Chapter 26: Reunion

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POV Tony

How did that just work? Tony's mind screamed. How did that just f-ing work? To be honest, the plan to drive straight through the garage had been a Hail Mary- he'd expected it to be made of a lot stronger material that wouldn't bust so easily. But they were lucky it had, because a flurry of bullets followed them through. The workers pursuing them had recovered and were now running towards the hole angrily.

"This is the room!" Shashi suddenly yelled from behind. "This is where they captured me. Turn right!"

The room looked like a loading dock, a big open space in the middle and piles of boxes and tools lining the walls. The room was cavernous, with the same rock walls as their prison but an incredibly high, arched ceiling. Tony followed Shashi's order and turned to the right, where he saw an opening in the wall. It must've been the tunnel he'd followed Beck through.

Alarms were still ringing throughout the base and the sound of guns firing and people yelling followed the boys as they sped into the tunnel. It was pitch dark, and Tony's arms began shaking as he suddenly remembered that he didn't know how to ride a motorcycle. The adrenaline must've been wearing off. His whole body was starting to ache as well and his grip on the bike handles was growing weak.

"How long were you in here for?" He yelled to Shashi, his voice hoarse. "I don't know how long I'm gonna last."

"Just keep gunning it!" Shashi shouted back. "If you pass out we're dead!"

Of course Tony knew that. It wasn't like he was going to go down without a fight, but his body had taken one too many hits already. One more, and...well, Miss Nowhere could finally say "I told you so" about his stupid plans getting him killed one day.

Shashi suddenly cried out in pain and something shiny glanced off of the motorcycle's side mirror. Tony caught sight of it before it hit the ground- a knife. The workers are throwing knives now? And how are they more accurate with that than a gun?

"It just grazed my arm," Shashi said unconvincingly, speaking through gritted teeth. "Keep going, there's light up ahead. You're gonna have to turn right away."

He was right. With some newfound adrenaline from seeing the knife, Tony accelerated even more, leaning forward on the bike and squinting at the faint square of sunlight up ahead. Seconds before they sped through the moss-disguised tunnel entrance, Tony spun the bike handles to the left and sent them skidding out onto the side of the mountain. It wasn't quite enough to slow their momentum completely, but thankfully he had kept the grappling hook. Tony flung it desperately into a tree and it somehow held, spinning them around on the front wheel of the motorcycle like a top. When they were in line with the path, he tugged on the rope to propel the bike forward and began speeding down the mountain.

Tony didn't know if the workers from the base were still following. He didn't hear any gunshots, but that didn't necessarily mean they were gone. For all he knew, they could have a helicopter coming right now to shoot them off the side of the mountain. But with the state he and Shashi were in, they might die from their injuries or the elements before any enemies caught up to them. Tony had no choice but to keep driving as fast as he could and hope they made it back to the city and the crew in time.

The sun was setting fast, and the already cold Moscow weather was turning more icy by the second. Snow had started to fall by the time Tony reached the base of the mountain and began speeding down the long road back to the city square.

"How's your arm?" Tony called to Shashi. The guy hadn't said a word since they'd escaped the tunnel.

Shashi coughed, and when he spoke his voice was raspy. Tony could barely hear him over the wind.

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