Chapter 13: What's up with Toretto? Pt. 3

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POV Tony

Tony had stood up to follow Layla almost as soon as she'd left, despite the rest of the team trying to convince him not to.

"Uh, T, I know you wanna make sure Layla's okay, but did you see how mad she was? Maybe give her some time to cool off?" Echo suggested.

"I'll be fine," Tony replied. "We need to find her. When Layla's mad, she goes for a drive- but guess where her car is? Locked in a high-security garage."

Echo, Cisco, and Frostee suddenly got wide eyes as they realized what Tony was suggesting.

"You don't think she'd-"

"Probably not, but I'm not taking any chances," Tony said.

He headed for the door once again, and this time no one tried to stop him. To be completely honest, he didn't think Layla would actually break into the garage to get her car. Maybe before, when she was with SH1FTER, but not now. The main reason Tony had brought it up was because he knew it would get the others to stop trying to convince him to not go after Layla.

He found her leaning on the railing of the balcony at the end of the hall, blonde hair blowing in the wind as she looked out over the city. Wow, she's beautiful, Tony thought as he approached. But why is she out here, it's freezing.

"Hey," he said softly, joining Layla by the railing. She turned to look at him, smiling weakly.


She was obviously still upset, so Tony decided to try and lighten the mood a little.

"So...of all the places to go in this big-ass hotel," he started, a smirk playing on his lips. "You chose to stand outside- in the middle of winter."

Layla let out a small laugh and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, it's freezing, I know," she said. "So are you gonna lecture me about it or give me your jacket?"

"Touche," Tony grinned, slipping his suit jacket off. "But only if you tell me why you looked like you wanted to kill Miss Nowhere."

"Hand it over, Toretto," Layla tried to grab the jacket, but Tony held it out of reach. Even though it earned him a punch to the arm, he loved showing off the fact that he was four inches taller than her now.

"Here," Tony said with a chuckle, finally tossing Layla the jacket. "Now spill."

"Fine," Layla draped the jacket over her shoulders. "Miss Nowhere told me I couldn't talk to Shashi because she was worried my 'emotions' would cloud my judgment."


Layla sighed and looked away.

"Apparently, she thought Shashi and I were together during SH1FTER, and that I would be too trusting or something. But when have I ever trusted someone easily?"

"Well, I had to stop a moving train with my car for you to trust me even a little, so..." Tony replied, deciding to focus on her question instead of the fact that Layla hadn't confirmed whether or not she and Shashi had been together.

"That's what I'm saying. Thanks for that, by the way," Layla said.

"So, you're finally admitting you did need saving?

"Shut up."

"You're welcome," Tony grinned. "Did Miss Nowhere say anything else?"

"Yeah. She said the other reason she didn't want me talking to Shashi is because he's double-crossed me before, and she didn't want me to get hurt again. Pretty sure she was just trying to save-face, though."

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