Chapter 27: Renuion pt. 2

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Echo wanted nothing more than to take a long, hot shower. She was exhausted and sweaty and felt like she still had Shashi's vomit on her even though she'd changed clothes and washed her hands six times. Yeah, six times. What a night.

She and Layla had been in the middle of debriefing their conversation with Shayna Queens when Tony and Shashi had showed up at their door, looking so battered and broken she almost didn't even want to know what they'd been through. Since Tony was more Layla's priority anyway, and Shashi was in worse shape from the poison, Echo had taken on the duty of making sure he didn't choke on his own vomit until the doctor got there. She hadn't really had a moment to breathe since.

Now, with Shashi finally hooked up to an IV and an antidote working its way through his body, Echo finally allowed herself to relax a bit. The crew and Miss Nowhere had moved to the boys' room so they could discuss mission related things out of earshot of the doctor. Miss Nowhere was upset, but thankfully she had just enough empathy to let Tony fully explain himself before she jumped in with any lectures. And with the story he told them, even Miss Nowhere was pretty much speechless by the time he was done.

Echo couldn't believe it. Tony was one of her oldest friends and had become like an older brother- the fact that he'd put himself in such risky situations made her grateful, worried and angry all at once. It was perfectly on brand for Tony, but that didn't mean it was okay for him to keep doing this kind of thing. That must've been what he and Layla were arguing about before. She'd heard them through the bathroom door, though she hadn't been able to make out exactly what they were saying. Echo glanced over at the other couch, where Layla was helping Tony wrap gauze and bandages around his burned hand. Apparently they'd resolved the argument because they seemed fine now, if not closer than before- if that was even possible.

Miss Nowhere finally spoke.

"While I commend your bravery and loyalty, Toretto," she began, speaking slowly. "There is still the fact that you didn't follow your orders. As you know, that is grounds for agent suspension. However, seeing as you did get us some valuable intel and considering you will be out of commission for a few days anyway, I'm letting you off with a warning. Just don't let it happen again. And please stop trying to get yourself killed. I know I act like I don't give a damn about you kids, but if something happened to one of you, I would never forgive myself."

"Wow," Gary choked up. "That's the most beautiful thing you've ever said, Miss Nowhere."

The Spy Racers hummed in agreement, glancing around at one another to make sure they weren't just hearing things. Miss Nowhere looked like she was going to cry for a moment, but she quickly squared her shoulders and cleared her throat, continuing on like it was nothing.

"Right, well, don't expect to hear anything like that again," She said pointedly. "We need to get back to work. I'm surprised the police haven't come to question any of us already, so I'm sure they'll be here soon. Gray, Pearl- how did things go with Miss Queens?"

"Good," Echo replied. "We got her to bite on the story. Although, things might change now that Tony and Shashi are back- the disappearances were the main thing we used to get her interested."

"I think she'll still want to investigate," Layla said. "She'll definitely want to talk to you, though, Tony- if you're up for it."

"Yeah, I'll be fine," he replied, his voice still a bit raspy.

"Good," Miss Nowhere said. "You stay here with Layla and Echo. Girls, contact Miss Queens and let her know the situation. Text me once you've met with her and then I'll let the authorities know that Toretto and Shashi have been found."

"What about us?" Frostee asked, gesturing to Cisco and himself.

"I want you to modify some trackers for Okada and his team. Make them as inconspicuous as possible- so much so that police wouldn't be able to find them if they do body searches," Miss Nowhere told him."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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