, instructing everyone to take their seats for dinner. Echo, Cisco, and Frostee bid Shashi and Katie goodbye and began making their way back to their table. Echo risked a glance back as they were leaving, only to see that Shashi was looking too. They locked eyes- a single, short-lived moment of recognition and questioning all at once. Things were about to get a whole lot more interesting.

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