Chapter 18: The Grand Prix

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The scene at the starting line was unlike anything Tony could've imagined. They were standing in the Red Square, one of the most historical and important parts of the city of Moscow and even Europe as a whole. Beautifully crafted architecture stood on all sides, and thousands of people lined the edge of the square, waving flags and banners and cheering like they'd been waiting for this moment their whole lives. It was a surreal moment, and Tony probably would've stood there in awe all day if a camera hadn't flashed brightly in front of his face.

Along with the massive crowd, the press and paparazzi were making their presence known with endless camera clicks and constant chatter from reporters giving live updates to fans watching from all over the world. Tony forced himself to focus as he walked with his crew and the other teams to where their cars had been lined up. He couldn't afford any slip ups with his cover on this mission- especially not now when they were so exposed.

Miss Nowhere had given them a detailed outline in their mission binders of how their roles would work during the race. Layla would be driving, of course, and doing whatever she could to win. Echo, Cisco and Frostee- as the pit crew- would follow the race through each checkpoint, taking shortcuts to arrive at each one before Layla did so they'd be ready to make necessary adjustments to her car. And Tony would be camped out somewhere near the main route, watching for anything suspicious and keeping an eye on Layla.

He still didn't know exactly how he was supposed to do all that, but he'd have to figure it out on the fly. It shouldn't have felt so intimidating, since that was the way he came up with most of his plans, but Tony was really feeling the pressure. Ever since Layla had beat him and secured her role as their driver for the grand prix, Tony had almost felt relieved that maybe his driving skills wouldn't be called upon at all during this mission. With all the struggles he'd been having with flashbacks causing him to freeze up at the wheel and not getting any sleep due to nightmares, it felt safer for him to stay off the road- as much as he hated to admit it. But now, Miss Nowhere had assigned him a job that could potentially end with all those nightmares and flashbacks coming to life. Tony hadn't been able to shake that thought from his head all morning, and he needed to do something about it fast. With the start of the race only five minutes away, there was no more time for distractions.

"Gwen, Mikey, Cam- wish Madison luck and then follow me," Miss Nowhere's sharp voice commanded from Tony's left, addressing Echo, Cisco, and Frostee. Tony had almost forgotten their code names.

"And Connor," Miss Nowhere continued, looking at Tony now. "I don't care when you leave, just get in position before any of the racers reach the first checkpoint. And stay focused."

With that, she stepped back with Gary and Julius, speaking to them in hushed tones. Cisco, Echo, and Frostee each pulled Layla in for a hug. Like usual, she was reluctant at first but eventually squeezed back tightly.

"I can use my drones to make changes to your car while you're racing, too," Frostee told her. "I figured it would be against the rules, but I checked and there's nothing against it. Guess they figured no one would even think to try. So just let me know when you need it."

"Of course you would figure that out," Layla grinned. "I can't believe I'm even saying something so sappy, but I wouldn't want anyone else as my pit crew."

"Yeah, we're definitely gonna tease you for that later," Echo said. "But if you win we'll go easy on you."

"And you are gonna win. You've got this," Cisco assured Layla. "We'll see you at the first checkpoint. And T- Uh, Conner, I guess we'll see you at the finish line?"

"Wouldn't miss it," Tony said, giving Cisco a fist bump. "Good luck, guys. And be safe."

Cisco, Frostee, and Echo left to follow Miss Nowhere, Gary, and Julius, leaving Tony alone with Layla. He wasn't really sure what to say, or why this felt like such a big goodbye when they would see each other again right after the race. Layla broke the silence for him.

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